424 research outputs found

    BiOCuS: A new superconducting compound with oxypnictide - related structure

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    The discovery of about 50 K superconductivity in the tetragonal Fe-based pnictides has stimulated the search for superconductivity in a wide class of materials with similar structure. Copper forms compounds isostructural to LaOFeAs. Single phase BiOCuS can be prepared by a solid state reaction at temperature lower than 500 C from a mixture of Bi2O3, Bi2S3 and Cu2S. The samples have been characterized by means of EDX analysis, X-ray diffraction, magnetic and electrical measurements. The cell parameters are a = 3.8708 A, c = 8.565 A. Charge carrier doping can be realized either by F substitutions for O, or by Cu off-stoichiometry. The latter doping route leads to the occurrence of superconductivity below Tc = 5.8 K

    Constraining the Mass Profiles of Stellar Systems: Schwarzschild Modeling of Discrete Velocity Datasets

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    (ABRIDGED) We present a new Schwarzschild orbit-superposition code designed to model discrete datasets composed of velocities of individual kinematic tracers in a dynamical system. This constitutes an extension of previous implementations that can only address continuous data in the form of (the moments of) velocity distributions, thus avoiding potentially important losses of information due to data binning. Furthermore, the code can handle any combination of available velocity components, i.e., only line-of-sight velocities, only proper motions, or a combination of both. It can also handle a combination of discrete and continuous data. The code finds the distribution function (DF, a function of the three integrals of motion E, Lz, and I3) that best reproduces the available kinematic and photometric observations in a given axisymmetric gravitational potential. The fully numerical approach ensures considerable freedom on the form of the DF f(E,Lz,I3). This allows a very general modeling of the orbital structure, thus avoiding restrictive assumptions about the degree of (an)isotropy of the orbits. We describe the implementation of the discrete code and present a series of tests of its performance based on the modeling of simulated datasets generated from a known DF. We find that the discrete Schwarzschild code recovers the original orbital structure, M/L ratios, and inclination of the input datasets to satisfactory accuracy, as quantified by various statistics. The code will be valuable, e.g., for modeling stellar motions in Galactic globular clusters, and those of individual stars, planetary nebulae, or globular clusters in nearby galaxies. This can shed new light on the total mass distributions of these systems, with central black holes and dark matter halos being of particular interest.Comment: ApJ, in press; 51 pages, 11 figures; manuscript revised following comments by refere

    The counterrotating core and the black hole mass of IC1459

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    The E3 giant elliptical galaxy IC1459 is the prototypical galaxy with a fast counterrotating stellar core. We obtained one HST/STIS long-slit spectrum along the major axis of this galaxy and CTIO spectra along five position angles. We present self-consistent three-integral axisymmetric models of the stellar kinematics, obtained with Schwarzschild's numerical orbit superposition method. We study the dynamics of the kinematically decoupled core (KDC) in IC1459 and we find it consists of stars that are well-separated from the rest of the galaxy in phase space. The stars in the KDC counterrotate in a disk on orbits that are close to circular. We estimate that the KDC mass is ~0.5% of the total galaxy mass or ~3*10^9 Msun. We estimate the central black hole mass M_BH of IC1459 independently from both its stellar and its gaseous kinematics. Some complications probably explain why we find rather discrepant BH masses with the different methods. The stellar kinematics suggest that M_BH = (2.6 +/- 1.1)*10^9 Msun (3 sigma error). The gas kinematics suggests that M_BH ~ 3.5*10^8 Msun if the gas is assumed to rotate at the circular velocity in a thin disk. If the observed velocity dispersion of the gas is assumed to be gravitational, then M_BH could be as high as ~1.0*10^9 Msun. These different estimates bracket the value M_BH = (1.1 +/- 0.3)*10^9 Msun predicted by the M_BH-sigma relation. It will be an important goal for future studies to assess the reliability of black hole mass determinations with either technique. This is essential if one wants to interpret the correlation between the BH mass and other global galaxy parameters (e.g. velocity dispersion) and in particular the scatter in these correlations (believed to be only ~0.3 dex). [Abridged]Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX with 19 PostScript figures. Revised version, with three new figures and data tables. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 578, 2002 October 2

