263 research outputs found

    Emission limit values for building materials. Environmental foundation and consequences for building materials

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    This report presents alternative emission limit values for inorganic components to be used in the revision of the Building Materials Decree (1999) in the Netherlands. Three key factors determine the emission limit value: (1) the environmental compartment under consideration, with its dimensions and the accounted for, (2) the desired level of environmental protection and (3) the scenario applying to the intended use of the construction material. Emission limit values have been derived here from modelled concentrations in soil, groundwater and surface water. The desired level of protection has been elaborated as a stand-still approach (based on quality target values and a risk-based approach (based on PNECs). Two exposure models were used for taking the effects of a time-dependent exposure of the soil to leached components into account, for vertical transport through the soil profile and for retardation of components in the soil profile. The PEARL model was used for binding described by equilibrium adsorption. The ORCHESTRA model was used for binding that also takes speciation into account. For surface water, a dilution factor was computed assuming a certain mixing zone, dependent on the size of the surface water. The consequences of the proposed alternative emission limit values have been estimated on the basis of information in a database containing results of leaching tests for construction materials. The alternatives proposed form the basis for a political decision-making process, where environmental protection will be balanced with other socio-economic concerns.In dit rapport worden varianten berekend die de huidige normen voor het hergebruik van bouwmaterialen - zoals vastgelegd in het Bouwstoffenbesluit 1999 - kunnen vervangen. De huidige normen vormden een belemmering voor het hergebruik van bouwmaterialen. Omdat er wel behoefte bestond aan hergebruik, zijn de mogelijkheden tot een eventuele verruiming, die wel milieuverantwoord blijft, onderzocht. Het bouwstoffenbesluit bevat normen voor de maximale uitstoot van anorganische stoffen (zoals metalen) in bouwmaterialen. Milieuhygienische belangen worden nu afgewogen tegen de wens tot ruimere mogelijkheden voor hergebruik. Het onderzoek houdt rekening met verschillende elementen bij het hergebruik van bouwmaterialen: het milieucompartiment, het gewenste beschermingsniveau en het toepassingsscenario van de bouwstof. Er zijn twee alternatieve computermodellen gebruikt, die de verschillen in de wijzen waarop vrijgekomen stoffen zich aan de bodem binden, berekenen. Daarnaast is ook de menging van vrijgekomen stoffen voor oppervlaktewater berekend. De berekende waarden zijn afgezet tegen de kwaliteitsgegevens van bouwstoffen die door verschillende bedrijfstakken zijn aangeleverd. De voorgestelde varianten maken onderdeel uit van een beleidsmatig besluitvormingsproces, waarbij ook andere socio-economische aspecten worden afgewogen

    Trends in sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands, combining surveillance data from general practices and sexually transmitted infection centers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sexually transmitted infections (STI) care in the Netherlands is primarily provided by general practitioners (GPs) and specialized STI centers. STI surveillance is based on data from STI centers, which show increasing numbers of clients. Data from a GP morbidity surveillance network were used to investigate the distribution in the provision of STI care and the usefulness of GP data in surveillance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on STI-related episodes and STI diagnoses based on ICPC codes and, for chlamydia, prescriptions, were obtained from GP electronic medical records (EMRs) of the GP network and compared to data from STI centers from 2002 to 2007. Incidence rates were estimated for the total population in the Netherlands.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence of STI-consultations and -diagnoses increased substantially in recent years, both at GPs and STI centers. The increase in consultations was larger than the increase in diagnoses; Chlamydia incidence rose especially at STI centers. GPs were responsible for 70% of STI-related episodes and 80-85% of STI diagnoses. STI centers attract relatively younger and more often male STI-patients than GPs. Symptomatic STIs like <it>Herpes genitalis </it>and genital warts were more frequently diagnosed at GPs and chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis at STI centers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GPs fulfill an important role in STI care, complementary to STI centers. Case definitions of STI could be improved, particularly by including laboratory results in EMRs. The contribution of primary care is often overlooked in STI health care. Including estimates from GP EMRs can improve the surveillance of STIs.</p

    Parental health limitations, caregiving and loneliness among women with widowed parents: longitudinal eveidence from France

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    We investigate how daughters’ feelings of loneliness are impacted when widowed parents develop health limitations, and when daughters take on personal care tasks in response. Using longitudinal data from daughters of widowed parents drawn from the French Family and Intergenerational Relationships Study (ERFI, 1485 observations nested in 557 daughters), we assess (a) whether health limitations of widowed parents are associated with daughters’ feelings of loneliness regardless of whether or not daughters provide personal care and (b) whether there is an effect of care provision on loneliness that cannot be explained by parental health limitations. Fixed effect regression analyses show that widowed parents’ health limitations were associated with raised feelings of loneliness among their daughters. No significant additional effect of providing personal care to a widowed parent was found. Prior research on the impact of health limitations of older parents on the lives of their adult–children has focused mostly on issues related to informal caregiving. Our findings suggest that more attention to the psychosocial impact of parental health limitations—net of actual caregiving—on adult children’s lives is warranted

    Fluvoxamine for fatigue in primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis: a randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN88246634]

