522 research outputs found

    Hydrogen safety Progress report no. 6, 1 Apr. - 30 Jun. 1965

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    Hydrogen safety hazards, storage, and handling - Hydrogen plume studies to determine quantity-distance criteria and guidelines for optimum placement of hydrogen detector

    Hydrogen safety Progress report no. 7 1 Jul. - 30 Sep. 1965

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    Performance characteristics of two console-type hydrogen gas detectors sampling by diffusion and convectio

    A high bandwidth quantum repeater

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    We present a physical- and link-level design for the creation of entangled pairs to be used in quantum repeater applications where one can control the noise level of the initially distributed pairs. The system can tune dynamically, trading initial fidelity for success probability, from high fidelity pairs (F=0.98 or above) to moderate fidelity pairs. The same physical resources that create the long-distance entanglement are used to implement the local gates required for entanglement purification and swapping, creating a homogeneous repeater architecture. Optimizing the noise properties of the initially distributed pairs significantly improves the rate of generating long-distance Bell pairs. Finally, we discuss the performance trade-off between spatial and temporal resources.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum Estimation of Parameters of Classical Spacetimes

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    We describe a quantum limit to measurement of classical spacetimes. Specifically, we formulate a quantum Cramer-Rao lower bound for estimating the single parameter in any one-parameter family of spacetime metrics. We employ the locally covariant formulation of quantum field theory in curved spacetime, which allows for a manifestly background-independent derivation. The result is an uncertainty relation that applies to all globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Among other examples, we apply our method to detection of gravitational waves using the electromagnetic field as a probe, as in laser-interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. Other applications are discussed, from terrestrial gravimetry to cosmology.Comment: 23 pages. This article supersedes arXiv:1108.522

    On the Effect of Quantum Interaction Distance on Quantum Addition Circuits

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    We investigate the theoretical limits of the effect of the quantum interaction distance on the speed of exact quantum addition circuits. For this study, we exploit graph embedding for quantum circuit analysis. We study a logical mapping of qubits and gates of any Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n)-depth quantum adder circuit for two nn-qubit registers onto a practical architecture, which limits interaction distance to the nearest neighbors only and supports only one- and two-qubit logical gates. Unfortunately, on the chosen kk-dimensional practical architecture, we prove that the depth lower bound of any exact quantum addition circuits is no longer Ω(logn)\Omega(\log {n}), but Ω(nk)\Omega(\sqrt[k]{n}). This result, the first application of graph embedding to quantum circuits and devices, provides a new tool for compiler development, emphasizes the impact of quantum computer architecture on performance, and acts as a cautionary note when evaluating the time performance of quantum algorithms.Comment: accepted for ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

    Consistency of post-Newtonian waveforms with numerical relativity

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    General relativity predicts the gravitational wave signatures of coalescing binary black holes. Explicit waveform predictions for such systems, required for optimal analysis of observational data, have so far been achieved using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. The quality of this treatment is unclear, however, for the important late-inspiral portion. We derive late-inspiral waveforms via a complementary approach, direct numerical simulation of Einstein's equations. We compare waveform phasing from simulations of the last 14\sim 14 cycles of gravitational radiation from equal-mass, nonspinning black holes with the corresponding 2.5PN, 3PN, and 3.5PN orbital phasing. We find phasing agreement consistent with internal error estimates based on either approach, suggesting that PN waveforms for this system are effective until the last orbit prior to final merger.Comment: Replaced with published version -- one figure removed, text and other figures updated for clarity of discussio

    Layer by layer generation of cluster states

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    Cluster states can be used to perform measurement-based quantum computation. The cluster state is a useful resource, because once it has been generated only local operations and measurements are needed to perform universal quantum computation. In this paper, we explore techniques for quickly and deterministically building a cluster state. In particular we consider generating cluster states on a qubus quantum computer, a computational architecture which uses a continuous variable ancilla to generate interactions between qubits. We explore several techniques for building the cluster, with the number of operations required depending on whether we allow the ability to destroy previously created controlled-phase links between qubits. In the case where we can not destroy these links, we show how to create an n x m cluster using just 3nm -2n -3m/2 + 3 operations. This gives more than a factor of 2 saving over a naive method. Further savings can be obtained if we include the ability to destroy links, in which case we only need (8nm-4n-4m-8)/3 operations. Unfortunately the latter scheme is more complicated so choosing the correct order to interact the qubits is considerably more difficult. A half way scheme, that keeps a modular generation but saves additional operations over never destroying links requires only 3nm-2n-2m+4 operations. The first scheme and the last scheme are the most practical for building a cluster state because they split up the generation into the repetition of simple sections.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Toward faithful templates for non-spinning binary black holes using the effective-one-body approach

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    We present an accurate approximation of the full gravitational radiation waveforms generated in the merger of non-eccentric systems of two non-spinning black holes. Utilizing information from recent numerical relativity simulations and the natural flexibility of the effective-one-body (EOB) model, we extend the latter so that it can successfully match the numerical relativity waveforms during the last stages of inspiral, merger and ringdown. By ``successfully'' here, we mean with phase differences < 8% of a gravitational-wave cycle accumulated by the end of the ringdown phase, maximizing only over time of arrival and initial phase. We obtain this result by simply adding a 4-post-Newtonian order correction in the EOB radial potential and determining the (constant) coefficient by imposing high-matching performances with numerical waveforms of mass ratios m1/m2 = 1, 3/2, 2 and 4, m1 and m2 being the individual black-hole masses. The final black-hole mass and spin predicted by the numerical simulations are used to determine the ringdown frequency and decay time of three quasi-normal-mode damped sinusoids that are attached to the EOB inspiral-(plunge) waveform at the EOB light-ring. The EOB waveforms might be tested and further improved in the future by comparison with extremely long and accurate inspiral numerical-relativity waveforms. They may already be employed for coherent searches and parameter estimation of gravitational waves emitted by non-spinning coalescing binary black holes with ground-based laser-interferometer detectors.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure