331 research outputs found

    Phenotyping of left and right ventricular function in mouse models of compensated hypertrophy and heart failure with cardiac MRI

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    Background: Left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) function have an important impact on symptom occurrence, disease progression and exercise tolerance in pressure overload-induced heart failure, but particularly RV functional changes are not well described in the relevant aortic banding mouse model. Therefore, we quantified time-dependent alterations in the ventricular morphology and function in two models of hypertrophy and heart failure and we studied the relationship between RV and LV function during the transition from hypertrophy to heart failure. Methods: MRI was used to quantify RV and LV function and morphology in healthy (n = 4) and sham operated (n = 3) C57BL/6 mice, and animals with a mild (n = 5) and a severe aortic constriction (n = 10). Results: Mice subjected to a mild constriction showed increased LV mass (P,0.01) and depressed LV ejection fraction (EF) (P,0.05) as compared to controls, but had similar RVEF (P.0.05). Animals with a severe constriction progressively developed LV hypertrophy (P,0.001), depressed LVEF (P,0.001), followed by a declining RVEF (P,0.001) and the development of pulmonary remodeling, as compared to controls during a 10-week follow-up. Myocardial strain, as a measure for local cardiac function, decreased in mice with a severe constriction compared to controls (P,0.05). Conclusions: Relevant changes in mouse RV and LV function following an aortic constriction could be quantified using MRI. The well-controlled models described here open opportunities to assess the added value of new MRI techniques for the diagnosis of heart failure and to study the impact of new therapeutic strategies on disease progression and symptom occurrence

    Phenotyping of Left and Right Ventricular Function in Mouse Models of Compensated Hypertrophy and Heart Failure with Cardiac MRI

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    Background: Left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) function have an important impact on symptom occurrence, disease progression and exercise tolerance in pressure overload-induced heart failure, but particularly RV functional changes are not well described in the relevant aortic banding mouse model. Therefore, we quantified time-dependent alterations in the ventricular morphology and function in two models of hypertrophy and heart failure and we studied the relationship between RV and LV function during the transition from hypertrophy to heart failure. Methods: MRI was used to quantify RV and LV function and morphology in healthy (n = 4) and sham operated (n = 3) C57BL/6 mice, and animals with a mild (n = 5) and a severe aortic constriction (n = 10). Results: Mice subjected to a mild constriction showed increased LV mass (P0.05). Animals with a severe constriction progressively developed LV hypertrophy (P<0.001), depressed LVEF (P<0.001), followed by a declining RVEF (P<0.001) and the development of pulmonary remodeling, as compared to controls during a 10-week follow-up. Myocardial strain, as a measure for local cardiac function, decreased in mice with a severe constriction compared to controls (P<0.05). Conclusions: Relevant changes in mouse RV and LV function following an aortic constriction could be quantified using MRI. The well-controlled models described here open opportunities to assess the added value of new MRI techniques for the diagnosis of heart failure and to study the impact of new therapeutic strategies on disease progression and symptom occurrence

    Myocardial perfusion MRI shows impaired perfusion of the mouse hypertrophic left ventricle

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    There is growing consensus that myocardial perfusion deficits play a pivotal role in the transition from compensated to overt decompensated hypertrophy. The purpose of this study was to systematically study myocardial perfusion deficits in the highly relevant model of pressure overload induced hypertrophy and heart failur

    Sculpting the Extra Dimensions: Inflation from Codimension-2 Brane Back-reaction

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    We construct an inflationary model in 6D supergravity that is based on explicit time-dependent solutions to the full higher-dimensional field equations, back-reacting to the presence of a 4D inflaton rolling on a space-filling codimension-2 source brane. Fluxes in the bulk stabilize all moduli except the `breathing' modulus (that is generically present in higher-dimensional supergravities). Back-reaction to the inflaton roll causes the 4D Einstein-frame on-brane geometry to expand, a(t) ~ t^p, as well as exciting the breathing mode and causing the two off-brane dimensions to expand, r(t) ~ t^q. The model evades the general no-go theorems precluding 4D de Sitter solutions, since adjustments to the brane-localized inflaton potential allow the power p to be dialed to be arbitrarily large, with the 4D geometry becoming de Sitter in the limit p -> infinity (in which case q = 0). Slow-roll solutions give accelerated expansion with p large but finite, and q = 1/2. Because the extra dimensions expand during inflation, the present-day 6D gravity scale can be much smaller than it was when primordial fluctuations were generated - potentially allowing TeV gravity now to be consistent with the much higher gravity scale required at horizon-exit for observable primordial gravity waves. Because p >> q, the 4 on-brane dimensions expand more quickly than the 2 off-brane ones, providing a framework for understanding why the observed four dimensions are presently so much larger than the internal two. If uplifted to a 10D framework with 4 dimensions stabilized, the 6D evolution described here could describe how two of the six extra dimensions evolve to become much larger than the others, as a consequence of the enormous expansion of the 4 large dimensions we can see.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 2 figure

    Transcriptome analysis of the central nervous system of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis

