180 research outputs found

    Irrefutable evidence for the use of docetaxel in newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer: Results from the STAMPEDE and CHAARTED trials

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    Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has been used in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer since the first description of its hormonal dependence in 1941. In 2004, docetaxel chemotherapy became the mainstay of treatment in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), following robust, albeit modest, survival benefit in two randomized phase 3 trials. The recently published CHAARTED trial was the first to show that combining ADT with docetaxel in men with hormone-naïve (hormone-sensitive) metastatic prostate cancer (mHSPC) yielded a remarkable overall survival benefit of 13.6 months as compared with ADT alone. In the current issue of The Lancet, James et al. report results of the STAMPEDE trial in men with high-risk locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer initiating long-term hormone therapy. The combination of six cycles of docetaxel with ADT in men commencing long-term ADT demonstrated a similar OS benefit compared with standard of care (SOC) by a median of 10 months. Based on the consistency of the data and the firmness of the benefit provided, docetaxel in addition to ADT should be considered SOC for men with newly diagnosed mHSPC

    Abirateron in combinatie met androgeendeprivatietherapie bij patiënten met hormoonnaïef gemetastaseerd prostaatcarcinoom: Is het tijdperk van androgeendeprivatie-monotherapie voorbij?

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    Data van twee gerandomiseerde studies hebben aangetoond dat abirateron plus prednison, gecombineerd met androgeendeprivatietherapie (ADT) de overleving verbetert van patiënten met primair gemetastaseerd hormoonnaïef prostaatcarcinoom (mHSPC) in vergelijking met ADT alleen (hazardratio 0,62 en 0,63). De belangrijkste bijwerkingen (hypokaliëmie en hypertensie) waren mild (graad 1–2) en goed te behandelen. Voor patiënten met hoogrisico lokaal gevorderd of lymfogeen gemetastaseerd prostaatcarcinoom zonder metastasen op afstand was er een winst in progressievrije overleving, maar zijn de data nog te immatuur om overlevingswinst aan te tonen. Voor patiënteTwo randomized trials have shown that abiraterone plus prednisone and androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) improved surviv

    Prognostic factors in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with cabazitaxel

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    Background: Treatment selection for men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has become increasingly challenging with the introduction of novel therapies at earlier disease stages. The purpose of this study was to identify prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) and PSA response in patients with mCRPC treated with cabazitaxel. Results: 224 mCRPC patients were included in the current analysis. In multivariable analysis, WHO performance status, baseline hemoglobin, alkaline phosphatase and albumin were all significantly associated with OS. Hemoglobin and alkaline phosphatase were significantly associated with PSA response. Conclusions: This study identified prognostic factors for OS and PSA response of men with mCRPC treated with cabazitaxel. In an increasingly complicated treatment landscape with several treatment options available our findings might serve to estimate the chance of survival of men qualifying for treatment with second-line chemotherapy in daily practice. Furthermore, these data can be used to risk-stratify patients in clinical trials. Methods: We performed a post-hoc analysis of a randomized phase II trial of mCRPC patients treated with cabazitaxel. Cox and logistic regression models were used to investigate the influence of clinical and biochemical variables on OS and PSA response. Nomograms were developed to estimate the chance of PSA response and OS

    Decomposition and nutrient release of leguminous plants in coffee agroforestry systems.

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    Leguminous plants used as green manure are an important nutrient source for coffee plantations, especially for soils with low nutrient levels. Field experiments were conducted in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais State, Brazil to evaluate the decomposition and nutrient release rates of four leguminous species used as green manures (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Stizolobium aterrimum and Stylosanthes guianensis) in a coffee agroforestry system under two different climate conditions. The initial N contents in plant residues varied from 25.7 to 37.0 g kg-1 and P from 2.4 to 3.0 g kg-1. The lignin/N, lignin/polyphenol and(lignin+polyphenol)/N ratios were low in all residues studied. Mass loss rates were highest in the first 15 days, when 25 % of the residues were decomposed. From 15 to 30 days, the decomposition rate decreased on both farms. On the farm in Pedra Dourada (PD), the decomposition constant k increased in the order C. mucunoides < S. aterrimum < S. guianensis < A. pintoi. On the farm in Araponga (ARA), there was no difference in the decomposition rate among leguminous plants. The N release rates varied from 0.0036 to 0.0096 d-1. Around 32 % of the total N content in the plant material was released in the first 15 days. In ARA, the N concentration in the S. aterrimum residues was always significantly higher than in the other residues. At the end of 360 days, the N released was 78 % in ARA and 89 % in PD of the initial content. Phosphorus was the most rapidly released nutrient (k values from 0.0165 to 0.0394 d-1). Residue decomposition and nutrient release did not correlate with initial residue chemistry and biochemistry, but differences in climatic conditions between the two study sites modified the decomposition rate constants

