1,108 research outputs found

    Large Horizontal Displacements of Houses in Rotterdam

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    In 1983 it was established that six blocks of terrace houses in Rotterdam had undergone large horizontal displacements. These displacements were caused by insufficient stability of the adjacent quay and as a result one of the blocks had moved as much as 2.5 m since 1958. The foundation piles of the houses were not designed to resist any horizontal loading. As a result of these large horizontal movements the piles had deflected to such an extent that complete failure was feared. This paper describes the remedial measures that were taken to improve the stability of the quay and foundations of the houses. The present displacement behaviour is compared with the horizontal displacement predicted from creep analysis

    Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction in vesignieite: A route to freezing in a quantum kagome antiferromagnet

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    We report an electron spin resonance investigation of the geometrically frustrated spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet vesignieite, BaCu3_3V2_2O8_8(OH)2_2. Analysis of the line widths and line shifts indicates the dominance of in-plane Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya anisotropy that is proposed to suppress strongly quantum spin fluctuations and thus to promote long-range ordering rather than a spin-liquid state. We also evidence an enhanced spin-phonon contribution that might originate from a lattice instability and discuss the origin of a low-temperature mismatch between intrinsic and bulk susceptibility in terms of local inhomogeneity

    Spin dynamics and disorder effects in the S=1/2 kagome Heisenberg spin liquid phase of kapellasite

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    We report 35^{35}Cl NMR, ESR, μ\muSR and specific heat measurements on the S=1/2S=1/2 frustrated kagom\'e magnet kapellasite, α−\alpha-Cu3_3Zn(OH)6_6Cl2_2, where a gapless spin liquid phase is stabilized by a set of competing exchange interactions. Our measurements confirm the ferromagnetic character of the nearest-neighbour exchange interaction J1J_1 and give an energy scale for the competing interactions ∣J∣∼10|J| \sim 10 K. The study of the temperature-dependent ESR lineshift reveals a moderate symmetric exchange anisotropy term DD, with ∣D/J∣∼3|D/J|\sim 3%. These findings validate a posteriori the use of the J1−J2−JdJ_1 - J_2 - J_d Heisenberg model to describe the magnetic properties of kapellasite [Bernu et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 155107 (2013)]. We further confirm that the main deviation from this model is the severe random depletion of the magnetic kagom\'e lattice by 27%, due to Cu/Zn site mixing, and specifically address the effect of this disorder by 35^{35}Cl NMR, performed on an oriented polycrystalline sample. Surprisingly, while being very sensitive to local structural deformations, our NMR measurements demonstrate that the system remains homogeneous with a unique spin susceptibility at high temperature, despite a variety of magnetic environments. Unconventional spin dynamics is further revealed by NMR and μ\muSR in the low-TT, correlated, spin liquid regime, where a broad distribution of spin-lattice relaxation times is observed. We ascribe this to the presence of local low-energy modes.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Anisotropy in the Spin-1/2 Kagom\'e Compound ZnCu3_{3}(OH)6_{6}Cl2_{2}

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    We report the determination of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction, the dominant magnetic anisotropy term in the \kagome spin-1/2 compound {\herbert}. Based on the analysis of the high-temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra, we find its main component ∣Dz∣=15(1)|D_z|=15(1) K to be perpendicular to the \kagome planes. Through the temperature dependent ESR line-width we observe a building up of nearest-neighbor spin-spin correlations below ∼\sim150 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor modification

    Rotationally induced Penning ionization of ultracold photoassociated helium dimers

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    We have studied photoassociation of metastable \tripS helium atoms near the \tripS-\tripP asymptote by both ion detection in a magneto-optical trap and trap-loss measurements in a magnetic trap. A detailed comparison between the results of the two experiments gives insight into the mechanism of the Penning ionization process. We have identified four series of resonances corresponding to vibrational molecular levels belonging to different rotational states in two potentials. The corresponding spin states become quasi-purely quintet at small interatomic distance, and Penning ionization is inhibited by spin conservation rules. Only a weak rotational coupling is responsible for the contamination by singlet spin states leading to a detectable ion signal. However, for one of these series Bose statistics does not enable the rotational coupling and the series detected through trap-loss does not give rise to sufficient ionization for detection.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to EuroPhysics Letter

    On the Role of Penning Ionization in Photoassociation Spectroscopy

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    We study the role of Penning ionization on the photoassociation spectra of He(^3S)-He(^3S). The experimental setup is discussed and experimental results for different intensities of the probe laser are shown. For modelling the experimental results we consider coupled-channel calculations of the crossing of the ground state with the excited state at the Condon point. The coupled-channel calculations are first applied to model systems, where we consider two coupled channels without ionization, two coupled channels with ionization, and three coupled channels, for which only one of the excited states is ionizing. Finally, coupled-channel calculations are applied to photoassociation of He(^3S)-He(^3S) and good agreement is obtained between the model and the experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, submitted to the special issue on Cold Molecules of J. Phys.
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