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    Background: The freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis (L. stagnalis) has served as a successful model for studies in the field of Neuroscience. However, a serious drawback in the molecular analysis of the nervous system of L. stagnalis has been the lack of large-scale genomic or neuronal transcriptome information, thereby limiting the use of this unique model. Results: In this study, we report 7,712 distinct EST sequences (median length: 847 nucleotides) of a normalized L. stagnalis central nervous system (CNS) cDNA library, resulting in the largest collection of L. stagnalis neuronal transcriptome data currently available. Approximately 42% of the cDNAs can be translated into more than 100 consecutive amino acids, indicating the high quality of the library. The annotated sequences contribute 12% of the predicted transcriptome size of 20,000. Surprisingly, approximately 37% of the L. stagnalis sequences only have a tBLASTx hit in the EST library of another snail species Aplysia californica (A. californica) even using a low stringency e-value cutoff at 0.01. Using the same cutoff, approximately 67% of the cDNAs have a BLAST hit in the NCBI non-redundant protein and nucleotide sequence databases (nr and nt), suggesting that one third of the sequences may be unique to L. stagnalis. Finally, using the same cutoff (0.01), more than half of the cDNA sequences (54%) do not have a hit in nematode, fruitfly or human genome data, suggesting that the L. stagnalis transcriptome is significantly different from these species as well. The cDNA sequences are enriched in the following gene ontology functional categories: protein binding, hydrolase, transferase, and catalytic enzymes. Conclusion: This study provides novel molecular insights into the transcriptome of an important molluscan model organism. Our findings will contribute to functional analyses in neurobiology, and comparative evolutionary biology. The L. stagnalis CNS EST database is available at http://www.Lymnaea.org/. © 2009 Feng et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    MRI in patients with a cerebral aneurysm clip; review of the literature and incident databases and recommendations for the Netherlands

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    Background: In the past ferromagnetic cerebral aneurysm clips that are contraindicated for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have been implanted. However, the specific clip model is often unknown for older clips, which poses a problem for individual patient management in clinical care. Methods: Literature and incident databases were searched, and a survey was performed in the Netherlands that identified time periods at which ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic clip models were implanted. Considering this information in combination with a national expert opinion, we describe an approach for risk assessment prior to MRI examinations in patients with aneurysm clips. The manuscript is limited to MRI at 1.5 T or 3 T whole body MRI systems with a horizontal closed bore superconducting magnet, covering the majority of clinical Magnetic Resonance (MR) systems. Results: From the literature a list of ferromagnetic clip models was obtained. The risk of movement or rotation of the clip due to the main magnetic field in case of a ferromagnetic clip is the main concern. In the incident databases records of four serious incidents due to aneurysm clips in MRI were found. The survey in the Netherlands showed that from 2000 onwards, no ferromagnetic clips were implanted in Dutch hospitals. Discussion: Recommendations are provided to help the MR safety expert assessing the risks when a patient with a cerebral aneurysm clip is referred for MRI, both for known and unknown clip models. This work was part of the development of a guideline by the Dutch Association of Medical Specialists

    Assessment of Nutritional Status, Digestion and Absorption, and Quality of Life in Patients with Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

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    Background and Aim. To provide a comprehensive quantitative assessment of nutritional status, digestion and absorption, and quality of life (QoL) in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC). Methods. Sixteen patients with LAPC were prospectively assessed for weight loss (WL), body mass index (BMI), fat-free mass index (FFMI), handgrip strength (HGS), dietary macronutrient intake, serum vitamin levels, resting and total energy expenditure (REE and TEE, indirect calorimetry), intestinal absorption capacity and fecal losses (bomb calorimetry), exocrine pancreatic function (fecal elastase-1 (FE1)), and gastrointestinal quality of life (GIQLI). Results. Two patients had a low BMI, 10 patients had WL > 10%/6 months, 8 patients had a FFMI < P10, and 8 patients had a HGS < P10. Measured REE was 33% higher (P=0.002) than predicted REE. TEE was significantly higher than daily energy intake (P=0.047). Malabsorption (<85%) of energy, fat, protein, and carbohydrates was observed in, respectively, 9, 8, 12, and 10 patients. FE1 levels were low (<200 μg/g) in 13 patients. Total QoL scored 71% (ample satisfactory). Conclusion. Patients with LAPC have a severely impaired nutritional status, most likely as a result of an increased REE and malabsorption due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The trial is registered with PANFIRE clinicaltrials.gov NCT01939665

    Bulk Axions, Brane Back-reaction and Fluxes

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    Extra-dimensional models can involve bulk pseudo-Goldstone bosons (pGBs) whose shift symmetry is explicitly broken only by physics localized on branes. Reliable calculation of their low-energy potential is often difficult because it requires details of the stabilization of the extra dimensions. In rugby ball solutions, for which two compact extra dimensions are stabilized in the presence of only positive-tension brane sources, the effects of brane back-reaction can be computed explicitly. This allows the calculation of the shape of the low-energy pGB potential and response of the extra dimensional geometry as a function of the perturbing brane properties. If the pGB-dependence is a small part of the total brane tension a very general analysis is possible, permitting an exploration of how the system responds to frustration when the two branes disagree on what the proper scalar vacuum should be. We show how the low-energy potential is given by the sum of brane tensions (in agreement with common lore) when only the brane tensions couple to the pGB. We also show how a direct brane coupling to the flux stabilizing the extra dimensions corrects this result in a way that does not simply amount to the contribution of the flux to the brane tensions. We calculate the mass of the would-be zero mode, and briefly describe several potential applications, including a brane realization of `natural inflation,' and a dynamical mechanism for suppressing the couplings of the pGB to matter localized on the branes. Since the scalar can be light enough to be relevant to precision tests of gravity (in a technically natural way) this mechanism can be relevant to evading phenomenological bounds.Comment: 36 pages, JHEP styl
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