29 research outputs found

    The adhesion G protein-coupled receptor GPR56/ADGRG1 is an inhibitory receptor on human NK cells

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    Natural killer (NK) cells possess potent cytotoxic mechanisms that need to be tightly controlled. We here explored the regulation and function of GPR56/ADGRG1, an adhesion G protein-coupled receptor implicated in developmental processes and expressed distinctively in mature NK cells. Expression of GPR56 was triggered by Hobit, a homolog of Blimp-1, and declined upon cell activation. Through studying NK cells from polymicrogyria patients with disease-causing mutations in the ADGRG1 gene, encoding GPR56, and NK-92 cells ectopically expressing the receptor, we found that GPR56 negatively regulates immediate effector functions, including production of inflammatory cytokines and cytolytic proteins, degranulation, and target cell killing. GPR56 pursues this activity by associating with the tetraspanin CD81. We conclude that GPR56 inhibits natural cytotoxicity of human NK cells

    A Sensitive Assay for Virus Discovery in Respiratory Clinical Samples

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    In 5–40% of respiratory infections in children, the diagnostics remain negative, suggesting that the patients might be infected with a yet unknown pathogen. Virus discovery cDNA-AFLP (VIDISCA) is a virus discovery method based on recognition of restriction enzyme cleavage sites, ligation of adaptors and subsequent amplification by PCR. However, direct discovery of unknown pathogens in nasopharyngeal swabs is difficult due to the high concentration of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) that acts as competitor. In the current study we optimized VIDISCA by adjusting the reverse transcription enzymes and decreasing rRNA amplification in the reverse transcription, using hexamer oligonucleotides that do not anneal to rRNA. Residual cDNA synthesis on rRNA templates was further reduced with oligonucleotides that anneal to rRNA but can not be extended due to 3′-dideoxy-C6-modification. With these modifications >90% reduction of rRNA amplification was established. Further improvement of the VIDISCA sensitivity was obtained by high throughput sequencing (VIDISCA-454). Eighteen nasopharyngeal swabs were analysed, all containing known respiratory viruses. We could identify the proper virus in the majority of samples tested (11/18). The median load in the VIDISCA-454 positive samples was 7.2 E5 viral genome copies/ml (ranging from 1.4 E3–7.7 E6). Our results show that optimization of VIDISCA and subsequent high-throughput-sequencing enhances sensitivity drastically and provides the opportunity to perform virus discovery directly in patient material

    Response kinetics reveal novel features of ageing in murine T cells.

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    The impact of ageing on the immune system results in defects in T cell responsiveness. The search for ageing hallmarks has been challenging due to the complex nature of immune responses in which the kinetics of T cell responsiveness have largely been neglected. We aimed to unravel hallmarks of ageing in the kinetics of the murine T cell response. To this end, we assessed ageing-related T-cell response kinetics by studying the effect of the duration and strength of in vitro stimulation on activation, proliferation, and cytokine secretion by T cells of young and aged mice. Collectively, our data show that stimulatory strength and time kinetics of cytokine secretion, activation markers, and proliferation of Th, Tc, and Treg cells are crucial in understanding the impact of ageing on T cells. Despite low proliferative capacity, T cell subsets of aged mice do respond to stimulation by upregulation of activation markers and secretion of cytokines. These findings therefore indicate that replicative senescence of aged T cells is not a measure of unresponsiveness per se, but rather stress that ageing influences the kinetics of proliferation, upregulation of activation markers and cytokine secretion each to a different extent

    Microglia in normal appearing white matter of multiple sclerosis are alerted but immunosuppressed

