702 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of physical processes governing larval transport in the southern North Sea

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    A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (GETM) was coupled with a particle tracking routine (GITM) to study the inter-annual variability in transport paths of particles in the North Sea and English Channel. For validation, a comparison with observed drifter trajectories is also presented here. This research investigated to what extent variability in the hydrodynamic conditions alone (reflecting passive particle transport) contributed to inter-annual variability in the transport of eggs and larvae. In this idealised study, no a priori selection of specific spawning grounds or periods was made and no active behaviour (vertical migration) or mortality was included. In this study, egg and larval development towards coastal nursery areas was based solely on sea water temperature, while settlement areas were defined by a threshold water depth. Results showed strong inter-annual variability in drift direction and distance, caused by a combination of wind speed and direction. Strong inter-annual variability was observed both in absolute amount of settlement in several coastal areas, and in the relative importance of the different areas. The effects of wind and temperature variability are minor for settlement along the western shores of the North Sea and in the English Channel, but have a very significant impact on settlement along the eastern shores of the North Sea. Years with strong south-westerly winds across the Dover Straight resulted in higher settlement figures along its eastern shores of the North Sea (standard deviation 37% of the mean annual settlement value). Settlement in the western Dutch Wadden Sea did not only show inter-annual variability, but patterns were also variable within each year and revealed seasonal changes in the origin of particles: during winter, stronger currents along with colder temperatures generally result in particles originating from further away

    Evaluation of Captured Water Column Technology for Advanced Ultrasonic Sizing Techniques

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    Ultrasonic (UT) inspection of aircraft engine parts has traditionally been conducted in an immersion water tank. However, experience has shown that the immersion tank is usually large, awkward, and tedious to work with. An alternative method which does not require immersion would increase the time efficiency of the UT inspection. One such method would be to use a captured water column coupling system, which closely approximates the immersion method and eliminates the need for a large immersion tank. The tank would be replaced by a trough or water collection tray to collect the water produced by the low water flow of the captured water column

    A Real-Time Ultrasonic Imaging System (ARIS) for Manual Inspection of Aircraft Composite Structures

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    Inspection of aircraft composite structures at field site facilities (air bases) is routinely performed using manual ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques. Using these techniques, the examiner detects and sizes defects such as disbonds and delaminations by monitoring and interpreting A-scan waveform signals on a UT instrument display screen. Manual probe manipula- tion permits maximum scanning flexibility and optimization of the ultrasonic signal response by the examiner using manual motions not possible with mechanized scanners. However, the examiner also must be responsible for instrument calibration, signal interpretation, documentation of inspection results, and completeness of coverage. The data reviewer must be able to validate instrument calibration and completeness of coverage, confirm signal interpretation, and compare current UT results to those obtained during previous inspections

    Activated protein C ameliorates coagulopathy but does not influence outcome in lethal H1N1 influenza: a controlled laboratory study

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    Introduction: Influenza accounts for 5 to 10% of community-acquired pneumonias and is a major cause of mortality. Sterile and bacterial lung injuries are associated with procoagulant and inflammatory derangements in the lungs. Activated protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant with anti-inflammatory properties that exert beneficial effects in models of lung injury. We determined the impact of lethal influenza A (H1N1) infection on systemic and pulmonary coagulation and inflammation, and the effect of recombinant mouse (rm-) APC hereon. Methods: Male C57BL/6 mice were intranasally infected with a lethal dose of a mouse adapted influenza A (H1N1) strain. Treatment with rm-APC (125 mu g intraperitoneally every eight hours for a maximum of three days) or vehicle was initiated 24 hours after infection. Mice were euthanized 48 or 96 hours after infection, or observed for up to nine days. Results: Lethal H1N1 influenza resulted in systemic and pulmonary activation of coagulation, as reflected by elevated plasma and lung levels of thrombin-antithrombin complexes and fibrin degradation products. These procoagulant changes were accompanied by inhibition of the fibrinolytic response due to enhanced release of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1. Rm-APC strongly inhibited coagulation activation in both plasma and lungs, and partially reversed the inhibition of fibrinolysis. Rm-APC temporarily reduced pulmonary viral loads, but did not impact on lung inflammation or survival. Conclusions: Lethal influenza induces procoagulant and antifibrinolytic changes in the lung which can be partially prevented by rm-APC treatmen

    The interactive role of predation, competition and habitat conditions in structuring an intertidal bivalve population

