380 research outputs found

    baymedr: An R Package for the Calculation of Bayes Factors for Equivalence, Non-Inferiority, and Superiority Designs

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    Clinical trials often seek to determine the equivalence, non-inferiority, or superiority of an experimental condition (e.g., a new drug) compared to a control condition (e.g., a placebo or an already existing drug). The use of frequentist statistical methods to analyze data for these types of designs is ubiquitous. Importantly, however, frequentist inference has several limitations. Bayesian inference remedies these shortcomings and allows for intuitive interpretations. In this article, we outline the frequentist conceptualization of equivalence, non-inferiority, and superiority designs and discuss its disadvantages. Subsequently, we explain how Bayes factors can be used to compare the relative plausibility of competing hypotheses. We present baymedr, an R package that provides user-friendly tools for the computation of Bayes factors for equivalence, non-inferiority, and superiority designs. Detailed instructions on how to use baymedr are provided and an example illustrates how already existing results can be reanalyzed with baymedr.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    baymedr:an R package and web application for the calculation of Bayes factors for superiority, equivalence, and non-inferiority designs

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    Background: Clinical trials often seek to determine the superiority, equivalence, or non-inferiority of an experimental condition (e.g., a new drug) compared to a control condition (e.g., a placebo or an already existing drug). The use of frequentist statistical methods to analyze data for these types of designs is ubiquitous even though they have several limitations. Bayesian inference remedies many of these shortcomings and allows for intuitive interpretations, but are currently difficult to implement for the applied researcher. Results: We outline the frequentist conceptualization of superiority, equivalence, and non-inferiority designs and discuss its disadvantages. Subsequently, we explain how Bayes factors can be used to compare the relative plausibility of competing hypotheses. We present baymedr, an R package and web application, that provides user-friendly tools for the computation of Bayes factors for superiority, equivalence, and non-inferiority designs. Instructions on how to use baymedr are provided and an example illustrates how existing results can be reanalyzed with baymedr. Conclusions: Our baymedr R package and web application enable researchers to conduct Bayesian superiority, equivalence, and non-inferiority tests. baymedr is characterized by a user-friendly implementation, making it convenient for researchers who are not statistical experts. Using baymedr, it is possible to calculate Bayes factors based on raw data and summary statistics.</p

    Simulation Studies as a Tool to Understand Bayes Factors

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    When social scientists wish to learn about an empirical phenomenon, they perform an experiment. When they wish to learn about a complex numerical phenomenon, they can perform a simulation study. The goal of this Tutorial is twofold. First, it introduces how to set up a simulation study using the relatively simple example of simulating from the prior. Second, it demonstrates how simulation can be used to learn about the Jeffreys-Zellner-Siow (JZS) Bayes factor, a currently popular implementation of the Bayes factor employed in the BayesFactor R package and freeware program JASP. Many technical expositions on Bayes factors exist, but these may be somewhat inaccessible to researchers who are not specialized in statistics. In a step-by-step approach, this Tutorial shows how a simple simulation script can be used to approximate the calculation of the Bayes factor. We explain how a researcher can write such a sampler to approximate Bayes factors in a few lines of code, what the logic is behind the Savage-Dickey method used to visualize Bayes factors, and what the practical differences are for different choices of the prior distribution used to calculate Bayes factors

    When numbers fail:Do researchers agree on operationalization of published research?

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    Current discussions on improving the reproducibility of science often revolve around statistical innovations. However, equally important for improving methodological rigour is a valid operationalization of phenomena. Operationalization is the process of translating theoretical constructs into measurable laboratory quantities. Thus, the validity of operationalization is central for the quality of empirical studies. But do differences in the validity of operationalization affect the way scientists evaluate scientific literature? To investigate this, we manipulated the strength of operationalization of three published studies and sent them to researchers via email. In the first task, researchers were presented with a summary of the Method and Result section from one of the studies and were asked to guess the hypothesis that was investigated via a multiple-choice questionnaire. In a second task, researchers were asked to rate the perceived quality of the study. Our results show that (1) researchers are better at inferring the underlying research question from empirical results if the operationalization is more valid, but (2) the different validity is only to some extent reflected in a judgement of the study's quality. These results combined give partial corroboration to the notion that researchers' evaluations of research results are not affected by operationalization validity.</p

    True and False Positive Rates for Different Criteria of Evaluating Statistical Evidence from Clinical Trials

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    Background Until recently a typical rule that has often been used for the endorsement of new medications by the Food and Drug Administration has been the existence of at least two statistically significant clinical trials favoring the new medication. This rule has consequences for the true positive (endorsement of an effective treatment) and false positive rates (endorsement of an ineffective treatment). Methods In this paper, we compare true positive and false positive rates for different evaluation criteria through simulations that rely on (1) conventional p-values; (2) confidence intervals based on meta-analyses assuming fixed or random effects; and (3) Bayes factors. We varied threshold levels for statistical evidence, thresholds for what constitutes a clinically meaningful treatment effect, and number of trials conducted. Results Our results show that Bayes factors, meta-analytic confidence intervals, and p-values often have similar performance. Bayes factors may perform better when the number of trials conducted is high and when trials have small sample sizes and clinically meaningful effects are not small, particularly in fields where the number of non-zero effects is relatively large. Conclusions Thinking about realistic effect sizes in conjunction with desirable levels of statistical evidence, as well as quantifying statistical evidence with Bayes factors may help improve decision-making in some circumstances

    How best to quantify replication success?:A simulation study on the comparison of replication success metrics

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    To overcome the frequently debated crisis of confidence, replicating studies is becoming increasingly more common. Multiple frequentist and Bayesian measures have been proposed to evaluate whether a replication is successful, but little is known about which method best captures replication success. This study is one of the first attempts to compare a number of quantitative measures of replication success with respect to their ability to draw the correct inference when the underlying truth is known, while taking publication bias into account. Our results show that Bayesian metrics seem to slightly outperform frequentist metrics across the board. Generally, meta-analytic approaches seem to slightly outperform metrics that evaluate single studies, except in the scenario of extreme publication bias, where this pattern reverses

    A diffusion model decomposition of the effects of alcohol on perceptual decision making

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    RATIONALE: Even in elementary cognitive tasks, alcohol consumption results in both cognitive and motor impairments (e.g., Schweizer and Vogel-Sprott, Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 16: 240-250, 2008). OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to quantify the latent psychological processes that underlie the alcohol-induced decrement in observed performance. METHODS: In a double-blind experiment, we administered three different amounts of alcohol to participants on different days: a placebo dose (0 g/l), a moderate dose (0.5 g/l), and a high dose (1 g/l). Following this, participants performed a "moving dots" perceptual discrimination task. We analyzed the data using the drift diffusion model. Model parameters drift rate, boundary separation, and non-decision time allow a decomposition of the alcohol effect in terms of their respective cognitive components, that is, rate of information processing, response caution, and non-decision processes (e.g., stimulus encoding, motor processes). RESULTS: We found that alcohol intoxication causes higher mean RTs and lower response accuracies. The diffusion model decomposition showed that alcohol intoxication caused a decrease in drift rate and an increase in non-decision time. CONCLUSIONS: In a simple perceptual discrimination task, even a moderate dose of alcohol decreased the rate of information processing and negatively affected the non-decision component. However, alcohol consumption left response caution largely intact
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