304 research outputs found

    Fear of exercise and health-related quality of life in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator

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    Several studies have reported improved survival rates thanks to the use of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in the treatment of patients with life-threatening arrhythmia. However, the effects of the ICD on health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) of these patients are not clear. The aim of this study is to describe HR-QoL and fear of exercise in ICD patients. Eighty-nine ICD patients from the University Hospital in Groningen, the Netherlands, participated in this study. HR-QoL was measured using the Rand-36 and the Quality of Life After Myocardial Infarction Dutch language version questionnaires. Fear of exercise was measured using the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Dutch version and the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire, Dutch version. Association between outcome variables was analysed by linear regression analyses. Study results show that the HR-QoL of patients with ICDs in our study population is significantly worse than that of normal healthy people. Furthermore, fear of exercise is negatively associated with HR-QoL corrected for sex, age and number of years living with an ICD. After implantation of the ICD, patients with a clear fear of exercise should be identified and interventions should be considered in order to increase their HR-QoL

    Illuminazione a LED degli ambienti di lavoro: analisi tecnico-economica della sostituzione di lampade fluorescenti lineari con LED Tube in uffici e laboratori universitari

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    Analisi del rischio da Radiazioni Ottiche Artificiali dei LED, valutazione del rispetto dei parametrici illuminotecnici in ambienti di lavoro universitari e valutazione tecnico economica della sostituzione di lampade fluorescenti lineari con lampade LE

    The criterion-related validity of the Northwick Park Dependency Score as a generic nursing dependency instrument for different rehabilitation patient groups

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    Objective: To investigate the criterion or concurrent validity of the Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS) for determining nursing dependence in different rehabilitation groups, with the Barthel Index (BI) and the Care Dependency Scale (C D S).Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Centre for Rehabilitation of the University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands.Subjects: Patients after stroke, spinal cord injury, multitrauma, head injury, amputation, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, lung diseases, tuberculosis and coronary artery disease. One hundred and fifty-four patients were included.Measures: The Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS), the Barthel Index (BI) and the Care Dependency Scale (CDS).Results: The correlation (rho) between the NPDS and the BI for all groups was - 0.87-1 R-2 = 0.76 (n = 154). Per patient group rho varied from - 0.70 (R-2 = 0.49) to - 0.93 (R-2 = 0.86). The overall correlation between the NPDS and CDS was larger than the criterion of rho = 0.60 (r=- 0.74; R-2 = 0.55) but was &lt;0.60 in the rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis group. The overall correlation between BI and CDS exceeded the criterion (r = 0.75; R-2 = 0.56).Conclusions: The NPDS is a generic nursing dependency instrument that can be used as a valid measure across various patient groups in rehabilitation.</p

    Definitions, signs, and symptoms of constipation in people with severe or profound Intellectual Disabilities::a systematic review

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    Background: It is difficult to diagnose constipation for people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities. Definitions for this are ambiguous, and the symptoms and signs are often unnoticed. The aim of this study is to identify clear definitions of constipation for people with different levels of intellectual disabilities and to identify signs and symptoms. Method: Guided by the PRISMA statement, a systematic review of the literature was conducted within electronic databases MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane, and PsycINFO. Definitions, signs, and symptoms were extracted and the quality of definitions was assessed. Results: In total, 24 studies were included. Quality of definitions ranged from poor to good quality. Standard and referenced definitions were used in ten studies, a self-composed definition was employed in eleven studies; and three studies did not refer to a source of the definition. The self-composed definitions had not been evaluated after being used for the target group, and no scientific substantiation was available. A broad range of signs and symptoms were described. Conclusions: No substantiated definition has been ascertained for constipation for people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities. Further research will be necessary to identify which signs and symptoms are important for defining constipation in this target group

    Inspirerende kolomstrategieën : lessen van buiten en binnen de agrarische sector

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    Vanwege de gewenste transitie naar duurzame landbouw zijn 6 inspirerende voorbeelden binnen en buiten de agrarische sector geanalyseerd op basis van eenzelfde theoretisch raamwerk. De resultaten van de analyse zijn vervolgens gebruikt in een workshop met primaire ondernemers die een trekkende rol vervullen in een aantal (over het algemeen nieuwe) agroketens. Dit heeft geleid tot een analyse van nog eens 7 casussen. Op basis van deze analyses worden aanbevelingen gedaan voor ondernemers en beleidsmaker

    Biomassa-afhankelijk doseren van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen

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    Recentelijk zijn enkele doorbraken gerealiseerd op het gebied van biomassa-afhankelijk doseren in open teelten. Het gaat hierbij om plaatsspecifieke dosering van bepaalde herbiciden en fungiciden op basis van de hoeveelheid bovengrondse biomassa onder de spuitdoppen. Om dit effectief te maken, zijn toegesneden sensoren, beslisregels en spuitapparatuur nodig. Plaatsspecifieke dosering van loofdodingsmiddelen in consumptieaardappelen is nu praktijkrijp middels MLHD-PHK (Minimum Lethal Herbicide Dose-Potato Haulm Killing) in combinatie met de N-sensor (stikstof-sensor), of SensiSpray. In de testfase werd een reductie van gemiddeld 50% in het gebruik van loofdodingsmiddel t.o.v. gangbare praktijk bereikt. In dit artikel wordt een overzicht gegeven van onderwerpen op het gebied van biomassa-afhankelijk doseren van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen waarbij de Plant Science Groep (PSG) van Wageningen UR trekker van de ontwikkeling is
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