698 research outputs found

    Die gebruik van metode in die filosofie, spesiaal in die reformatoriese tra­disie 1

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    Die onderw erp van my voordrag, Die gebruik van metode in die fílosofie, verg ’n paar verduidelikende opinerkings vooraf. Ek dink u verm oed alreeds dat hierdie fomulering ’n versuikerde pil is om u in so ’n mate nuuskierig te maak dat una ’n heerlike vrye filosofiese ‘onderonsie’ gedurende die teepouse darem vir ’n tw eede sessie terugkeer. Want is dit nie twee smaaklike heuningdruppels nie: filosofie en sy metode’ en ‘metode in die Reformatoriese filosofiese tradisie'?! Veral as in gedagte gehou word dat in teenstelling met wat ’n mens sou verw ag, daaroor dié onderwerp as sodanig relatief maar heel weinig geskrywe is en word, selfs as die ‘Inleidings in die Metodologie’ daarby gereken word

    Prof. dr. H.G. Stoker (4 April 1899 - 16 Mei 1993)

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    Toe op 4 April 1899 te Johannesburg vir Pieter Stoker en Leentje Nienhuis 'n seun gebore is, sou niemand van die familie kon vennoed dat een van die oorspronklikste wysgere van die twintigste eeu in die wieg lê nie. Tot standerd 8 was Hendrik Gerhardus 'n leerling aan die Duitse skool in Johannesburg en daama aan die Potchefstroomse Gimnasium, waar hy in 1916 (eerste klas) matrikuleer. Begaafde onderwysers aan albei instellings het onmiskenbare vormende invloed op sy persoonlikheid gehad, soos 00k sy dosente aan die Literariese Departement van die Teologiese Skool op Potchefstroom, waar hy in 1917 die sogenaamde ‘Intermediate’ en in 1919 die B.A. graad aan die PUK. vir CHO met Sielkunde, Logika, Hollands, Engels, Latyn en Grieks as vakke in die finale eksamen verwerf. Twee jaar later word die M.A. graad in filosofie met onderskeiding deur UN1SA aan horn toegeken. Die jong student was bevoorreg dat onder andere dr. J.D. du Toit (Totius) wat die wysgerige klimaat in Nederland uit eie ervaring geken het, oorreed kon word oin 'n bepaalde aandeel aan sy vonning in die filosofie te neem. Op aandrang van sy vader verwerf hy ook die destydse O.I onderwysdiploma sodat, al is daar nie 'n olywepers soos vir Thales in 011 Griekeland in vooruitsig nie, daar darem vir 'n toekomstige filosoof 'n venster op brood en botter geopen mag wees

    Lewens- en wêreldbeskouing in die tagtigerjare

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    Jare lank was "lewens- en wêreldbeskouing" in geleerde kringe 'n verstote stiefkind, en onder druk van veral die Logiese Positivisme is hoogstens 'n "wetenskaplike wêreldbeskouing" nog oorweging werd geag. Dit geld ook van prakties al die wisselterme vir lewens- en wêreldbeskouing - en die alternatiewe in verskillende tale - selfs vir "wêreldbeelde", want is ook dit nie te spekulatief, generaliserend en religiegebonde vir die smaak van die moderne gesekulariseerde Weste en in elk geval met 'n tikkie Romantiek omstraal nie? Moet dit nie maar liewer om verleentheid te voorkom in 'n bergkassie van die Etiek buite sig gehou word nie

    H.G. Stoker as mentor

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    Woordeboeke omskryf mentor as ’n ervare en vertroude raadgewer, gids en leidsman, soos die vriend van Ulysses uit die Antieke verhaleskat. Die etimologie kan ons moontlik ook nog ’n skakel met denke bied. Die kemvraag is dus hoe H.G. Stoker as hoogsgeskoolde akademikus in sy beroep leiding gegee het, watter soort raad en waarskuwinge hy as kundige dosent aan sy studente gebied het, watter koers hy as ervare gids aangedui het - én hoe hy denkend uitvindinge gestimuleer het

    Hookah pipe smoking among health sciences students

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    BACKGROUND: Hookah pipe smoking is a social practice and has gained popularity, especially among South African youth. The extent of this practice among health sciences students, and their knowledge regarding the health risks, are unknown. This is important, as these students will become future health professionals possibly influencing the practice of individuals and communities. OBJECTIVE: To explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices of hookah pipe smoking among students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town. METHODS. A cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate and postgraduate students. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed as a hard copy and online survey. RESULTS: Of 228 participants, 66% had smoked a hookah pipe before, with 18% still smoking. Most began smoking in high school, with 25% initiating at university. Of the current smokers, 65% smoked occasionally socially, commonly at friends' houses for 30 - 60 min/session. A further 11% smoked cigarettes concurrently and 30% added other substances, mainly cannabis, to pipes. Most current hookah smokers had no interest in quitting (84%). Only 30% of participants had prior health information about hookah pipe smoking. Most knew that it was harmful (91%), with many not knowing why. A total of 80% of participants perceived that the practice was socially acceptable and 84% would recommend it to others.CONCLUSION; The poor knowledge about the dangers of hookah pipe smoking and the extent of its practice among health sciences students is alarming. These findings highlight the need for school and university health promotion campaigns, and for better regulation of hookah pipe smoking

    Secondary polycythaemia with elevated carbon monoxide levels due to hookah pipe smoking: A public health concern.

