47 research outputs found

    Dahl’s chickens: How do they roost in the 21st century?

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    Close on two decades after the death of Roald Dahl on 23 November 1990, his legacy as a writer of children’s books is apparent in the continuing popularity of his work and in the establishment, in 2001, of the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in Great Missenden. The Story Centre itself promotes a love of creative writing through a range of activities for children, which allows them to explore and develop their writing skills. Dahl has left his young and not-so young readers with some memorable characters and situations in tales such as The BFG, Danny the Champion of the World and Fantastic Mr Fox. These three works are fine examples of the timeless quality and appeal that can have a formative influence on the developing young reader. One aspect of this influence is the challenging of established ideas that may perhaps be accepted too easily or uncritically. Another aspect relates to the response of young readers to Dahl’s use of language, something that can provide a ready basis for language study in the classroom. The content and style of many of Dahl’s stories also make them potentially suitable for young readers whose home language is not English. One may conclude therefore that ‘Dahl’s Chickens’, to quote a spoonerism by the Big Friendly Giant, continue to find a roosting place in the minds and hearts of countless children around the world.Keywords: Dahl, fiction, popularity, contentious, quality, challenging, legacy, story, themes, characters, creative writing, EAL (English additional language

    The Other Exchange

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    Prompted by commercial and imperial expansion such as the creation of the Bank of England in 1694 and the publication and circulation of Ben Jonson’s The Staple of News in 1626, rapidly changing cultural, economic, and political realities in early modern England generated a paradigmatic shift in class awareness. Denys Van Renen’s The Other Exchange demonstrates how middle-class consciousness not only emerged in opposition to the lived and perceived abuses of the aristocratic elite but also was fostered by the economic and sociocultural influence of women and lower-class urban communities.Van Renen contends that, fascinated by the intellectual and cultural vibrancy of the urban underclass, many major authors and playwrights in the early modern era—Ben Jonson, Richard Brome, Aphra Behn, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Eliza Haywood, and Daniel Defoe—featured lower-class men and women and other marginalized groups in their work as a response to the shifting political and social terrain of the day. Van Renen illuminates this fascination with marginalized groups as a key element in the development of a middle-class mindset

    Effects of international relocation on expatriate partners' subjective well-being

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the cross-cultural adjustment of the expatriate spouse and their level of subjective well-being. Demographic factors were considered to identify life domains that may affect cross-cultural adjustment and subjective well-being respectively. The Spousal Adjustment Scale, Scale of Positive and Negative Experience, Satisfaction with life scale, and Flourishing scale were used in the study. A quantitative, cross-sectional survey design was used, and a purposive sample which consisted of expatriate spouses currently residing in Germany was approached (N=156). Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were applied. The results yielded a statistically significant correlation between cross-cultural adjustment and subjective well-being of expatriate spouses and indicated statistically significant differences between demographic groups including language proficiency, dependents, time spent in host country, nationality, career sacrifice, and support network. It was concluded that there is a positive relationship between the cross-cultural adjustment of the expatriate spouse and their well-being and that various demographic factors can influence both constructs.Industrial and Organisational PsychologyM.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology

    RadixSpline: A Single-Pass Learned Index

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    Recent research has shown that learned models can outperform state-of-the-art index structures in size and lookup performance. While this is a very promising result, existing learned structures are often cumbersome to implement and are slow to build. In fact, most approaches that we are aware of require multiple training passes over the data. We introduce RadixSpline (RS), a learned index that can be built in a single pass over the data and is competitive with state-of-the-art learned index models, like RMI, in size and lookup performance. We evaluate RS using the SOSD benchmark and show that it achieves competitive results on all datasets, despite the fact that it only has two parameters.Comment: Third International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Data Management (aiDM 2020

    Reader-response approaches to literature teaching in a South African OBE environment

