1,266 research outputs found

    The influence of alcohol (0.5‰) on the control and manoeuvring level of driving behaviour, finding measures to assess driving impairment:A simulator study

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    Objective: The influence of psychoactive substances on driving performance and traffic safety has been extensively studied. Research on the influence of alcohol at the control level of behaviour (i.e. automated processes) has been well established and has shown that the ability to operate a vehicle decreases with rising alcohol levels. However, results one level higher at the manoeuvring level (i.e. conscious processes), are inconsistent. The current study aimed to replicate findings on the influence of alcohol on the control level of behaviour and investigate effects on the manoeuvring level in order to find suitable measures to assess driving impairment. Method: The study was double-blind, placebo-controlled with a counterbalanced treatment order and a two-way crossover design. Thirty participants performed tasks in a driving simulator under the influence of alcohol (0.5‰) and a placebo. In the driving tasks the control level of behaviour (swerving, average speed, and speed variation) was investigated, as well as the manoeuvring level of behaviour (distance to other traffic during an overtaking manoeuvre, reaction time to a traffic light turning amber, and response to a suddenly merging car). Results: As expected, alcohol affected the control level of behaviour negatively. Participants swerved more and showed more speed variation after alcohol intake. The manoeuvring level of driving behaviour was also affected by alcohol. The distance to other drivers during an overtaking manoeuvre was smaller under the influence of alcohol. Results on reaction time were however less straightforward. Reaction time increased significantly under the influence of alcohol when reacting to a traffic light but not in reaction to a car unexpectedly merging into traffic. When analysing behaviour in reaction to these different events in more detail it became clear that they were responded to in varying manners, making it difficult to find an average impairment measure. Conclusions: The deteriorating effect of alcohol at the control level of driving behaviour was replicated, confirming the suitability of the standard deviation of lateral position and the variation in speed as measures of impairment. At the manoeuvring level, the kept distance to the leading car during an overtaking manoeuvre appeared to be a suitable measure to assess impairment as well as reaction time to a traffic light. The current study also confirms the difficulties in evaluating complex driving behaviour and the need for more research on this subject

    Continued Benefits of Methylphenidate in ADHD After 2 Years in Clinical Practice:A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Discontinuation Study

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    Objective: The benefits of long-term use of methylphenidate treatment in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as frequently prescribed in clinical practice, are unclear. The authors investigated whether methylphenidate remains beneficial after 2 years of use. Methods: Ninety-four children and adolescents (ages 8-18 years) who had been treated in regular care with methylphenidate for more than 2 years were randomly assigned to double-blind continuation of treatment for 7 weeks (36 or 54 mg/day of extended-release methylphenidate) or gradual withdrawal over 3 weeks, to 4 weeks of placebo. The primary outcome measure was the investigator-rated ADHD Rating Scale (ADHD-RS); secondary outcome measures were the investigator-rated Clinical Global Impressions improvement scale (CGI-I) and the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale-Revised: Short Form (CTRS-R:S). Continuous ratings were analyzed with mixed model for repeated measures analyses, and the CGI-I with a chi-square test. Results: The mean ADHD-RS scores at baseline for the continuation and discontinuation groups, respectively, were 21.4 (SD=9.7) and 19.6 (SD=8.9); after 7 weeks, the mean scores were 21.9 (SD=10.8) and 24.7 (SD=11.4), with a significant between-group difference in change over time of 24.6 (95% CI=28.7, 20.56) in favor of the group that continued methylphenidate treatment. The ADHD-RS inattention subscale and the CTRS-R: S ADHD index and hyperactivity subscale also deteriorated significantly more in the discontinuation group. The CGI-I indicated worsening in 40.4% of the discontinuation group, compared with 15.9% of the continuation group. Conclusions: Continued treatment with methylphenidate remains effective after long-term use. Some individual patients may, however, be withdrawn from methylphenidate without deterioration. This finding supports guideline recommendations that patients be assessed periodically to determine whether there is a continued need for methylphenidate treatment

    Effects of methylphenidate on executive functioning in children and adolescents with ADHD after long-term use:a randomized, placebo-controlled discontinuation study

