63 research outputs found

    Low gonorrhoea antimicrobial resistance and culture positivity rates in general practice: a pilot study

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    Objective In the Netherlands, the Gonococcal Resistance to Antimicrobials Surveillance (GRAS) programme is carried out at Centres for Sexual Health (CSH), which provide care for sexual high-risk populations. However, half of gonorrhoea infections are diagnosed in general practice (GP). We performed a pilot study to explore expanding GRAS to GPs using laboratory-based surveillance. Additionally, antimicrobial resistance patterns of GP and CSH patients were compared. Methods Three laboratories from different regions were included, which all perform gonorrhoea diagnostics for GPs and used ESwab for patient sampling. Additional culturing for all GP patients with gonorrhoea took place from February to July 2018. After positive PCR-nucleic acid amplification test, residual ESwab material was used for culture. In positive cultures, susceptibility testing was performed for azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone using Etest. Results During the study period, 484 samples were put in culture. 16.5% of cultures were positive (n=80). Antimicrobial resistance levels were low, with 2.6% resistance to azithromycin, 21.5% to ciprofloxacin and 0.0% to cefotaxime and ceftriaxone. Resistance levels in CSH GRAS data (first half of 2018) were 19.2% for azithromycin, 31.5% for ciprofloxacin, 1.9% for cefotaxime and 0.0% for ceftriaxone. Conclusions Culture positivity rates for GP patients were low, probably due to long transportation times and awaiting PCR test results before attempting culture. Positivity rates might be improved by making changes in sampling and/or transportation methods, but that would require involvement of GPs and patients instead of keeping the surveillance lab based. Resistance levels appeared to be lower at GPs than at the CSH, indicating that resistance might emerge first in more high-risk populations. It is important to consider all potentially relevant patient populations when establishing a gonococcal antimicrobial resistance surveillance programme. However, based on the findings from this study the current GRAS programme will not be extended to GPs

    The accuracy of four commercial broth microdilution tests in the determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of colistin

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    Colistin is considered as one of the last-resort antibiotics and reliable antimicrobial susceptibility testing is therefore crucial. The reference standard for AST according to EUCAST and CLSI is broth microdilution (BMD). However, BMD is labor intensive to perform. Commercial antimicrobial susceptibility tests derived from BMD method are available. We investigated the performance of four different commercial tests: Sensititreā„¢, SensiTestā„¢ Colistin, Micronaut MIC Strip Colistin and UMIC Colistin using 70 clinical isolates (half of them was deemed by VITEK2 as resistant), including isolates from cystic fibrosis patients and mcr-1 bearing isolates. We used two reference standards: BMD and composite MIC as determined by all four tests. Sensititreā„¢ had essential agreement (EA, defined as minimum inhibitory concentration withinā€‰Ā±ā€‰1 dilution) of 87% and 89% compared to BMD and composite reference standard, respectively. For SensiTestā„¢, the EAā€™s were 93% and 90%. For UMIC, 87% and 90%, and for Micronaut, 83% and 84%. All four tests demonstrated categorical agreement (CA) above 90%. CA for SensiTestā„¢ and Micronaut was both 96%, UMIC 94%, and Sensititreā„¢ 93%. All tests were reproducible as tested in two quality control isolates. In conclusion, in clinical isolates from a large referral center, the four commercial tests for determination of colistin minimum inhibitory concentrations showed acceptable performance

    Successful high-dosage monotherapy of tigecycline in a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia-septicemia model in rats

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    Background: Recent scientific reports on the use of high dose tigecycline monotherapy as a ā€œdrug of last resortā€ warrant further research into the use of this regimen for the treatment of severe multidrug-resistant, Gram-negative bacterial infections. In the current study, the therapeutic efficacy of tigecycline monotherapy was investigated and compared to meropenem monotherapy in a newly developed rat model of fatal lobar pneumonia-septicemia. Methods: A Klebsiella pneumoniae producing extended-spectrum Ī²-lactamase (ESBL) and an isogenic variant producing K. pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) were used in the study. Both strains were tested for their in vitro antibiotic susceptibility and used to induce pneumonia-septicemia in rats, which was characterized using disease progression parameters. Therapy with tigecycline or meropenem was initiated at the moment that rats suffered from progressive infection and was administered 12-hourly over 10 days. The pharmacokinetics of meropenem were determined in infected rats. Results: In rats with ESBL pneumonia-septicemia, the minimum dosage of meropenem achieving survival of all rats was 25 mg/kg/day. However, in rats with KPC pneumonia-septicemia, this meropenem dosage was unsuccessful. In contrast, all rats with KPC pneumonia-septicemia were successfully cured by administration of high-dose tigecycline monotherapy of 25 mg/kg/day (i.e., the minimum tigecycline dosage achieving 100% survival of rats with ESBL pneumonia-septicemia in a previous study). Conclusions: The current study supports recent literature recommending high-dose tigecycline as a last resort regimen for the treatment of severe multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. The use of ESBL- and KPC-producing K. pneumoniae strains in the current rat model of pneumonia-septicemia enables further investigation, helping provide supporting data for follow-up clinical trials in patients suffering from severe multidrug-resistant bacterial respiratory infections

    Evidence of cat-to-human transmission of Staphylococcus felis.