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    Habitat characteristics, predation and competition are known to interactively drive population dynamics. Highly complex habitats, for example, may reduce predation and competition, allowing more individuals living together in a certain area. However, the strength and direction of such interactions can differ strongly and are context dependent. Furthermore, as habitat characteristics are rapidly changing due to anthropogenic impacts, it becomes increasingly important to understand such interactions. Here, we studied the interactive effects of predation and competition on common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) recruitment, growth and survival under different habitat characteristics in the Wadden Sea, one of the world's largest intertidal ecosystems. In a predator-exclosure experiment, we manipulated cockle densities (100 vs. 1000 individuals m-2) and shorebird predation at two sites differing in habitat characteristics, namely at the wake of a blue mussel bed (Mytilus edulis) and at an adjacent sandy site. We found that recruitment was higher in the mussel-modified habitat, most likely due to reduction of hydrodynamic stress. Although bird predation strongly reduced recruit density, the combined effects still yielded more recruitment at the vicinity of the mussel bed compared to the sandy area. Furthermore, we found that high cockle densities combined with high densities of other potential prey (i.e. mussels) at the mussel-modified site, mitigated predation effects for adult cockles. Apart from these positive effects on adults, mussel-modified habitat reduced cockle growth, most likely by reducing hydrodynamics in the wake of the mussel bed and by increasing inter-specific competition for food. Our study experimentally underpins the importance of habitat characteristics, competition and predation in interactively structuring intertidal communities

    Connecting foraging and roosting areas reveals how food stocks explain shorebird numbers

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    Shorebird populations, especially those feeding on shellfish, have strongly declined in recent decades and identifying the drivers of these declines is important for conservation. Changing food stocks are thought to be a key driver of these declines and may also explain why trends have not been uniform across Europe's largest estuary. We therefore investigated how winter population trends of Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) were linked to food availability in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Our analysis incorporated two spatial scales, a smaller scale focused on roost counting areas and food available to birds in these areas and a larger spatial scale of tidal basins. A novelty in our study is that we quantify the connectivity between roosting and foraging areas, identified from GPS tracking data. This allowed us to estimate food available to roosting birds and thus how food availability may explain local population trends. At the smaller spatial scale of roost counting areas, there was no clear relationship between available food and the number of roosting oystercatchers, indicating that other factors may drive population fluctuations at finer spatial scales. At the scale of tidal basins, however, there was a significant relationship between population trends and available food, especially cockle Cerastoderma edule,. Mortality and recruitment alone could not account for the large fluctuations in bird counts, suggesting that the site choice of wintering migratory oystercatchers may primarily drive these large fluctuations. Furthermore, the relationship between oystercatcher abundance and benthic food stocks, suggests winter shorebird counts could act as ecological indicators of ecosystem health, informing about the winter status of food stocks at a spatial scale of tidal basins

    Restraining of glycoprotein VI- and integrin α2β1-dependent thrombus formation y platelet PECAM1

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    The platelet receptors, glycoprotein VI (GPVI) and integrin α2β1 jointly control collagen-dependent thrombus formation via protein tyrosine kinases. It is unresolved to which extent the ITIM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif) receptor PECAM1 and its downstream acting protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN11 interfere in this process. Here, we hypothesized that integrin α2β1 has a co-regulatory role in the PECAM1- and PTPN11-dependent restraint of thrombus formation. We investigated platelet activation under flow on collagens with a different GPVI dependency and using integrin α2β1 blockage. Blood was obtained from healthy subjects and from patients with Noonan syndrome with a gain-of-function mutation of PTPN11 and variable bleeding phenotype. On collagens with decreasing GPVI activity (types I, III, IV), the surface-dependent inhibition of PECAM1 did not alter thrombus parameters using control blood. Blockage of α2β1 generally reduced thrombus parameters, most effectively on collagen IV. Strikingly, simultaneous inhibition of PECAM1 and α2β1 led to a restoration of thrombus formation, indicating that the suppressing signaling effect of PECAM1 is masked by the platelet-adhesive receptor α2β1. Blood from 4 out of 6 Noonan patients showed subnormal thrombus formation on collagen IV. In these patients, effects of α2β1 blockage were counterbalanced by PECAM1 inhibition to a normal phenotype. In summary, we conclude that the suppression of GPVI-dependent thrombus formation by either PECAM1 or a gain-of-function of PTPN11 can be overruled by α2β1 engagement