1,573 research outputs found

    Two-laser dynamic nuclear polarization with semiconductor electrons:Feedback, suppressed fluctuations, and bistability near two-photon resonance

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    Feedback control is a powerful tool to stabilize systems for which precision control is difficult to impose directly, such as the environment of an open quantum system. Reduction of noise from the environment is a major challenge on the road to harnessing delicate quantum effects such as superposition and entanglement. In particular, spin states of defects and quantum dots in semiconductors display promising coherence properties for future applications, often being limited by disturbance from disordered nuclear spins in their environment. Here we show how optical coherent population trapping (CPT) of the spin of localized semiconductor electrons stabilizes the surrounding nuclear spins via feedback control. We find distinct control regimes for different signs of laser detuning and examine the transition from an unpolarized, narrowed state to a polarized state possessing a bistability. The narrowing of the state protects the electron spin against dephasing and yields self-improving CPT. Our analysis is relevant for a variety of solid-state systems where hyperfine-induced dephasing is a limitation for using electron spin coherence

    Manipulation of a single charge in a double quantum dot

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    We manipulate a single electron in a fully tunable double quantum dot using microwave excitation. Under resonant conditions, microwaves drive transitions between the (1,0) and (0,1) charge states of the double dot. Local quantum point contact charge detectors enable a direct measurement of the photon-induced change in occupancy of the charge states. From charge sensing measurements, we find T1~16 ns and a lower bound estimate for T2* of 400 ps for the charge two-level system.Comment: related articles at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Microwave spectroscopy on magnetization reversal dynamics of nanomagnets with electronic detection

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    We demonstrate a detection method for microwave spectroscopy on magnetization reversal dynamics of nanomagnets. Measurement of the nanomagnet anisotropic magnetoresistance was used for probing how magnetization reversal is resonantly enhanced by microwave magnetic fields. We used Co strips of 2 um x 130 nm x 40 nm, and microwave fields were applied via an on-chip coplanar wave guide. The method was applied for demonstrating single domain-wall resonance, and studying the role of resonant domain-wall dynamics in magnetization reversal

    Polarization-preserving confocal microscope for optical experiments in a dilution refrigerator with high magnetic field

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    We present the design and operation of a fiber-based cryogenic confocal microscope. It is designed as a compact cold-finger that fits inside the bore of a superconducting magnet, and which is a modular unit that can be easily swapped between use in a dilution refrigerator and other cryostats. We aimed at application in quantum optical experiments with electron spins in semiconductors and the design has been optimized for driving with, and detection of optical fields with well-defined polarizations. This was implemented with optical access via a polarization maintaining fiber together with Voigt geometry at the cold finger, which circumvents Faraday rotations in the optical components in high magnetic fields. Our unit is versatile for use in experiments that measure photoluminescence, reflection, or transmission, as we demonstrate with a quantum optical experiment with an ensemble of donor-bound electrons in a thin GaAs film.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Split-gate quantum point contacts with tunable channel length

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    We report on developing split-gate quantum point contacts (QPCs) that have a tunable length for the transport channel. The QPCs were realized in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with a two- dimensional electron gas (2DEG) below its surface. The conventional design uses 2 gate fingers on the wafer surface which deplete the 2DEG underneath when a negative gate voltage is applied, and this allows for tuning the width of the QPC channel. Our design has 6 gate fingers and this provides additional control over the form of the electrostatic potential that defines the channel. Our study is based on electrostatic simulations and experiments and the results show that we developed QPCs where the effective channel length can be tuned from about 200 nm to 600 nm. Length-tunable QPCs are important for studies of electron many-body effects because these phenomena show a nanoscale dependence on the dimensions of the QPC channel
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