11 research outputs found

    Health care utilisation and problems in accessing health care of female undocumented immigrants in the Netherlands

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    Contains fulltext : 88419.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: To obtain information about the actual use of health care facilities by undocumented women and to identify obstacles they experience in accessing health care facilities. METHODS: A mixed methods study, with structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, was chosen to obtain a complete understanding. One-hundred undocumented women were recruited. Diversity was sought according to age, origin and reason for being undocumented. RESULTS: Undocumented female immigrants have unmet health care needs (56%) and low health care utilisation. Sixty-nine per cent of the women reported obstacles in accessing health care facilities. These included many personal obstacles such as shame, fear and/or lack of information. Poor language proficiency (OR 0.28;. CI 0.09-0.90) reduces utilisation of primary health care services. CONCLUSION: Health care utilisation of undocumented women is low. Undocumented women refrain from seeking health care because of personal obstacles. These women need to be identified and informed about their rights, the health care system and the duty of professional confidentiality of doctors. Finally, institutional obstacles to access care should be removed since they strengthen reluctance to seek help.1 oktober 201

    A mouse model for peritoneal metastases of colorectal origin recapitulates patient heterogeneity

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    The peritoneum is a common site of dissemination in patients with colorectal cancer. In order to identify high-risk patients and improve therapeutic strategies, a better understanding of the peritoneal dissemination process and the reasons behind the high heterogeneity that is observed between patients is required. We aimed to create a murine model to further elucidate the process of peritoneal dissemination and to provide an experimental platform for further studies. We developed an in vivo model to assess patterns of peritoneal dissemination of 15 colorectal cancer cell lines. Immune deficient mice were intraperitoneally injected with 10,000 human colorectal cancer cells. Ten weeks after injection, or earlier in case of severe discomfort, the mice were sacrificed followed by dissection including assessment of the outgrowth and localization of peritoneal metastases. Furthermore, using a color-based clonal tracing method, the clonal dynamics of peritoneal nodules were observed. The different cell lines showed great variation in the extent of peritoneal outgrowth, ranging from no outgrowth to localized or widespread outgrowth of cells. An association between KRAS pathway activation and the formation of peritoneal metastases was identified. Also, cell line specific tumor location preferences were observed, with similar patterns of outgrowth in anatomically related areas. Furthermore, different patterns regarding clonal dynamics were found, varying from monoclonal or polyclonal outgrowth to extensively dispersed polyclonal lesions. The established murine model recapitulates heterogeneity as observed in human peritoneal metastases, which makes it a suitable platform for future (intervention) studies

    Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    We aimed to obtain reliable reference charts for sleep duration, estimate the prevalence of sleep complaints across the lifespan and identify risk indicators of poor sleep. Studies were identified through systematic literature search in Embase, Medline and Web of Science (9 August 2019) and through personal contacts. Eligible studies had to be published between 2000 and 2017 with data on sleep assessed with questionnaires including ≄100 participants from the general population. We assembled individual participant data from 200,358 people (aged 1–100 years, 55% female) from 36 studies from the Netherlands, 471,759 people (40–69 years, 55.5% female) from the United Kingdom and 409,617 people (≄18 years, 55.8% female) from the United States. One in four people slept less than age-specific recommendations, but only 5.8% slept outside of the ‘acceptable’ sleep duration. Among teenagers, 51.5% reported total sleep times (TST) of less than the recommended 8–10 h and 18% report daytime sleepiness. In adults (≄18 years), poor sleep quality (13.3%) and insomnia symptoms (9.6–19.4%) were more prevalent than short sleep duration (6.5% with TST < 6 h). Insomnia symptoms were most frequent in people spending ≄9 h in bed, whereas poor sleep quality was more frequent in those spending <6 h in bed. TST was similar across countries, but insomnia symptoms were 1.5–2.9 times higher in the United States. Women (≄41 years) reported sleeping shorter times or slightly less efficiently than men, whereas with actigraphy they were estimated to sleep longer and more efficiently than man. This study provides age- and sex-specific population reference charts for sleep duration and efficiency which can help guide personalized advice on sleep length and preventive practices

    Wnt activity defines colon cancer stem cells and is regulated by the microenvironment.

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    Despite the presence of mutations in APC or beta-catenin, which are believed to activate the Wnt signalling cascade constitutively, most colorectal cancers show cellular heterogeneity when beta-catenin localization is analysed, indicating a more complex regulation of Wnt signalling. We explored this heterogeneity with a Wnt reporter construct and observed that high Wnt activity functionally designates the colon cancer stem cell (CSC) population. In adenocarcinomas, high activity of the Wnt pathway is observed preferentially in tumour cells located close to stromal myofibroblasts, indicating that Wnt activity and cancer stemness may be regulated by extrinsic cues. In agreement with this notion, myofibroblast-secreted factors, specifically hepatocyte growth factor, activate beta-catenin-dependent transcription and subsequently CSC clonogenicity. More significantly, myofibroblast-secreted factors also restore the CSC phenotype in more differentiated tumour cells both in vitro and in vivo. We therefore propose that stemness of colon cancer cells is in part orchestrated by the microenvironment and is a much more dynamic quality than previously expected that can be defined by high Wnt activity

    Trajectories of health-related quality of life and psychological distress in patients with colorectal cancer: A population-based study

