1,745 research outputs found

    Noise-Driven Mechanism for Pattern Formation

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    We extend the mechanism for noise-induced phase transitions proposed by Ibanes et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 020601-1 (2001)] to pattern formation phenomena. In contrast with known mechanisms for pure noise-induced pattern formation, this mechanism is not driven by a short-time instability amplified by collective effects. The phenomenon is analyzed by means of a modulated mean field approximation and numerical simulations

    Comprehensive study of phase transitions in relaxational systems with field-dependent coefficients

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    We present a comprehensive study of phase transitions in single-field systems that relax to a non-equilibrium global steady state. The mechanism we focus on is not the so-called Stratonovich drift combined with collective effects, but is instead similar to the one associated with noise-induced transitions a la Horsthemke-Lefever in zero-dimensional systems. As a consequence, the noise interpretation (e.g., Ito vs Stratonvich) merely shifts the phase boundaries. With the help of a mean-field approximation, we present a broad qualitative picture of the various phase diagrams that can be found in these systems. To complement the theoretical analysis we present numerical simulations that confirm the findings of the mean-field theory

    Stochastic Stokes' drift of a flexible dumbbell

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    We consider the stochastic Stokes drift of a flexible dumbbell. The dumbbell consists of two isotropic Brownian particles connected by a linear spring with zero natural length, and is advected by a sinusoidal wave. We find an asymptotic approximation for the Stokes drift in the limit of a weak wave, and find good agreement with the results of a Monte Carlo simulation. We show that it is possible to use this effect to sort particles by their flexibility even when all the particles have the same diffusivity.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Dissipative collapse of the adiabatic piston

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    An adiabatic piston, separating two granular gases prepared in the same macroscopic state, is found to eventually collapse to one of the sides. This new instability is explained by a simple macroscopic theory which is furthermore in qualitative agreement with hard disk molecular dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Critical Behaviour of Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions to Magnetically Ordered States

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    We describe non-equilibrium phase transitions in arrays of dynamical systems with cubic nonlinearity driven by multiplicative Gaussian white noise. Depending on the sign of the spatial coupling we observe transitions to ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic ordered states. We discuss the phase diagram, the order of the transitions, and the critical behaviour. For global coupling we show analytically that the critical exponent of the magnetization exhibits a transition from the value 1/2 to a non-universal behaviour depending on the ratio of noise strength to the magnitude of the spatial coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Alternative derivation of Mie theory with electromagnetic potentials for diffuse particles

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    Mie's theory of light scattering on spherical particles is being increasingly used in nanophotonics, and these demanding applications have laid bare some shortcomings of Mie theory in its standard formulation. One problem that deserves special attention is the electron spill-out in small metallic nanoparticles, which invalidates the assumption of an abrupt interface. Here we present an alternative derivation of Mie theory without this assumption. To avoid the usual electromagnetic boundary conditions suitable for a hard-wall interface, we set up equations for the electromagnetic potentials instead of the electric and magnetic field. We show that in the limit of a hard-wall interface, the results of the standard Mie theory are recovered. Additionally, a numerical solution scheme is proposed for the equations for the vector potential and the scalar potential. Analysis of the optical cross sections of soft-interface nanospheres shows that the absorption increases and occurs at lower frequencies as compared to hard-walled nanospheres. This effect is rather dramatic in large spheres with large spill-out, due to the disappearance of high-frequency resonance peaks

    Testing the no-hair theorem with black hole ringdowns using TIGER

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    The Einstein Telescope (ET), a proposed third-generation gravitational wave observatory, would enable tests of the no-hair theorem by looking at the characteristic frequencies and damping times of black hole ringdown signals. In previous work it was shown that with a single 5001000M500 - 1000\,M_\odot black hole at distance 6\lesssim 6 Gpc (or redshift z1z \lesssim 1), deviations of a few percent in the frequencies and damping times of dominant and sub-dominant modes would be within the range of detectability. Given that such sources may be relatively rare, it is of interest to see how well the no-hair theorem can be tested with events at much larger distances and with smaller signal-to-noise ratios, thus accessing a far bigger volume of space and a larger number of sources. We employ a model selection scheme called TIGER (Test Infrastructure for GEneral Relativity), which was originally developed to test general relativity with weak binary coalescence signals that will be seen in second-generation detectors such as Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. TIGER is well-suited for the regime of low signal-to-noise ratio, and information from a population of sources can be combined so as to arrive at a stronger test. By performing a range of simulations using the expected noise power spectral density of Einstein Telescope, we show that with TIGER, similar deviations from the no-hair theorem as considered in previous work will be detectable with great confidence using O(10)\mathcal{O}(10) sources distributed uniformly in co-moving volume out to 50 Gpc (z5z \lesssim 5).Comment: 11 pages, 20 figures. Matches version in PR

    Intrinsic noise-induced phase transitions: beyond the noise interpretation

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    We discuss intrinsic noise effects in stochastic multiplicative-noise partial differential equations, which are qualitatively independent of the noise interpretation (Ito vs. Stratonovich), in particular in the context of noise-induced ordering phase transitions. We study a model which, contrary to all cases known so far, exhibits such ordering transitions when the noise is interpreted not only according to Stratonovich, but also to Ito. The main feature of this model is the absence of a linear instability at the transition point. The dynamical properties of the resulting noise-induced growth processes are studied and compared in the two interpretations and with a reference Ginzburg-Landau type model. A detailed discussion of new numerical algorithms used in both interpretations is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Noise induced transition from an absorbing phase to a regime of stochastic spatiotemporal intermittency

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    We introduce a stochastic partial differential equation capable of reproducing the main features of spatiotemporal intermittency (STI). Additionally the model displays a noise induced transition from laminarity to the STI regime. We show by numerical simulations and a mean-field analysis that for high noise intensities the system globally evolves to a uniform absorbing phase, while for noise intensities below a critical value spatiotemporal intermittence dominates. A quantitative computation of the loci of this transition in the relevant parameter space is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. See for additional information http://imedea.uib.es