481 research outputs found
Eight guidelines for the design of instructional videos for software training
Purpose: Video has become a popular means for delivering "how to" information about a wide variety of software tasks. With video rapidly becoming a major instructional method, the question arises of their effectiveness for software training. This paper provides a set of eight guidelines for the construction of instructional videos for software training. Method: The guidelines present a concise view on how to design an instructional video for software training. They are based on a considerable body of research on how people process visual and verbal information and how to support these processes. Each guideline is described, illustrated, and supported with research findings from various disciplines. Results: The guidelines were tested in three consecutive empirical studies. In these studies a set of instructional videos for Word's formatting options were designed. The effects of the video instructions were compared with a paper tutorial (Van der Meij & Van der Meij, in preparation). We found that the video instructions yielded more favorable appraisals for motivation, higher skills proficiency immediately after training, and better skills retention after a one-week delay. Conclusions: The guidelines offer patterns that could further advance the theory and practice of the design of instructional videos for software training. A limitation of the study is that we concentrated on instructional video that serve a tutorial function. For video that function as a reference guide not all the guidelines are equally important, and also some new guidelines may be called for
Animated pedagogical agents effects on enhancing student motivation and learning in a science inquiry learning environment
This study focuses on the design and testing of a motivational animated pedagogical agent (APA) in an inquiry learning environment on kinematics. The aim of including the APA was to enhance students’ perceptions of task relevance and self-efficacy. Given the under-representation of girls in science classrooms, special attention was given to designing an APA that would appeal to the female students. A review of the literature suggested that the best design solution would be an agent who was female, young, attractive, and “cool”. An experiment compared three conditions: agent (image and voice), voice (no image), and control (no image and no voice). The research question was whether students’ motivation and knowledge changed over time as they worked in the inquiry learning environment, and whether condition and gender affected such changes. Participants were 61 third-year students (mean age 14.7 years) from a secondary school. Gender was distributed evenly within and across conditions. A significant main effect of time on self-efficacy was found, with self-efficacy beliefs increasing significantly for both boys and girls. In addition, there was a significant interaction between time, condition, and gender for self-efficacy. About halfway during training, girls’ self-efficacy beliefs significantly increased in both experimental conditions and decreased in the control condition. For boys the opposite pattern was found. Girls also gave higher appraisals for the agent. Students in all three conditions realized significant knowledge gains, which did not differ by gender. The discussion critically considers the need for, and design of motivational scaffolding in inquiry learning environment
Latent-trait latent-class analysis of selfdisclosure in the work environment
Based on the literature about self-disclosure, it was hypothesized that different groups of subjects differ in their pattern of self-disclosure with respect to different areas of social interaction. An extended latent-trait latent-class model was proposed to describe these general patterns of self-disclosure. The model was used to analyze the data of 1,113 subjects, tested on extraversion and with respect to their degree of self-disclosure toward different categories of people in the work environment. A model with one latent trait and a latent class variable with three categories was identified. Subjects belonging to the different latent classes differ in their general tendency to self-disclose, in their choice to whom they will show self-disclosure and in the degree to which they are selective in their self-disclosure. The collateral variable extraversion was associated with both latent variables. The association of extraversion with selectivity in self-disclosure was not significant. Copyright © 2005, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
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In equine medicine the use of Botox® is experimental. Dosages are determined from human treatment-protocols and limited numbers of equine studies. Determination of target-muscle volume can be helpful to extrapolate human dosages. The aim of the study was to calculate a formula enabling the estimation of the deep digital flexor muscle (DDFM) volume based on distances between anatomical landmarks. Nineteen cadaveric limbs were collected and distance A (top of olecranon to Os carpi accessorium) and B (circumference of limb) were measured. Converting mathematical formulas, C was calculated: π × (((0.5B)/π)(2)) × A. DDFM volume was determined by water displacement. Linear Regression Analysis was used to analyse data. The line best fitting the observed points was: Ln(volume[ml]) = -1.89 + 0.98 × Ln(value C[cm(3)]). Correlation was highest when natural logarithm was applied to both variables and was 0.97. The calculated formula enables estimating DDFM volume of a living horse. This estimated volume can be useful to apply human Botox® treatment-protocols
Biochemical composition of salivary stones in relation to stone- and patient-related factors
Salivary stones are calcified structures most often found in the main duct of the submandibular or parotid salivary gland. They contain of a core surrounded by laminated layers of organic and inorganic material. Submandibular and parotid sialoliths (n=155) were collected at the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of a general hospital between February 1982 and September 2012. The weight of the sialoliths was determined and the consistency was subjectively classified. Subsequently, the biochemical composition of the stones was determined by wet chemical methods or FT-IR spectrometry. Age and gender of the patients were retrieved from their medical records. Data were statistically analyzed using Fisher?s exact tests. Sialoliths are mainly composed of inorganic material. Carbonate apatite was identified in 99% of the stones, phosphate in 88%, calcium in 87%, magnesium in 68%, struvite in 44%, oxalate in 38% and carbonate in 35%. Solid salivary stones contain more frequently struvite than stones with a soft consistency (p=0.05). Larger stones (>100mg) contain more frequently carbonate (p=0.05). Stones from older patients (?38years) showed an almost significant trend towards more frequent presence of phosphate (p=0.083). The biochemical composition of submandibular and parotid sialoliths is related to stone-related factors, probably to age but not to the gender of the patient
Traumatic lingual ulceration in a newborn: Riga-Fede disease
Riga Fede disease is a reactive mucosal disease as a result of repetitive trauma of the tongue by the anterior primary teeth during forward and backward movement. Although the aspect of the lesion might be impressive, its nature is relatively benign. The history and clinical features are most often so typical that there is seldom a need for addititonal histopathological examination. Riga Fede disease can most often be treated with conservative measures only. Beside the presentation of a six-month-old boy with Riga Fede disease, the literature has been reviewed as well. From this review it can be concluded that Riga Fede disease is almost exclusively restricted to the tongue, occurs soon after birth when associated with (neo)natal teeth, has a male predilection, and is in one quarter of the cases associated with neurologic disorders. In the later case, Riga Fede disease develops after the age of 6 months
Interobserver and intraobserver variability in the radiological assessment of sialolithiasis using cone beam computed tomography
BACKGROUND: Data regarding the inter- and intraobserver variability in the radiological assessment of sialolithiasis using cone beam computed tomography are missing in the current literature. This study assessed the inter- and intraobserver variability in the radiological assessment of sialolithiasis using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 107 patients, 130 salivary glands (65 parotid and 65 submandibular) with clinical signs of obstruction were assessed by four independent observers; 2 residents OMFS and 2 experienced OMFS. The observers analyzed the CBCT images and determined the absence or presence of one or more salivary stones in the affected gland. This procedure was repeated after three months. RESULTS: Interobserver agreements showed kappa values of 0.84 for the parotid gland, and 0.93 for the submandibular gland. Intraobserver agreements for the whole group reported kappa values between 0.83 - 0.95. There was no significant difference between residents and experienced OMFS. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the good inter- and intraobserver agreement, CBCT appears to be a reproducible imaging modality for detecting salivary stones in patients with signs and symptoms of obstructed parotid and submandibular glands. Key words:Salivary gland calculi, cone-beam computed tomography, observer variation
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