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    Background: The aim of this nationwide cohort study was to examine the course of symptoms and trajectories of health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) and psychological distress during follow-up and to identify vulnerable patients. Methods: Patients with pathological stage I–III colorectal cancer (CRC) between 2013 and 2018 were included. Baseline characteristics were collected from the Netherlands Cancer Registry, and patients completed the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30/CR29, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) questionnaires at the baseline and subsequently at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Latent class growth and multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed to outline 24-month trajectories in HR-QoL and distress and to identify predictive factors. Results:: A total of 1535 patients with colon cancer or rectal cancer were included. Trajectory analysis of HR-QoL identified three patient classes: high HR-QoL (62.7%), improving HR-QoL (29.0%) and low HR-QoL (8.3%). The following patient groups were identified with having low distress (64.0%), moderate distress (26.9%) and high distress (9.1%). Around 13% of the total cohort had either persistent low HR-QoL or high psychological distress throughout follow-up. Patients belonging to this vulnerable group were significantly more likely to be female, to be younger aged, to have lower education, to have disease stage II–III or to have major LARS. Conclusions: Although most patients treated for stage I–III CRC fared well, a small but significant proportion of around 13% did not recover during follow-up and reported low HR-QoL and/or high psychological distress levels throughout. This study's findings should be taken into account when organising and selecting patients for tailored follow-up

    Stem cell functionality is microenvironmentally defined during tumour expansion and therapy response in colon cancer

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    Solid malignancies have been speculated to depend on cancer stem cells (CSCs) for expansion and relapse after therapy. Here we report on quantitative analyses of lineage tracing data from primary colon cancer xenograft tissue to assess CSC functionality in a human solid malignancy. The temporally obtained clone size distribution data support a model in which stem cell function in established cancers is not intrinsically, but is entirely spatiotemporally orchestrated. Functional stem cells that drive tumour expansion predominantly reside at the tumour edge, close to cancer-associated fibroblasts. Hence, stem cell properties change in time depending on the cell location. Furthermore, although chemotherapy enriches for cells with a CSC phenotype, in this context functional stem cell properties are also fully defined by the microenvironment. To conclude, we identified osteopontin as a key cancer-associated fibroblast-produced factor that drives in situ clonogenicity in colon cancer

    Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    We aimed to obtain reliable reference charts for sleep duration, estimate the prevalence of sleep complaints across the lifespan and identify risk indicators of poor sleep. Studies were identified through systematic literature search in Embase, Medline and Web of Science (9 August 2019) and through personal contacts. Eligible studies had to be published between 2000 and 2017 with data on sleep assessed with questionnaires including ≄100 participants from the general population. We assembled individual participant data from 200,358 people (aged 1-100 years, 55% female) from 36 studies from the Netherlands, 471,759 people (40-69 years, 55.5% female) from the United Kingdom and 409,617 people (≄18 years, 55.8% female) from the United States. One in four people slept less than age-specific recommendations, but only 5.8% slept outside of the 'acceptable' sleep duration. Among teenagers, 51.5% reported total sleep times (TST) of less than the recommended 8-10 h and 18% report daytime sleepiness. In adults (≄18 years), poor sleep quality (13.3%) and insomnia symptoms (9.6-19.4%) were more prevalent than short sleep duration (6.5% with TST < 6 h). Insomnia symptoms were most frequent in people spending ≄9 h in bed, whereas poor sleep quality was more frequent in those spending <6 h in bed. TST was similar across countries, but insomnia symptoms were 1.5-2.9 times higher in the United States. Women (≄41 years) reported sleeping shorter times or slightly less efficiently than men, whereas with actigraphy they were estimated to sleep longer and more efficiently than man. This study provides age- and sex-specific population reference charts for sleep duration and efficiency which can help guide personalized advice on sleep length and preventive practices

    Why and When Hierarchy Impacts Team Effectiveness: A Meta-Analytic Integration

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    [Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported in Vol 104(4) of Journal of Applied Psychology (see record 2019-16886-001: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-16886-001). In this erratum, the hierarchical form value for the study by Cantimur et al. (2015a) was incorrectly coded as representing ‘acyclicity’ rather than ‘steepness’. Updating the coding for this study means that there is just one acyclicity study in our dataset (Bunderson et al., 2016) rather than two, and resulted in some changes to the coefficients in our moderator model presented in Table 3. The corrected Table 3 is presented in the erratum. The only substantive change to our conclusions is that Hypothesis 4a, regarding the effects of membership instability, is no longer supported at p < .05. We also note a minor change to how Hypothesis 5b is tested—we can no longer test for the effects of acyclicity at the study level of analysis. However, we can still test this hypothesis using the ‘shifting unit of analysis’ approach. These analyses revealed that the population coefficient for acyclical hierarchies was unlikely to be different in magnitude from that of steep hierarchies or centralized hierarchies. Our original conclusion and interpretation—that Hypothesis 5b is not supported, but this interpretation is limited due to low sample size—remain intact. See erratum for full description.] Hierarchy has the potential to both benefit and harm team effectiveness. In this article, we meta-analytically investigate different explanations for why and when hierarchy helps or hurts team effectiveness, drawing on results from 54 prior studies (N = 13,914 teams). Our findings show that, on net, hierarchy negatively impacts team effectiveness (performance: ρ = −.08; viability: ρ = −.11), and that this effect is mediated by increased conflict-enabling states. Additionally, we show that the negative relationship between hierarchy and team performance is exacerbated by aspects of the team structure (i.e., membership instability, skill differentiation) and the hierarchy itself (i.e., mutability), which make hierarchical teams prone to conflict. The predictions regarding the positive effect of hierarchy on team performance as mediated by coordination-enabling processes, and the moderating roles of several aspects of team tasks (i.e., interdependence, complexity) and the hierarchy (i.e., form) were not supported, with the exception that task ambiguity enhanced the positive effects of hierarchy. Given that our findings largely support dysfunctional views on hierarchy, future research is needed to understand when and why hierarchy may be more likely to live up to its purported functional benefits