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    BACKGROUND: Methylphenidate may improve executive functioning in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, it is unclear if there are still acute effects of methylphenidate on executive functioning after long-term use. METHODS: In a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled discontinuation study, 94 children and adolescents (ages 8-18 years) who used methylphenidate beyond two years were either assigned to seven weeks of continued treatment with 36 or 54 mg of extended-release methylphenidate or to gradual withdrawal over three weeks to placebo for four weeks. Performance on neuropsychological tasks, measuring working memory, response inhibition, attentional flexibility and psychomotor speed was compared between both groups using mixed models for repeated measures. Additionally, we investigated within the discontinuation group if a deterioration on the investigator-rated Clinical Global Impressions Improvement scale after withdrawing to placebo was related to a worse performance on the neuropsychological tasks. This study was registered in the Netherlands Trial Register (www. Trialregister.nl) with identifier 5252. RESULTS: After withdrawal of methylphenidate, the discontinuation group made more errors on working memory (β = -1.62, SD = 0.56, t = -2.88, p = .01, Cohen's f2 = .14), independent from reaction time compared to baseline, in contrast to the continuation group. We did not find differences in changes in response inhibition, attentional flexibility and psychomotor speed between the two groups. Also, there were no significant differences in task measures between the participants who deteriorated clinically and those who did not. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that methylphenidate has a beneficial effect on working memory after two years of use. Future studies should explore whether cognitive outcomes may aid clinical decision-making on the continued use of methylphenidate, given dissociation between cognitive and behavioural effects of stimulant medication

    Effects of Discontinuing Methylphenidate on Strengths and Difficulties, Quality of Life and Parenting Stress

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    Objectives: To study the effects of discontinuation of long-term methylphenidate use on secondary outcome measures of strengths and difficulties, quality of life (QoL), and parenting stress. Methods: Ninety-four children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 years who had used methylphenidate for over 2 years were randomly assigned to double-blind continuation of treatment for 7 weeks (36 or 54 mg extended release methylphenidate) or to gradual withdrawal over 3 to 4 weeks placebo. We used mixed models for repeated measures to investigate effects on parent, teacher, and child ratings of hyperactivity/inattention and comorbid symptoms with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), investigator- and teacher-rated oppositional symptoms (Conners Teacher Rating Scale-Revised: short form [CTRS-R:S]), and parent-rated aggression with the Retrospective Modified Overt Aggression Scale. QoL was assessed with the Revised Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents to record health-related quality of life and parenting stress with the Nijmegen Parental Stress Index. Results: Hyperactivity/inattention scores from the parent- and teacher-rated SDQ (difference in mean change over time of respectively: -1.1 [95% confidence interval, CI, -2.0 to -0.3]; p = 0.01; -2.9 [95% CI -2.9 to -0.7; p = 0.01]) and oppositional scores of the teacher-rated CTRS-R:S (difference in mean change -1.9 95% CI [-3.1 to -0.6; p <0.01]) deteriorated to a significantly larger extent in the discontinuation group than in the continuation group. We did not find effects on other symptom domains, aggression, QoL, and parenting stress after discontinuation of methylphenidate. Conclusion: Our study suggests beneficial effects of long-term methylphenidate use beyond 2 years for oppositional behaviors in the school environment. Similarly, beneficial effects were found on hyperactivity-inattention symptoms as rated by parent and teacher scales, confirming our primary study on investigator ratings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. However, discontinuation of methylphenidate did not appear to have impact on other comorbid problems or aspects of the child's or parental functioning

    Взаимовлияние валютного курса и платежного баланса в Украине

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    Цель статьи - выявить основные каналы взаимовлияния валютного курса и платежного баланса для определения наиболее подходящей модели валютного регулирования в Украине

    Variable millimetre radiation from the colliding-wind binary Cygnus OB2 #8A

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    Context. Massive binaries have stellar winds that collide. In the colliding-wind region, various physically interesting processes occur, leading to enhanced X-ray emission, non-thermal radio emission, as well as non-thermal X-rays and gamma-rays. Non-thermal radio emission (due to synchrotron radiation) has so far been observed at centimetre wavelengths. At millimetre wavelengths, the stellar winds and the colliding-wind region emit more thermal free-free radiation, and it is expected that any non-thermal contribution will be difficult or impossible to detect. Aims. We aim to determine if the material in the colliding-wind region contributes substantially to the observed millimetre fluxes of a colliding-wind binary. We also try to distinguish the synchrotron emission from the free-free emission. Methods. We monitored the massive binary Cyg OB2 #8A at 3 mm with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) interferometer of the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM). The data were collected in 14 separate observing runs (in 2014 and 2016), and provide good coverage of the orbital period. Results. The observed millimetre fluxes range between 1.1 and 2.3 mJy, and show phase-locked variability, clearly indicating that a large part of the emission is due to the colliding-wind region. A simple synchrotron model gives fluxes with the correct order of magnitude, but with a maximum that is phase-shifted with respect to the observations. Qualitatively this phase shift can be explained by our neglect of orbital motion on the shape of the colliding-wind region. A model using only free-free emission results in only a slightly worse explanation of the observations. Additionally, on the map of our observations we also detect the O6.5 III star Cyg OB2 #8B, for which we determine a 3 mm flux of 0.21 ± 0.033 mJy. Conclusions. The question of whether synchrotron radiation or free-free emission dominates the millimetre fluxes of Cyg OB2 #8A remains open. More detailed modelling of this system, based on solving the hydrodynamical equations, is required to give a definite answer