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    This research is based on the hypothesis that response-based approaches to teaching literature and an outcomes-based system of education (OBE) are conceptually incompatible. This thesis claims that reader response involves processes that cannot be accommodated pedagogically within a system based on pre-determined outcomes. Furthermore, the kind of assessment prescribed by OBE is inappropriate to the nature of reader response. The hypothesis is based on three main premises. The first is that each reader brings a highly individual and complex set of personal schemata to the reading of imaginative texts, and these schemata have a decisive influence on the nature of a reader’s response. This means that response during imaginative engagements with literary texts tends to be idiosyncratic, and therefore largely unpredictable. Because of this, it would be inappropriate for a teacher, working within an OBE system, to try to teach towards pre-selected outcomes and to attempt to ensure that these outcomes, based on responses to literary texts, are in fact achieved. The second premise is that readers’ imaginative engagements with literary texts are essentially hidden events, which even the individual reader cannot fully bring to the surface and articulate. Because they are complex, and to some extent inaccessible, it would be inappropriate to assess the processes of response in the form of tangible evidence that a particular kind of response has taken place, or an outcome achieved. The third premise is that responses need time to grow and develop and do not merely happen quickly and cleanly. Consequently, aesthetic response, already a complex and inaccessible process, has no clearly distinguishable beginnings or endings. It would therefore be inappropriate to try to pinpoint the exact nature and parameters of a particular response or fragment it into a discrete unit of competence or knowledge. A two-dimensional problem emerges. The first is a conceptual one: whether there is an inherent tension between encouraging response to imaginative literature on the one hand, and accepting the rationale for OBE, on the other. The second dimension of the problem is empirical: whether teachers of literature experience any tension of either a conceptual or a practical nature when following response based approaches within the OBE system of Curriculum 2005, and if so, what they do in order to cope. In exploring the conceptual problem, the argument of this thesis is supported by reception theory and reader response criticism. The former provides key theoretical principles and insights that illuminate the nature of aesthetic reading, while the latter describes and analyses the nature, extent and manifestations of response in educational contexts, underpinned by both reception theory and empirical research. Together they offer evidence that personal response is determined by a complex range of processes, and is the core activity in reading for aesthetic purposes. This thesis also examines the conceptual basis and the structure of OBE as interpreted in both Curriculum 2005 and the revised National Curriculum Statement. The purpose of this is to establish the extent to which the philosophy and modus operandi of these curricula are rooted in notions of competence, and the requirement that learners give tangible demonstrations of pre-determined outcomes being achieved. If it is found that the curricula do lean heavily on pre-determined outcomes in regard to competencies that must be demonstrated, it may be concluded that 1) reader response activities are incompatible with OBE in a South African context, and 2) the potential exists for such incompatibility to create obstacles to creative and effective literature teaching. This can lead to difficulties for the teacher, who will then have to adopt acceptable strategies to cope with the situation. These strategies may ultimately be to the detriment of the pupils, particularly if the teacher seeks a compromise between genuine response and the kinds of activities that would yield precise, palpable measures of attainment that can be easily demonstrated. Exploring the empirical dimension of the problem involves investigating the responses of both teachers and teacher trainers to the experience of promoting response-based literature teaching and learning in an OBE environment. In order firstly investigated whether the practitioners do encourage reading response as a core activity in reading for aesthetic purposes. The extent to which practitioners have a sound grasp of the conceptual issues relevant to this research is also investigated. Insight into such issues depends on teachers and teacher trainers understanding the nature of reader response, on the one hand, and the rationale and structures of the relevant OBE curricula, on the other. Whether, and to what extent, practitioners experience tensions through their awareness of conceptual incompatibilities is also investigated. It should be borne in mind that practitioners work in real contexts in which a variety of complex factors play a role in determining how they respond to pressures from the environment. It cannot therefore be expected that teachers and others involved in delivering the curriculum will be able to reflect on purely conceptual issues without being influenced to an extent by more practical or logistical considerations. However, this study argues that the extent to which they are able to identify the relevant factors that affect the conceptual underpinnings of their practice will determine the degree to which their responses support the argument of this thesis. Together, the empirical and the theoretical findings offer qualitative evidence that should illuminate the nature and extent of the problem