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    BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a major clinical problem in many patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). An effective treatment has not been defined. Recently, a large proportion of patients with these diseases was found to have symptoms of depression. Because fatigue is a frequent symptom of depression and there is some evidence that treatment with an antidepressant improves fatigue in patients with fibromyalgia, we hypothesised that the antidepressant fluvoxamine might improve fatigue related to PBC and PSC. METHODS: Fatigued patients were randomised to receive fluvoxamine (75 mg BID) or placebo for a six-week period. Fatigue and quality of life were quantified using a visual analogue scale, the Fisk Fatigue Severity Scale, the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory and the SF-36. RESULTS: Seventeen and 16 patients were allocated to fluvoxamine and placebo, respectively. There was no statistically significant beneficial effect of fluvoxamine on fatigue or quality of life. The median VAS scores in the fluvoxamine and placebo groups were 7.40 and 7.45 at day 0, 6.9 and 7.15 at day 14, 7.45 and 7.65 at day 42 and 7.8 and 8.0 four weeks after treatment discontinuation. CONCLUSION: We found no evidence for a beneficial effect of fluvoxamine on fatigue in these patients with cholestatic liver disease and severe chronic fatigue

    Development of a cDNA microarray for the measurement of gene expression in the sheep scab mite Psoroptes ovis

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    Background: Sheep scab is caused by the ectoparasitic mite Psoroptes ovis which initiates a profound cutaneous inflammatory response, leading to the development of the skin lesions which are characteristic of the disease. Existing control strategies rely upon injectable endectocides and acaricidal dips but concerns over residues, eco-toxicity and the development of acaricide resistance limit the sustainability of this approach. In order to identify alternative means of disease control, a deeper understanding of both the parasite and its interaction with the host are required. Methods: Herein we describe the development and utilisation of an annotated P. ovis cDNA microarray containing 3,456 elements for the measurement of gene expression in this economically important ectoparasite. The array consists of 981 P. ovis EST sequences printed in triplicate along with 513 control elements. Array performance was validated through the analysis of gene expression differences between fed and starved P. ovis mites. Results: Sequences represented on the array include homologues of major house dust mite allergens and tick salivary proteins, along with factors potentially involved in mite reproduction and xenobiotic metabolism. In order to validate the performance of this unique resource under biological conditions we used the array to analyse gene expression differences between fed and starved P. ovis mites. These analyses identified a number of house dust mite allergen homologues up-regulated in fed mites and P. ovis transcripts involved in stress responses, autophagy and chemosensory perception up-regulated in starved mites. Conclusion: The P. ovis cDNA microarray described here has been shown to be both robust and reproducible and will enable future studies to analyse gene expression in this important ectoparasite

    Antennal sensilla of two female anopheline sibling species with differing host ranges

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    BACKGROUND: Volatile odors are important sensory inputs that shape the behaviour of insects, including agricultural pests and disease vectors. Anopheles gambiae s.s. is a highly anthropophilic mosquito and is the major vector for human malaria in sub-Sahara Africa, while Anopheles quadriannulatus, largely due to its zoophilic behaviour, is considered a non-vector species in the same region. Careful studies of olfaction in these sibling species may lead to insights about the mechanisms that drive host preference behaviour. In the present study, the external anatomy of the antenna, the principle olfactory organ in the female mosquito of both species, was examined as an initial step toward more detailed comparisons. METHODS: Scanning electron and light microscopy were used to examine the antennae ultrastructures of adult female An. gambiae s.s. and An. quadriannulatus. Sensory structures, called sensilla, were categorized and counted; their distributions are reported here as well as densities calculated for each species. RESULTS: Both An. gambiae s.s. and An. quadriannulatus bear five classes of sensilla on their antennae: chaetica (bristles), trichodea (hairs), basiconica (pegs), coeloconica (pitted pegs), and ampullacea (pegs in tubes). Female An. quadriannulatus antennae have approximately one-third more sensilla, and a proportionally larger surface area, than female An. gambiae s.s. antennae. CONCLUSION: The same types of sensilla are found on the antennae of both species. While An. quadriannulatus has greater numbers of each sensilla type, sensilla densities are very similar for each species, suggesting that other factors may be more important to such olfactory-driven behaviours as host preference

    The quality of childbirth care in China: women’s voices: a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: In the context of improved utilisation of health care and outcomes, rapid socio-economic development and health system reform in China, it is timely to consider the quality of services. Data on quality of maternal health care as experienced by women is limited. This study explores women's expectations and experiences of the quality of childbirth care in rural China. METHODS: Thirty five semi-structured interviews and five focus group discussions were conducted with 69 women who had delivered in the past 12 months in hospitals in a rural County in Anhui Province. Data were transcribed, translated and analysed using the framework approach. RESULTS: Hospital delivery was preferred because it was considered safe. Home delivery was uncommon and unsupported by the health system. Expectations such as having skilled providers and privacy during childbirth were met. However, most women reported lack of cleanliness, companionship during labour, pain relief, and opportunity to participate in decision making as poor aspects of care. Absence of pain relief is one reason why women may opt for a caesarean section. CONCLUSIONS: These findings illustrate that to improve quality of care it is crucial to build accountability and communication between providers, women and their families. Ensuring women's participation in decision making needs to be addressed
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