    In-vitro screening of Kalahari browse species for rumen methane mitigation

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    The nutritional value of browse foliage from the Thorny Kalahari Dune Bush veld of South Africa is not characterized. Most of this browse species is rich in tannin, but still palatable, and is consumed by ruminants during the dry season, as well as having a role to play in mitigating enteric methane emission from ruminants. In this study, the rumen methane mitigation potential of 19 browse species foliage collected from the Thorny Kalahari Dune Bush veld, was analyzed in terms of chemical composition, in vitro fermentation, digestibility and methane production. In vitro gas and methane production and organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) were determined by using rumen fluid collected, strained and anaerobically prepared. A semi-automated system was used to measure gas production (GP) from each browse species by incubating 400 mg samples in a shaking incubator at 39 °C with or without inclusion of 400 mg of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Data for all the parameters collected were statistically analyzed using the SAS (9.0) general linear model (GLM) procedure, and differences between foliage species were determined using Duncan’s multiple-range test. Acacia luederitziiand Monechma incanumshowed the best potential for decreasing methane production by up to 90 % after 48 h of incubation. The secondary components (mainly tannins) of the browse species appeared to have a significant effect on volatile fatty acids (VFA), methane and gas production as judged by the comparison of samples incubated with or without PEG inclusion. The substantial amount of crude protein (CP) content coupled with their anti-methanogenic effect during fermentation would make these browses a potential mitigation option for small scale farmers and pastoralists in sub-Sahara Africa. However, it is also very important that systematic and strategic supplementation in a mixed diet should be looked at as the way forward in terms of best utilization

    Green manure in coffee systems in the region of Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais: characteristics and kinetics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization.

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    The use of green manure may contribute to reduce soil erosion and increase the soil organic matter content and N availability in coffee plantations in the Zona da Mata, State of Minas Gerais, in Southeastern Brazil. The potential of four legumes (A. pintoi, C. mucunoides, S. aterrimum and S. guianensis)to produce above-ground biomass, accumulate nutrients and mineralize N was studied in two coffee plantations of subsistence farmers under different climate conditions. The biomass production of C. mucunoides was influenced by the shade of the coffee plantation.C. mucunoides tended to mineralize more N than the other legumes due to the low polyphenol content and polyphenol/N ratio. In the first year, the crop establishment of A. pintoi in the area took longer than of the other legumes, resulting in lower biomass production and N2 fixation. In the long term, cellulose was the main factor controlling N mineralization. The biochemical characteristics, nutrient accumulation and biomass production of the legumes were greatly influenced by the altitude and position of the area relative to the sun

    A bypass mechanism of abiraterone-resistant prostate cancer: Accumulating CYP17A1 substrates activate androgen receptor signaling

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    Background: Intratumoral steroidogenesis and its potential relevance in castration‐ resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and in cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 (CYP17A1)‐inhibitor treated hormone‐naïve and patients with CRPC are not well established. In this study, we tested if substrates for de novo steroidogenesis accumulating during CYP17A1 inhibition may drive cell growth in relevant preclinical models. Methods: PCa cell lines and their respective CRPC sublines were used to model CRPC in vitro. Precursor steroids pregnenolone (Preg) and progesterone (Prog) served as substrate for de novo steroid synthesis. TAK700 (orteronel), abiraterone, and small interfering RNA (siRNA) against CYP17A1 were used to block CYP17A1 enzyme activity. The antiandrogen RD162 was used to assess androgen receptor (AR) involvement. Cell growth was measured by 3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. AR‐ target gene expression was quantified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR). Nuclear import studies using cells with green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐tagged AR were performed to assess the potential of precursor steroids to directly activate AR. Results: Preg and Prog stimulated cell proliferation and AR target gene expression in VCaP, DuCaP, LNCaP, and their respective CRPC sublines. The antiandrogen RD162, but not CYP17A1 inhibition with TAK700, abiraterone or siRNA, was able to block Preg‐ and Prog‐induced proliferation. In contrast to TAK700, abiraterone also affected dihydrotestosterone‐induced cell growth, indicating direct AR binding. Furthermore, Prog‐induced AR translocation was not affected by treatment with TAK700 or abiraterone, while it was effectively blocked by the AR antagonist enzalutamide, further demonstrating the direct AR activation by Prog. Conclusion: Activation of the AR by clinically relevant levels of Preg and Prog accumulating in abiraterone‐treated patients may act as a driver for CRPC. These data provide a scientific rationale for combining CYP17A1 inhibitors with antiandrogens, particularly in patients with overexpressed or mutated‐AR