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    Hookah pipe (HP) smoking is perceived as a harmless activity, enjoyed by young adults and high school-going children. Awareness of the health impact of recreational habits, and their intersection with new social norms in the COVID-era, requires critical review. We describe a case series of young HP smokers presenting with secondary polycythaemia with significant clinical sequelae necessitating extensive work-up. HP smoking may lead to acute and chronic carbon monoxide intoxication, with resultant secondary polycythaemia and complications including provoked thrombosis

    Ethnic differences in lipid metabolism in two groups of obese South African women

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    There is a higher prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) in South African white than black women. The objective of this study was to determine biochemical explanations for this prevalence. The study group contained 15 obese black women (OBW) and 14 obese white women (OWW), ah premenopausal, who were examined after an overnight fast. Anthropometric measurements and blood concentrations of glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), catecholamines, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, C-peptide, proinsulin, lipograms, cortisol, growth hormone, and post-heparin Lipoprotein Lipase activity were measured during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), Body composition was measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis, and subcutaneous and visceral fat mass were assessed with CT-scans. Visceral fat area was higher in OWW (139.7 +/- 10.7 cm(2)) than in OBW (72.3 +/- 3.9 cm(2)) (P < 0.01), as were fasting and 3 h triglyceride concentrations (P < 0.05 for all). OWW also had higher NEFA levels than OBW at 3 and 4 h compared, with OBW (P < 0.05 for both). Fasting cortisol (266 +/- 24 vs. 197 +/- 19 nmol/l; P < 0.05) was higher in OWW than in OBW. These data demonstrate that OWW have higher visceral fat mass than OBW, which may lead to a more atherogenic fasting and postprandial Lipid profile. The higher cortisol levels of the OWW may promote visceral fat deposition. - Punyadeera, C., M-T. van der Merwe, N.J. Crowther, M. Toman, C. P. Schlaphoff, and I. P. Gray. Ethnic differences in lipid metabolism in two groups of obese South African women

    Hookah pipe smoking among health sciences students

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    Background. Hookah pipe smoking is a social practice and has gained popularity, especially among South African youth. The extent of this practice among health sciences students, and their knowledge regarding the health risks, are unknown. This is important, as these students will become future health professionals possibly influencing the practice of individuals and communities.Objective. To explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices of hookah pipe smoking among students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town.Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate and postgraduate students. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed as a hard copy and online survey.Results. Of 228 participants, 66% had smoked a hookah pipe before, with 18% still smoking. Most began smoking in high school, with 25% initiating at university. Of the current smokers, 65% smoked occasionally socially, commonly at friends’ houses for 30 - 60 min/session. A further 11% smoked cigarettes concurrently and 30% added other substances, mainly cannabis, to pipes. Most current hookah smokers had no interest in quitting (84%). Only 30% of participants had prior health information about hookah pipe smoking. Most knew that it was harmful (91%), with many not knowing why. A total of 80% of participants perceived that the practice was socially acceptable and 84% would recommend it to others.Conclusion. The poor knowledge about the dangers of hookah pipe smoking and the extent of its practice among health sciences students is alarming. These findings highlight the need for school and university health promotion campaigns, and for better regulation of hookah pipe smoking

    The views of patients with spinal cord injuries on their rehabilitation experience

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    Background and Purpose: Spinal rehabilitation programs seek to enhance the residual functional abilities of people who have an acquired disabling impairment because of SCI. Very little has been published on how patients experience rehabilitation, and what the implication of their experience is on rehabilitation outcomes. The aim of this pilot study was to explore the views of patients with SCI regarding their experience of rehabilitation while in hospital. Materials and Methods: A qualitative exploratory study using semi-structured interviews was employed. Twelve patients constituted the sample of convenience. Qualitative techniques were used to analyze the data. Results: The study revealed a variety of psycho-emotional issues related to the patients’ experience of rehabilitation. Positive issues included being treated humanly, being told the truth about their condition early on, family involvement in rehabilitation and being allowed to contribute to decision making regarding their rehabilitation. Negative issues were mainly their lack of insight into their health condition. Conclusion: The study highlighted important psycho-emotional issues related to the patients’ experience of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation personnel must consider these issues when working with patients with spinal cord injury, to ensure effective rehabilitation outcomes
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