45 research outputs found

    Teachers’ remaining career opportunities:The role of value fit and school climate

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    In light of an aging teacher population, this study investigates the influence of school climate and personschool (P-S) value fit on teachers' perspectives regarding their career futures. The results, based on a sample of 147 teachers, indicate that P-S value fit is positively associated with remaining career opportunities, over and above the negative effect of age. In addition, both climate for performance/academic press and climate for socialization affect teachers' future career perspectives through a P-S value fit mechanism. These findings imply that schools can enhance teachers’ perceived remaining career opportunities by creating strong school climates and improving perceived value fit. Keywords: Occupational future time perspective; Career opportunities; Person-school value fit; School climate; Teacher

    Clinical, cellular, and molecular effects of Corticosteroids on the response to Intradermal Lipopolysaccharide administration in healthy volunteers

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    The intradermal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge in healthy volunteers has proven to be a valuable tool to study local inflammation in vivo. In the current study the inhibitory effects of oral and topical corticosteroid treatment on intradermal LPS responses were evaluated to benchmark the challenge for future investigational drugs. Twenty-four healthy male volunteers received a two-and-a-half-day twice daily (b.i.d.) pretreatment with topical clobetasol propionate 0.05% and six healthy volunteers received a two-and-a-half-day b.i.d. pretreatment with oral prednisolone at 0.25 mg/kg body weight per administration. Participants received one injection regimen of either 0, 2, or 4 intradermal LPS injections (5 ng LPS in 50 µL 0.9% sodium chloride solution). The LPS response was evaluated by noninvasive (perfusion, skin temperature, and erythema) and invasive assessments (cellular and cytokine responses) in suction blister exudate. Both corticosteroids significantly suppressed the clinical inflammatory response (erythema P = 0.0001 for clobetasol and P = 0.0016 for prednisolone; heat P = 0.0245 for clobetasol, perfusion P < 0.0001 for clobetasol and P = 0.0036 for prednisolone). Clobetasol also significantly reduced the number of monocytes subsets, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, and T cells in blister exudate. A similar effect was observed for prednisolone. No relevant corticosteroid effects were observed on the cytokine response to LPS. We successfully demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory effects of corticosteroids can be detected using our intradermal LPS challenge model, validating it for evaluation of future investigational drugs, as an initial assessment of the anti-inflammatory effects of such compounds in a minimally invasive manner.Drug Delivery Technolog

    Intradermal lipopolysaccharide challenge as an acute in vivo inflammatory model in healthy volunteers

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    Aims Whereas intravenous administration of Toll-like receptor 4 ligand lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to human volunteers is frequently used in clinical pharmacology studies, systemic use of LPS has practical limitations. We aimed to characterize the intradermal LPS response in healthy volunteers, and as such qualify the method as local inflammation model for clinical pharmacology studies. Methods Eighteen healthy male volunteers received 2 or 4 intradermal 10 ng LPS injections and 1 saline injection on the forearms. The LPS response was evaluated by noninvasive (perfusion, skin temperature and erythema) and invasive assessments (cellular and cytokine responses) in skin biopsy and blister exudate. Results LPS elicited a visible response and returned to baseline at 48 hours. Erythema, perfusion and temperature were statistically significant (P < .0001) over a 24-hour time course compared to saline. The protein response was dominated by an acute interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and tumour necrosis factor response followed by IL-1 beta, IL-10 and interferon-gamma. The cellular response consisted of an acute neutrophil influx followed by different monocyte subsets and dendritic cells. Discussion Intradermal LPS administration in humans causes an acute, localized and transient inflammatory reaction that is well-tolerated by healthy volunteers. This may be a valuable inflammation model for evaluating the pharmacological activity of anti-inflammatory investigational compounds in proof of pharmacology studies.Drug Delivery Technolog

    Relaties tussen HRM, welzijn en organisatieprestatie: Op zoek naar balans

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    HRM, employee well-being and organizational performance: A balanced perspective

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe impact of HRM on organizational performance has become the dominant topic in HR research. Although a large body of empirical research has shown that HRM has a substantial effect on company performance, little research has been done on the role of employees in this relationship. This thesis integrates employees in research on the HRMperformance linkage. First, the OB perspective (climate, perceptions of HRM, and employee well-being literature) is aligned towards the topic of (S)HRM and performance. Secondly, the mutual gains and conflicting outcomes perspectives on the effects of HRM on employee well-being and organizational performance are tested. In addition, to bridge the gap between research and practice, this thesis focuses on implications for HR practice, in particular in the context of workforce scorecards. Finally, to overcome some of the methodological shortcomings of prior research, research methodologies innovative in the field of HRM are applied.Universiteit van Tilburg, 20 januari 2010Promotor : Paauwe, J. Co-promotor : Veldhoven, M.J.P.M. van213 p

    HRM, welbevinden en organisatieprestaties: Op zoek naar balans

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    Contains fulltext : 99370.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)M heeft grote invloed op het presteren van een organisatie en vormt daarmee een belangrijke managementtaak. In dit artikel, gebaseerd op de belangrijkste resultaten van een promotieonderzoek, wordt ingegaan op drie uitdagingen waarmee HR-managers en onderzoekers worden geconfronteerd als het gaat om de relatie tussen HRM en organisatieprestaties. De drie uitdagingen zijn: (1) het bestuderen van ervaringen van het HRM-beleid door medewerkers (2) het balanceren van medewerkers- en organisatiebelangen (3) het vertalen van resultaten uit wetenschappelijk HRM-onderzoek naar de praktijk. Tot slot worden de implicaties van het proefschrift voor theorie en praktijk besproken.15 p

    The application of the multilevel paradigm in human resource management outcomes research: Taking stock and going forward

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    The authors provide a systematic evaluation of the emerging multilevel paradigm in human resource management (HRM) research focusing, in particular, on multilevel mediation analyses of the HRM-outcomes relationship. They first distinguish different types of multilevel models and then identify a number of best practice theoretical and methodological criteria for the conduct of multilevel research derived from the literature. These criteria are used to analyze and evaluate all multilevel mediation studies ( N = 46) of the HRM-outcomes relationship published in 11 core management and HRM journals in the 2000 to 2016 period. The results suggest that progress in the application of the multilevel paradigm has been slow and uneven and that the new paradigm has not as yet taken firm root in the field of HRM. On the basis of this evaluation, the authors identify key areas for improvement in the application of the multilevel approach to the analysis of the HRM-outcomes relationship. In the process, they highlight important ways in which the further development of a multilevel perspective can enhance both strategic and employee-centered HRM research by contributing to a fuller substantive understanding of the processes and mechanisms through which HRM systems affect outcomes of interest at different levels of analysis