596 research outputs found

    Brane-world Cosmologies with non-local bulk effects

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    It is very common to ignore the non-local bulk effects in the study of brane-world cosmologies using the brane-world approach. However, we shall illustrate through the use of three different scenarios, that the non-local bulk-effect Pμν{\cal P}_{\mu\nu} does indeed have significant impact on both the initial and future behaviour of brane-world cosmologies.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, iopart.cls, submitted to CQ

    The Dynamics of Multi-Scalar Field Cosmological Models and Assisted Inflation

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a class of spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models containing a barotropic perfect fluid and multiple scalar fields with independent exponential potentials. We show that the assisted inflationary scaling solution is the global late-time attractor for the parameter values for which the model is inflationary, even when curvature and barotropic matter are included. For all other parameter values the multi-field curvature scaling solution is the global late-time attractor (in these solutions asymptotically the curvature is not dynamically negligible). Consequently, we find that in general all of the scalar fields in multi-field models with exponential potentials are non-negligible in late-time behaviour, contrary to what is commonly believed. The early-time and intermediate behaviour of the models is also studied. In particular, n-scalar field models are investigated and the structure of the saddle equilibrium points corresponding to inflationary m-field scaling solutions and non-inflationary m-field matter scaling solutions are also studied (where m<n), leading to interesting transient dynamical behaviour with new physical scenarios of potential importance.Comment: 27 pages, uses REVTeX Added an appendix illustrating some of the details needed to compute the stability of the assisted inflationary solutio

    Self-similar spherically symmetric cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a scalar field

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    Self-similar, spherically symmetric cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a scalar field with an exponential potential are investigated. New variables are defined which lead to a compact state space, and dynamical systems methods are utilised to analyse the models. Due to the existence of monotone functions global dynamical results can be deduced. In particular, all of the future and past attractors for these models are obtained and the global results are discussed. The essential physical results are that initially expanding models always evolve away from a massless scalar field model with an initial singularity and, depending on the parameters of the models, either recollapse to a second singularity or expand forever towards a flat power-law inflationary model. The special cases in which there is no barotropic fluid and in which the scalar field is massless are considered in more detail in order to illustrate the asymptotic results. Some phase portraits are presented and the intermediate dynamics and hence the physical properties of the models are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Reproductive competition between polygynous parasite queens in ant colonies

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    BACKGROUND: Evaluation of percutaneous tracheostomy (PT) with the guide wire dilating forceps (GWDF) technique. METHODS: Prospective study of perioperative complications, retrospective analysis of early and late complications in an ICU in a teaching university hospital. RESULTS: The success rate of the procedure was 96.5%. The average procedure time in 171 consecutive patients was 5.0 min. Perioperative complications requiring surgical or medical intervention occurred in 6.4% of 171 patients. This included conversion to surgical tracheostomy, which was necessary in six patients (3.5%). Major complications while being cannulated occurred in 2.4% of 164 patients but seemed mostly unrelated with the GWDF technique itself. Late complications (after decannulation) were mostly minor and occurred in 22.6% of 106 patients. Only one patient (0.9%) had a symptomatic tracheal stenosis developed. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous tracheostomy with the guide wire dilating forceps technique is easy to perform at the bedside with few late complications. However, in our study, perioperative and immediate postoperative bleeding complications (minor and major) occur quite often

    Closed cosmologies with a perfect fluid and a scalar field

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    Closed, spatially homogeneous cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a scalar field with exponential potential are investigated, using dynamical systems methods. First, we consider the closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models, discussing the global dynamics in detail. Next, we investigate Kantowski-Sachs models, for which the future and past attractors are determined. The global asymptotic behaviour of both the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker and the Kantowski-Sachs models is that they either expand from an initial singularity, reach a maximum expansion and thereafter recollapse to a final singularity (for all values of the potential parameter kappa), or else they expand forever towards a flat power-law inflationary solution (when kappa^2<2). As an illustration of the intermediate dynamical behaviour of the Kantowski-Sachs models, we examine the cases of no barotropic fluid, and of a massless scalar field in detail. We also briefly discuss Bianchi type IX models.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Cosmology with positive and negative exponential potentials

