1,376 research outputs found

    A generation-oriented workbench for performance grammar: Capturing linear order variability in German and Dutch

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    We describe a generation-oriented workbench for the Performance Grammar (PG) formalism, highlighting the treatment of certain word order and movement constraints in Dutch and German. PG enables a simple and uniform treatment of a heterogeneous collection of linear order phenomena in the domain of verb constructions (variably known as Cross-serial Dependencies, Verb Raising, Clause Union, Extraposition, Third Construction, Particle Hopping, etc.). The central data structures enabling this feature are clausal “topologies”: one-dimensional arrays associated with clauses, whose cells (“slots”) provide landing sites for the constituents of the clause. Movement operations are enabled by unification of lateral slots of topologies at adjacent levels of the clause hierarchy. The PGW generator assists the grammar developer in testing whether the implemented syntactic knowledge allows all and only the well-formed permutations of constituents

    A generation-oriented workbench for performance grammar: Capturing linear order variability in German and Dutch

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    We describe a generation-oriented workbench for the Performance Grammar (PG) formalism, highlighting the treatment of certain word order and movement constraints in Dutch and German. PG enables a simple and uniform treatment of a heterogeneous collection of linear order phenomena in the domain of verb constructions (variably known as Cross-serial Dependencies, Verb Raising, Clause Union, Extraposition, Third Construction, Particle Hopping, etc.). The central data structures enabling this feature are clausal “topologies”: one-dimensional arrays associated with clauses, whose cells (“slots”) provide landing sites for the constituents of the clause. Movement operations are enabled by unification of lateral slots of topologies at adjacent levels of the clause hierarchy. The PGW generator assists the grammar developer in testing whether the implemented syntactic knowledge allows all and only the well-formed permutations of constituents

    Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel program first results: A full PACS-SED scan of the gas line emission in protostar DK Chamaeleontis

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    Aims. We aim to study the composition and energetics of the circumstellar material of DK Cha, an intermediate-mass star in transition from an embedded configuration to a star plus disk stage, during this pivotal stage of its evolution. Methods. Using the range scan mode of PACS on the Herschel Space Observatory, we obtained a spectrum of DK Cha from 55 to 210 ÎŒm as part of the DIGIT key program. Results. Almost 50 molecular and atomic lines were detected, many more than the 7 lines detected in ISO-LWS. Nearly the entire ladder of CO from J = 14–13 to 38–37 (E_u/k = 4080 K), water from levels as excited as J_(K−1 K+1) = 7_(07) (E_u/k = 843 K), and OH lines up to E_u/k = 290 K were detected. Conclusions. The continuum emission in our PACS SED scan matches the flux expected by a model consisting of a star, a surrounding disk of 0.03 M_⊙, and an envelope of a similar mass, supporting the suggestion that the object is emerging from its main accretion stage. Molecular, atomic, and ionic emission lines in the far-infrared reveal the outflow’s influence on the envelope. The inferred hot gas may be photon-heated, but some emission may be caused by C-shocks in the walls of the outflow cavity


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    Conductance of Pd-H nanojunctions

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    Results of an experimental study of palladium nanojunctions in hydrogen environment are presented. Two new hydrogen-related atomic configurations are found, which have a conductances of ~0.5 and ~1 quantum unit (2e^2/h). Phonon spectrum measurements demonstrate that these configurations are situated between electrodes containing dissolved hydrogen. The crucial differences compared to the previously studied Pt-H_2 junctions, and the possible microscopic realizations of the new configurations in palladium-hydrogen atomic-sized contacts are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Feshbach resonances with large background scattering length: interplay with open-channel resonances

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    Feshbach resonances are commonly described by a single-resonance Feshbach model, and open-channel resonances are not taken into account explicitly. However, an open-channel resonance near threshold limits the range of validity of this model. Such a situation exists when the background scattering length is much larger than the range of the interatomic potential. The open-channel resonance introduces strong threshold effects not included in the single-resonance description. We derive an easy-to-use analytical model that takes into account both the Feshbach resonance and the open-channel resonance. We apply our model to 85^{85}Rb, which has a large background scattering length, and show that the agreement with coupled-channels calculations is excellent. The model can be readily applied to other atomic systems with a large background scattering length, such as 6^6Li and 133^{133}Cs. Our approach provides full insight into the underlying physics of the interplay between open-channel (or potential) resonances and Feshbach resonances.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A; v2: added reference