    Optical properties of bcc transition metals in the range 0-40 eV

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    We present a systematic analysis of the optical properties of bcc transition metals in the groups VB: V, Nb, and Ta, and VIB: paramagnetic Cr, Mo, and W. For this we use our formulation of time-dependent current-density-functional theory for the linear response of metals. The calculated dielectric and electron energy-loss functions are compared with our ellipsometry measurements and with data reported in literature, showing an overall good agreement. The experimental data of the dielectric functions presented by Nestell and Christy and by Weaver differ mostly in the low-frequency region. However, we found that their reflectivity data are in very good agreement up to about 3 eV. We attribute this apparent discrepancy to the Drude-like extrapolation model used by Weaver in the Kramers-Kronig procedure to extract the optical constants from their reflectivity data. Our experiments are in good agreement with Nestell and Christy's data. The calculated absorption spectra show some deviations from the experiments, in particular in the 3d metals. We assign the spectra in terms of transitions between pairs of bands and we analyze which parts of the Brillouin zone are mainly involved in the absorption. Our results suggest that the blueshift of some spectral features in our calculations can be attributed mainly to the incorrect description of the virtual d bands by the approximations used for the ground state exchange-correlation functional. These virtual bands are too weakly bound by the local density and generalized gradient approximations, in particular in the 3d metals. We calculate separately the inter- and intraband contributions to the absorption and we show using a k center dot p analysis that, within the scalar-relativistic approximation, interband transitions contribute to the absorption already at frequencies well below 0.5 eV. This finding makes questionable the Drude-like behavior normally assumed in the experimental analysis of the linear response. We find that the combination of the Drude model in which we use the calculated plasma frequency and an optimized relaxation time, and the calculated interband response can well describe the experimental spectra. The electron energy-loss spectra are very well reproduced by our calculations showing in each metal a dominant plasmon peak at about 22-24 eV, well above the corresponding Drude-like free-electron plasma frequency, and additional features in the range 10-15 eV. We show that the renormalization of the plasma frequency is due to the interplay between inter- and intraband processes, and that the additional features arise from the rich structure in the dielectric function caused by interband transitions.</p

    The Kinematics of the Outer Halo of M87

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    Radial velocities are presented for a new sample of globular clusters in the outer halo of M87 at a distance of 300 to 540 arcsec (24 to 43 kpc) from the center of this galaxy. These are used to augment our previously published data and an analysis of the rotation and velocity dispersion of the M87 globular cluster system is carried out. The rotation is 300\sim300 \kms at R = 32 kpc, at which point the velocity dispersion is also still quite high, 450\sim450 \kms. The high rotation is interesting. The outer halo of M87 is, as was found in our previous kinematic analysis, very massive.Comment: Accepted for publication in the AJ. 13 pages with 3 figure

    Mott transition and collective charge pinning in electron doped Sr2IrO4

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    We studied the in-plane dynamic and static charge conductivity of electron doped Sr2IrO4 using optical spectroscopy and DC transport measurements. The optical conductivity indicates that the pristine material is an indirect semiconductor with a direct Mott-gap of 0.55 eV. Upon substitution of 2% La per formula unit the Mott-gap is suppressed except in a small fraction of the material (15%) where the gap survives, and overall the material remains insulating. Instead of a zero energy mode (or Drude peak) we observe a soft collective mode (SCM) with a broad maximum at 40 meV. Doping to 10% increases the strength of the SCM, and a zero-energy mode occurs together with metallic DC conductivity. Further increase of the La substitution doesn't change the spectral weight integral up to 3 eV. It does however result in a transfer of the SCM spectral weight to the zero-energy mode, with a corresponding reduction of the DC resistivity for all temperatures from 4 to 300 K. The presence of a zero-energy mode signals that at least part of the Fermi surface remains ungapped at low temperatures, whereas the SCM appears to be caused by pinning a collective frozen state involving part of the doped electrons

    Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project: Unraveling Tarantula's Web. II. Optical and Near Infrared Star Formation History of the Starburst Cluster NGC 2070 in 30 Doradus

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    We present a study of the recent star formation of 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the panchromatic imaging survey Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project (HTTP). In this paper we focus on the stars within 20 pc of the center of the massive ionizing cluster of 30 Doradus, NGC 2070. We recovered the star formation history by comparing deep optical and NIR color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with state-of-the-art synthetic CMDs generated with the latest PARSEC models, which include all stellar phases from pre-main sequence to post- main sequence. For the first time in this region we are able to measure the star formation using intermediate and low mass stars simultaneously. Our results suggest that NGC2070 experienced a prolonged activity. In particular, we find that the star formation in the region: i) exceeded the average LMC rate ~ 20 Myr ago; ii) accelerated dramatically ~ 7 Myr ago; and iii) reached a peak value 1-3 Myr ago. We did not find significant deviations from a Kroupa initial mass function down to 0.5 Msun. The average internal reddening E(B-V) is found to be between 0.3 and 0.4 mag.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Optical properties of BaFe2x_{2-x}Cox_xAs2_2

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    We present detailed temperature dependent optical data on BaFe2x_{2-x}Cox_{x}As2_{2} (BCFA), with x = 0.14, between 4 meV and 6.5 eV. We analyze our spectra to determine the main optical parameters and show that in this material the interband conductivity already starts around 10 meV. We determine the superfluid density to be 2.2 10^{7}cm2,whichplacesoptimallydopedBFCAclosetotheUemuraline.Ourexperimentaldatashowsclearsignsofasuperconductinggapwith2 cm^{-2}, which places optimally doped BFCA close to the Uemura line. Our experimental data shows clear signs of a superconducting gap with 2\Delta_{1}=6.2 = 6.2 \pm0.8meV.Inadditionweshowthattheopticalspectraareconsistentwiththepresenceofanadditionalbandofstronglyscatteredcarrierswithalargergap,2 0.8 meV. In addition we show that the optical spectra are consistent with the presence of an additional band of strongly scattered carriers with a larger gap, 2\Delta_{2}=14 = 14 \pm$ 2 meV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spectroscopic ages and metallicities of stellar populations: validation of full spectrum fitting

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    Fitting whole spectra at intermediate spectral resolution (R = 1000 -- 3000), to derive physical properties of stellar populations, appears as an optimized alternative to methods based on spectrophotometric indices: it uses all the redundant information contained in the signal. This paper addresses the validation of the method and it investigates the quality of the population models together with the reliability of the fitting procedures. We are using two algorithms: STECKMAP, a non-parametric regularized program and NBURSTS a parametric non-linear minimization. We compare three spectral synthesis models for single stellar populations: Pegase-HR, Galaxev (BC03) and Vazdekis/Miles, and we analyse spectra of Galactic clusters whose populations are known from studies of color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) and spectroscopy of individual stars. We find that: (1) The quality of the models critically depends on the stellar library they use. Pegase-HR and Vazdekis/Miles are consistent, while the comparison between Pegase-HR and BC03 shows some systematics reflecting the limitations of the stellar library (STELIB) used to generate the latter models; (2) The two fitting programs are consistent; (3) For globular clusters and M67 spectra, the method restitutes metallicities in agreement with spectroscopy of stars within 0.14 dex; (4) The spectroscopic ages are very sensitive to the presence of a blue horizontal branch (BHB) or of blue stragglers. A BHB morphology results in a young SSP-equivalent age. Fitting a free amount of blue stars in addition to the SSP model to mimic the BHB improves and stabilizes the fit and restores ages in agreement with CMDs studies. This method is potentially able to disentangle age or BHB effects in extragalactic clusters.Comment: accepted in MNRAS; Full version available at http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/labo/perso/prugniel/mina/koleva.pd