436 research outputs found

    Strengthening teachers in their role to identify and address bullying among students in elementary schools

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    This dissertation examined how elementary school teachers can be strengthened in identifying and addressing bullying through a school-wide anti-bullying policy, and the effects of such programs on teacher competencies and student bullying behavior. A meta-analysis, a qualitative study, and an experimental study were conducted. The results of the meta-analysis showed that teachers can be strengthened in their competencies to intervene more frequently in bullying behavior and the extent to which they intervene. The qualitative study found that teachers need support in specific situations, such as identifying bullying in places with little supervision (including digital bullying), assessing the seriousness of a bullying situation, dealing with bullying and bullied children with socio-emotional behavioral problems, and dealing with resistance from parents when they want to work with them to find a solution to stop the bullying behavior. In contrast to the findings of the meta-analysis, the RCT study showed no improvements in teachers' competencies after the use of PRIMA. However, a relationship was found between competencies and the specific strategies a teacher deployed to address bullying. Furthermore, the RCT study showed significant decreases in peer-reported victimization of bullying when teachers implemented all universal program components. This finding suggests the importance of strengthening both students and teachers. Bullying remains a complex phenomenon for teachers, and implementation of such programs is fragile. It is possible that a school-wide program with multiple components requires a great deal of effort on the part of teachers. Based on our findings, we argue that elementary schools can benefit from evidence-based anti-bullying programs if indeed multiple components are adequately implemented

    Broeikaseffect, Klimaatverandering en het weer

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    Scaling Point-Scale (Pedo)transfer Functions to Seamless Large-Domain Parameter Estimates for High-Resolution Distributed Hydrologic Modeling : An Example for the Rhine River

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    Moving toward high-resolution gridded hydrologic models asks for novel parametrization approaches. A high-resolution conceptual hydrologic model (wflow_sbm) was parameterized for the Rhine basin in Europe based on point-scale (pedo)transfer functions, without further calibration of effective model parameters on discharge. Parameters were estimated on the data resolution, followed by upscaling of parameter fields to the model resolution. The method was tested using a 6-hourly time step at four model resolutions (1.2, 2.4, 3.6, and 4.8 km), followed by a validation with discharge observations and a comparison with actual evapotranspiration (ETact) estimates from an independent model (DMET Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility). Additionally, the scalability of parameter fields and simulated fluxes was tested. Validation of simulated discharges yielded Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) values ranging from 0.6 to 0.9, except for the Alps where a volume bias caused lower performance. Catchment-averaged temporal ETact dynamics were comparable with independent ET estimates (KGE ≈ 0.7), although wflow_sbm model simulations were on average 115 mm yr−1 higher. Spatially, the two models were less in agreement (SPAEF = 0.10), especially around the Rhine valley. Consistent parameter fields were obtained, and by running the model at the different resolutions, preserved ETact fluxes were found across the scales. For recharge, fluxes were less consistent with relative errors around 30% for regions with high drainage densities. However, catchment-averaged fluxes were better preserved. Routed discharge in headwaters was not consistent across scales, although simulations for the main Rhine River were. Better processing (scale independent) of the river and drainage network may overcome this issue.</p

    Omineca Miner, October, 03, 1914

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    In het innovatieproject PACT trekken wetenschap, praktijk en beleid samen op om de kwaliteit van de pedagogische voorzieningen voor jonge kinderen te versterken. Doel is een inclusieve speelleeromgeving waarin ieder kind mee telt, mee kan doen en zich optimaal kan ontwikkelen. Het middel is het bevorderen van interprofessionele samenwerking tussen kinderopvang, basisonderwijs en zorg. Overal in het land zijn proeftuinen opgezet om die ambitie in praktijk te brengen. Het wetenschapsteam volgde, begeleidde en onderzocht de PACT-proeftuinen met meerdere instrumenten: een kwalitatieve casestudy, de Monitor Interprofessionele Samenwerking en een enquĂȘte onder projectleiders naar meetbare resultaten. Deze publicatie gaat over de resultaten van het onderzoek en wordt afgesloten met conclusies en adviezen