    Sex dependent risk factors for mortality after myocardial infarction : individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Background. Although a number of risk factors are known to predict mortality within the first years after myocardial infarction, little is known about interactions between risk factors, whereas these could contribute to accurate differentiation of patients with higher and lower risk for mortality. This study explored the effect of interactions of risk factors on all-cause mortality in patients with myocardial infarction based on individual patient data meta-analysis. Methods. Prospective data for 10,512 patients hospitalized for myocardial infarction were derived from 16 observational studies (MINDMAPS). Baseline measures included a broad set of risk factors for mortality such as age, sex, heart failure, diabetes, depression, and smoking. All two-way and three-way interactions of these risk factors were included in Lasso regression analyses to predict time-to-event related all-cause mortality. The effect of selected interactions was investigated with multilevel Cox regression models. Results. Lasso regression selected five two-way interactions, of which four included sex. The addition of these interactions to multilevel Cox models suggested differential risk patterns for males and females. Younger women (ag

    Characteristics of social drinkers with and without a hangover after heavy alcohol consumption

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    Background: A number of social drinkers claim that they do not experience next-day hangovers despite consuming large quantities of alcohol. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of drinkers who claim to be hangover immune and compare them with drinkers who do report having hangovers. Methods: A total of 36 social drinkers participated in a naturalistic study consisting of a hangover day (alcohol consumed) and a control day (no alcohol consumed). Data were collected on alcohol consumption, demographics, sleep, next-day adverse effects, and mood. Data from drinkers with a hangover (N=18) were compared with data from drinkers who claim to be hangover immune (N=18). Results: Drinkers with a hangover reported drowsiness-related symptoms, symptoms related to reduced cognitive functioning, and classic hangover symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, and stomach pain. Corresponding mood changes comprised increased feelings of depression, anger-hostility, fatigue, and reduced vigor-activity. In contrast, hangover-immune drinkers reported relatively few hangover symptoms, with only mild corresponding severity scores. The reported symptoms were limited to drowsiness-related symptoms such as sleepiness and being tired. The classic hangover symptoms were usually not reported by these drinkers. Conclusion: In contrast to drinkers with a hangover, for those who claim to be hangover immune, next-day adverse effects of alcohol consumption are limited to a mild increase in drowsiness-related symptoms

    Organizational culture, team climate and diabetes care in small office-based practices

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    Contains fulltext : 71456.pdf ( ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Redesigning care has been proposed as a lever for improving chronic illness care. Within primary care, diabetes care is the most widespread example of restructured integrated care. Our goal was to assess to what extent important aspects of restructured care such as multidisciplinary teamwork and different types of organizational culture are associated with high quality diabetes care in small office-based general practices. METHODS: We conducted cross-sectional analyses of data from 83 health care professionals involved in diabetes care from 30 primary care practices in the Netherlands, with a total of 752 diabetes mellitus type II patients participating in an improvement study. We used self-reported measures of team climate (Team Climate Inventory) and organizational culture (Competing Values Framework), and measures of quality of diabetes care and clinical patient characteristics from medical records and self-report. We conducted multivariate analyses of the relationship between culture, climate and HbA1c, total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and a sum score on process indicators for the quality of diabetes care, adjusting for potential patient- and practice level confounders and practice-level clustering. RESULTS: A strong group culture was negatively associated to the quality of diabetes care provided to patients (beta = -0.04; p = 0.04), whereas a more 'balanced culture' was positively associated to diabetes care quality (beta = 5.97; p = 0.03). No associations were found between organizational culture, team climate and clinical patient outcomes. CONCLUSION: Although some significant associations were found between high quality diabetes care in general practice and different organizational cultures, relations were rather marginal. Variation in clinical patient outcomes could not be attributed to organizational culture or teamwork. This study therefore contributes to the discussion about the legitimacy of the widespread idea that aspects of redesigning care such as teamwork and culture can contribute to higher quality of care. Future research should preferably combine quantitative and qualitative methods, focus on possible mediating or moderating factors and explore the use of instruments more sensitive to measure such complex constructs in small office-based practices