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    We present a phase-plane analysis of cosmologies containing a scalar field ϕ\phi with an exponential potential Vexp(λκϕ)V \propto \exp(-\lambda \kappa \phi) where κ2=8πG\kappa^2 = 8\pi G and VV may be positive or negative. We show that power-law kinetic-potential scaling solutions only exist for sufficiently flat (λ26\lambda^26) negative potentials. The latter correspond to a class of ever-expanding cosmologies with negative potential. However we show that these expanding solutions with a negative potential are to unstable in the presence of ordinary matter, spatial curvature or anisotropic shear, and generic solutions always recollapse to a singularity. Power-law kinetic-potential scaling solutions are the late-time attractor in a collapsing universe for steep negative potentials (the ekpyrotic scenario) and stable against matter, curvature or shear perturbations. Otherwise kinetic-dominated solutions are the attractor during collapse (the pre big bang scenario) and are only marginally stable with respect to anisotropic shear.Comment: 8 pages, latex with revtex, 9 figure

    On subsequential spaces

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    AbstractSimple generators for the coreflective category of subsequential spaces, one of them countable, are constructed. Every such must have subsequential order ω1. Subsequentialness is a local property and a countable property, both in a strong sense. A T2-subsequential space may be pseudocompact without being sequential, in contrast to T2-subsequential compact (countably compact, sequentially compact) spaces all being sequential. A compact subsequential space need not be sequential

    Vascular architecture and hypoxic profiles in human head and neck squamous cell carcinomas

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    Tumour oxygenation and vasculature are determinants for radiation treatment outcome and prognosis in patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. In this study we visualized and quantified these factors which may provide a predictive tool for new treatments. Twenty-one patients with stage III–IV squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck were intravenously injected with pimonidazole, a bioreductive hypoxic marker. Tumour biopsies were taken 2 h later. Frozen tissue sections were stained for vessels and hypoxia by fluorescent immunohistochemistry. Twenty-two sections of biopsies of different head and neck sites were scanned and analysed with a computerized image analysis system. The hypoxic fractions varied from 0.02 to 0.29 and were independent from T- and N-classification, localization and differentiation grade. No significant correlation between hypoxic fraction and vascular density was observed. As a first attempt to categorize tumours based on their hypoxic profile, three different hypoxia patterns are described. The first category comprised tumours with large hypoxic, but viable, areas at distances even greater than 200 μm from the vessels. The second category showed a typical band-like distribution of hypoxia at an intermediate distance (50–200 μm) from the vessels with necrosis at greater distances. The third category demonstrated hypoxia already within 50 μm from the vessels, suggestive for acute hypoxia. This method of multiparameter analysis proved to be clinically feasible. The information on architectural patterns and the differences that exist between tumours can improve our understanding of the tumour micro-environment and may in the future be of assistance with the selection of (oxygenation modifying) treatment strategies. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Scaling Solutions in Robertson-Walker Spacetimes

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    We investigate the stability of cosmological scaling solutions describing a barotropic fluid with p=(γ1)ρp=(\gamma-1)\rho and a non-interacting scalar field ϕ\phi with an exponential potential V(\phi)=V_0\e^{-\kappa\phi}. We study homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes with non-zero spatial curvature and find three possible asymptotic future attractors in an ever-expanding universe. One is the zero-curvature power-law inflation solution where Ωϕ=1\Omega_\phi=1 (γ2/3,κ2<2\gamma2/3,\kappa^2<2). Another is the zero-curvature scaling solution, first identified by Wetterich, where the energy density of the scalar field is proportional to that of matter with Ωϕ=3γ/κ2\Omega_\phi=3\gamma/\kappa^2 (γ3γ\gamma3\gamma). We find that this matter scaling solution is unstable to curvature perturbations for γ>2/3\gamma>2/3. The third possible future asymptotic attractor is a solution with negative spatial curvature where the scalar field energy density remains proportional to the curvature with Ωϕ=2/κ2\Omega_\phi=2/\kappa^2 (γ>2/3,κ2>2\gamma>2/3,\kappa^2>2). We find that solutions with Ωϕ=0\Omega_\phi=0 are never late-time attractors.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, latex with revte