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    Introduction. Staphylococcus felis is a coagulase-negative staphylococcal species that is commonly isolated from healthy cats. Like other commensal staphylococci, S. felis can cause opportunistic infections, e.g. otitis externa, skin and urinary tract infections, in cats. Gap Statement. Several studies have reported within-household transmission between humans and pets and human infections caused by coagulase-positive staphylococci. However, human infections with coagulase-negative staphylococci of zoonotic origin are relatively rare. Methodology. Culture of a surgical site infection in a 58-year-old woman who underwent a laminectomy revealed dominant growth of S. felis. The three cats owned by the patient were sampled to investigate potential within-household transmission. S. felis isolates were sequenced to investigate the relatedness of the isolates and to look for virulence factors and host specific genes. Results. All cats were colonized with S. felis. Comparative genomics of the isolates showed that each cat was colonized with a distinct genotype. The patient's isolate clustered with isolates of one of the cats. Sequence analysis of the studied isolates together with 29 publicly available S. felis genomes detected putative virulence factors that can be crucial in potential interspecies transmission. Conclusion. The current case is the first reported human infection caused by S. felis and highlights the zoonotic potential of this bacterial species. Evidence of cat-to-human transmission was shown by comparative genomics of isolates from the patient with isolates of her cats

    Sediment Hydraulical Studies on the Control of Sediments. XI : Application of Vortex Tube Sand Trap to Storage Dams

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    The hydraulic problems of vortex tube sand trap with a jet flow gate and with a double-opened slit inlet are examined for its application to a storage dam. The behaviour of spiral flow in a vortex flow tube, inlet velocity to slit, and the efficiency of a linear sand trap in a modelled dam reservoir are tested more than 300 times using vortex flow tube with double-cylinder slit inlet. The grading at sediment terrace in a modelled reservoir is also examined after flushing sand

    Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Ciprofloxacin Prophylaxis in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients

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    Background. Ciprofloxacin is used as antimicrobial prophylaxis in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to decrease infections with gram-negative bacteria. However, there are no clear guideline

    16S rRNA-Based Microbiota Profiling Assists Conventional Culture Analysis of Airway Samples from Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    16S-based sequencing provides broader information on the respiratory microbial community than conventional culturing. However, it (often) lacks species- and strain-level information. To overcome this issue, we used 16S rRNA-based sequencing results from 246 nasopharyngeal samples obtained from 20 infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) and 43 healthy infants, which were all 0 to 6ā€‰months old, and compared them to both standard (blind) diagnostic culturing and a 16S-sequencing-informed "targeted" reculturing approach. Using routine culturing, we almost uniquely detected Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus influenzae (42%, 38%, and 33% of samples, respectively). Using the targeted reculturing approach, we were able to reculture 47% of the top-5 operational taxonomical units (OTUs) in the sequencing profiles. In total, we identified 60 species from 30 genera with a median of 3 species per sample (range, 1 to 8). We also identified up to 10 species per identified genus. The success of reculturing the top-5 genera present from the sequencing profile depended on the genus. In the case of Corynebacterium being in the top 5, we recultured them in 79% of samples, whereas for Staphylococcus, this value was only 25%. The success of reculturing was also correlated with the relative abundance of those genera in the corresponding sequencing profile. In conclusion, revisiting samples using 16S-based sequencing profiles to guide a targeted culturing approach led to the detection of more potential pathogens per sample than conventional culturing and may therefore be useful in the identification and, consequently, treatment of bacteria considered relevant for the deterioration or exacerbation of disease in patients like those with CF. IMPORTANCE Early and effective treatment of pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis is vital to prevent chronic lung damage. Although microbial diagnostics and treatment decisions are still based on conventional culture methods, research is gradually focusing more on microbiome and metagenomic-based approaches. This study compared the results of both methods and proposed a way to combine the best of both worlds. Many species can relatively easily be recultured based on the 16S-based sequencing profile, and it provides more in-depth information about the microbial composition of a sample than that obtained through routine (blind) diagnostic culturing. Still, well-known pathogens can be missed by both routine diagnostic culture methods as well as by targeted reculture methods, sometimes even when they are highly abundant, which may be a consequence of either sample storage conditions or antibiotic treatment at the time of sampling
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