56 research outputs found

    Set-up of the Nordic and Barents Seas (NoBa) Atlantis model

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    End-to-end models are important tools when moving towards an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management. Atlantis is one such end-to-end model. Atlantis has been developed forseveral areas, including Australia, U.S., and European waters, and models for other areas are under development, The models give unique opportunities to explore spatial impact of climate and fisheries, and includes all levels from physical forcing to top predators in the system, including bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, benthos and marine mammals. Atlantis for the Nordic and Barents Seas (NoBa) has been built with the aim of representing the key species and processes in the areas, where the main objective is to explore combined climate and fisheries scenarios. In setting up the model several thousand parameters need to be defined This report provides an overview and explanations of key parameters used to initialize the model

    Set-up of the Nordic and Barents Seas (NoBa) Atlantis model

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    End-to-end models are important tools when moving towards an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management. Atlantis is one such end-to-end model. Atlantis has been developed forseveral areas, including Australia, U.S., and European waters, and models for other areas are under development, The models give unique opportunities to explore spatial impact of climate and fisheries, and includes all levels from physical forcing to top predators in the system, including bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, benthos and marine mammals. Atlantis for the Nordic and Barents Seas (NoBa) has been built with the aim of representing the key species and processes in the areas, where the main objective is to explore combined climate and fisheries scenarios. In setting up the model several thousand parameters need to be defined This report provides an overview and explanations of key parameters used to initialize the model

    Habitat use and growth of yellow-stage European eel in coastal and freshwater ecosystems in Norway

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    Many anguillid eel species display facultative catadromy. Some eel spend their entire life cycle in marine coastal areas, but the geographical extent of this, especially at the extremes of their distributional ranges, is unknown.We analysed otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca from yellow-stage European eel (Anguilla anguilla) sampled along the coast of Norway and in several freshwater lakes (58◦N–63◦N), to infer their initial settlement and later life movement patterns with regards to habitat salinity. Most eel (80%) sampled in marine habitats (n = 371) had settled and remained in marine water, but 20% had moved between marine and freshwater habitats and were hence classified as inter-habitat shifters. Among freshwater sampled eel (n = 99), 80% had settled and remained in fresh water, but 20% were classified as inter-habitat shifters. The average growth rates for marine water residents, inter-habitat shifters, and freshwater residents were 35, 27, and 17 mm·year–1, respectively. Northern European otolith microchemistry, anguillids, Anguilla anguilla, salinity, age, growth ratepublishedVersio

    Strandkrabber Carcinus maenas og strandkrabbefiskeri

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    I Norge er strandkrabber, Carcinus maenas, kjent og for mange, kjær naturlig del av dyrelivet. De opptrer på grunne strender, blir ivrig fanget av barn, men er egentlig undervurdert som produkt. Dette er en art som kanskje er for lite utnyttet i Norge. Den kan være aktuell som en ny havressurs. Kraften av strandkrabbe er fantastisk i sjømatsupper, og den glødende rødfargen kokte krabber får, er flott garnityr på et sjømatbord. Det er en ettertraktet art fra fiskerier fra Storbritannia og sørover i Europa. Innen bioprospektering har den et godt potensial, rik som den er på mineraler, enzymer og kanskje mer. I sjøen har den en viktig miljørolle der den jakter på smådyr og, ikke minst, rydder opp avfall og rester av døde organismer langs strendene.publishedVersio

    Innspill til høring - Forslag til program for konsekvensutredning for mineralvirksomhet på norsk sokkel

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    Rapporten er et høringssvar sendt til Olje- og Energidepartementet i forbindelse med et forslag til konsekvensutredningsprogram for mineralvirksomhet på norsk kontinentalsokkel. I høringssvaret påpeker Havforskningsinstituttet at det er stor mangel på kunnskap, både med hensyn til biomangfold og økologiske forhold, men også når det gjelder teknologien som vil anvendes for utvinning av mineraler og metaller på havbunnen. Denne kunnskapsmangelen representerer en usikkerhet som bør synliggjøres i konsekvensutredningen, blant annet gjennom en risikoanalyse. Havforskningsinstituttet påpeker også at ulike initiativ når det gjelder kunnskapsinnhenting burde vært ferdigstilt før gjennomføringen av høringen. En grundigere oppsummering av rapportens innhold er gitt i første kapittel.publishedVersio

    Phase 2b Controlled Trial of M72/AS01E Vaccine to Prevent Tuberculosis.

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    BACKGROUND: A vaccine to interrupt the transmission of tuberculosis is needed. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b trial of the M72/AS01E tuberculosis vaccine in Kenya, South Africa, and Zambia. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative adults 18 to 50 years of age with latent M. tuberculosis infection (by interferon-γ release assay) were randomly assigned (in a 1:1 ratio) to receive two doses of either M72/AS01E or placebo intramuscularly 1 month apart. Most participants had previously received the bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine. We assessed the safety of M72/AS01E and its efficacy against progression to bacteriologically confirmed active pulmonary tuberculosis disease. Clinical suspicion of tuberculosis was confirmed with sputum by means of a polymerase-chain-reaction test, mycobacterial culture, or both. RESULTS: We report the primary analysis (conducted after a mean of 2.3 years of follow-up) of the ongoing trial. A total of 1786 participants received M72/AS01E and 1787 received placebo, and 1623 and 1660 participants in the respective groups were included in the according-to-protocol efficacy cohort. A total of 10 participants in the M72/AS01E group met the primary case definition (bacteriologically confirmed active pulmonary tuberculosis, with confirmation before treatment), as compared with 22 participants in the placebo group (incidence, 0.3 cases vs. 0.6 cases per 100 person-years). The vaccine efficacy was 54.0% (90% confidence interval [CI], 13.9 to 75.4; 95% CI, 2.9 to 78.2; P=0.04). Results for the total vaccinated efficacy cohort were similar (vaccine efficacy, 57.0%; 90% CI, 19.9 to 76.9; 95% CI, 9.7 to 79.5; P=0.03). There were more unsolicited reports of adverse events in the M72/AS01E group (67.4%) than in the placebo group (45.4%) within 30 days after injection, with the difference attributed mainly to injection-site reactions and influenza-like symptoms. Serious adverse events, potential immune-mediated diseases, and deaths occurred with similar frequencies in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: M72/AS01E provided 54.0% protection for M. tuberculosis-infected adults against active pulmonary tuberculosis disease, without evident safety concerns. (Funded by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and Aeras; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01755598 .)