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    Little is known about the functional phenotype of microglia in normal appearing white matter (NAWM) of multiple sclerosis (MS), although it may hold valuable clues about mechanisms for lesion development. Therefore, we studied microglia from NAWM obtained post-mortem from controls (n = 25) and MS patients (n = 21) for their phenotype ex vivo and their immune responsiveness in vitro, using a microglia isolation method that omits culture and adherence. By flow cytometry, microglia in MS NAWM displayed elevated CD45 levels and increased size and granularity but were distinct from autologous choroid plexus macrophages by absent or low expression of additional markers, in particular CD206. Flow cytometric analysis of microglia from NAWM of three controls and four MS patients showed alterations in levels of Fc-gamma receptors in MS. In primary microglia from a bigger sample of subjects, analysis of Fc-gamma receptors by quantitative PCR indicated a significant increase in mRNA levels of the inhibitory CD32b isoform in MS NAWM. Despite their changed activation status, microglia from MS NAWM were unresponsive to lipopolysaccharide in vitro. Notably, culture with dexamethasone led to an impaired induction of the inflammation-limiting cytokine CCL18 in microglia from MS NAWM compared with those from control NAWM. Together, these data demonstrate that microglia in MS NAWM are in an alerted state, but display features of immunosuppression. Thus, the activation status of microglia in NAWM of MS patients likely reflects a response to ongoing neuroinflammation, which coincides with upregulation of immunoregulatory molecules to prevent full activation and damage to the vulnerable milie

    Chronic exposure to glucocorticoids shapes gene expression and modulates innate and adaptive activation pathways in macrophages with distinct changes in leukocyte attraction

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    Glucocorticoids (GCs) have been used for more than 50 y as immunosuppressive drugs, yet their efficacy in macrophage-dominated disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is debated. Little is known how long-term GC treatment affects macrophage responses in inflammatory conditions. In this study, we compared the transcriptome of human macrophages, matured in the presence or absence of fluticasone propionate (FP), and their ability to initiate or sustain classical activation, mimicked using acute LPS and chronic IFN-γ stimulation, respectively. We identified macrophage gene expression networks, modulated by FP long-term exposure, and specific patterns of IFN-γ- and LPS-induced genes that were resistant, inhibited, or exacerbated by FP. Results suggest that long-term treatment with GCs weakens adaptive immune signature components of IFN-γ and LPS gene profiles by downmodulating MHC class II and costimulatory molecules, but strengthens innate signature components by maintaining and increasing expression of chemokines involved in phagocyte attraction. In a mouse model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, GC treatment induced higher chemokine levels, and this correlated with enhanced recruitment of leukocytes. Thus, GCs do not generally suppress macrophage effector functions, but they cause a shift in the innate-adaptive balance of the immune response, with distinct changes in the chemokine-chemokine receptor network

    Liver Monocytes and Kupffer Cells Remain Transcriptionally Distinct during Chronic Viral Infection

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    <div><p>Due to the scarcity of immunocompetent animal models for chronic viral hepatitis, little is known about the role of the innate intrahepatic immune system during viral replication in the liver. These insights are however fundamental for the understanding of the inappropriate adaptive immune responses during the chronic phase of the infection. We apply the Lymphocytic Choriomenigitis Virus (LCMV) clone 13 mouse model to examine chronic virus-host interactions of Kupffer cells (KC) and infiltrating monocytes (IM) in an infected liver. LCMV infection induced overt clinical hepatitis, with rise in ALT and serum cytokines, and increased intrahepatic F4/80 expression. Despite ongoing viral replication, whole liver transcriptome showed baseline expression levels of inflammatory cytokines, interferons, and interferon induced genes during the chronic infection phase. Transcriptome analyses of sorted KC and IMs using NanoString technology revealed two unique phenotypes with only minimal overlap. At the chronic viral infection phase, KC showed no increased transcription of activation markers <i>Cd80</i> and <i>Cd86</i>, but an increased expression of genes related to antigen presentation, whereas monocytes were more activated and expressed higher levels of <i>Tnf</i> transcripts. Although both KCs and intrahepatic IM share the surface markers F4/80 and CD11b, their transcriptomes point towards distinctive roles during virus-induced chronic hepatitis.</p></div