78 research outputs found

    Електрофізичні властивості системи політетрафторетилен – вуглецеві нанотрубки

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    Проведено дослідження комплексної діелектричної проникності та електропровідності в надвисокочастотному діапазоні (9 ГГц) і на низьких частотах (0,1; 1 та 10 кГц) двох систем політетрафторетилен – багатошарові вуглецеві нанотрубки з вихідними та диспергованими у водному середовищі . Введення диспергованих нанотрубок в полімер знижує поріг перколяції з 4,5 % до 2,6 % (мас.) за рахунок рівномірного розподілу наповнювача у полімері, що призводить до зростання міжфазної поверхні взаємодії полімер – вуглецеві нанотрубки, яка проявляється в збільшенні значень дійсної та уявної складової комплексної діелектричної проникності.Проведены исследования комплексной диэлектрической проницаемости и электропроводности в сверхвысокочастотном диапазоне (9 ГГц) и на низких частотах (0,1; 1; 10 кГц) двух систем политетрафторэтилен–многослойные углеродные нанотрубки с исходными и диспергированными у водной среде. Введение диспергированных нанотрубок в полимер снижает порог перколяции с 4,5% до 2,6 % (масс.) за счет равномерного распределения наполнителя в полимере, что приводит к возрастанию межфазной поверхности взаимодействия полимер – углеродные нанотрубки, которая проявляется в увеличении значений действительной и мнимой составляющей комплексной диэлектрической проницаемости.Complex dielectric permeability and conductivity of two systems, namely polytetrafluorethylene – intact carbon nanotubes and polytetrafluorethylene – carbon nanotubes dispersed in aqueous media, has been studied in super high-frequency range (9 GHz) and at low frequencies (0,1; 1 and 10 kHz). Doping of the polymer with the dispersed nanotubes decreases percolation threshold (limit ) from 4,5 wt. % to 2,6 wt. % due to uniform distribution of the filler in the polymer. This results to increase of interface interaction polymer - carbon nanotubes that is demonstrated by increase of value of real and imaginary component of complex dielectric permeability

    Mathematical modeling of plus-strand RNA virus replication to identify broad-spectrum antiviral treatment strategies

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    Plus-strand RNA viruses are the largest group of viruses. Many are human pathogens that inflict a socio-economic burden. Interestingly, plus-strand RNA viruses share remarkable similarities in their replication. A hallmark of plus-strand RNA viruses is the remodeling of intracellular membranes to establish replication organelles (so-called “replication factories”), which provide a protected environment for the replicase complex, consisting of the viral genome and proteins necessary for viral RNA synthesis. In the current study, we investigate pan-viral similarities and virus-specific differences in the life cycle of this highly relevant group of viruses. We first measured the kinetics of viral RNA, viral protein, and infectious virus particle production of hepatitis C virus (HCV), dengue virus (DENV), and coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) in the immuno-compromised Huh7 cell line and thus without perturbations by an intrinsic immune response. Based on these measurements, we developed a detailed mathematical model of the replication of HCV, DENV, and CVB3 and showed that only small virus-specific changes in the model were necessary to describe the in vitro dynamics of the different viruses. Our model correctly predicted virus-specific mechanisms such as host cell translation shut off and different kinetics of replication organelles. Further, our model suggests that the ability to suppress or shut down host cell mRNA translation may be a key factor for in vitro replication efficiency, which may determine acute self-limited or chronic infection. We further analyzed potential broad-spectrum antiviral treatment options in silico and found that targeting viral RNA translation, such as polyprotein cleavage and viral RNA synthesis, may be the most promising drug targets for all plus-strand RNA viruses. Moreover, we found that targeting only the formation of replicase complexes did not stop the in vitro viral replication early in infection, while inhibiting intracellular trafficking processes may even lead to amplified viral growth. Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    A human monoclonal antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    The emergence of the novel human coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China has caused a worldwide epidemic of respiratory disease (COVID-19). Vaccines and targeted therapeutics for treatment of this disease are currently lacking. Here we report a human monoclonal antibody that neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 (and SARS-CoV) in cell culture. This cross-neutralizing antibody targets a communal epitope on these viruses and may offer potential for prevention and treatment of COVID-19

    Трансформація ідеї державного суверенітету в системі міжнародних відносин XV – XVII ст.

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    Аналізується система міжнародних відносин XV–XVII ст., а також процес формування національних держав. Охарактеризовано принципи державного суверенітету і його законодавче закріплення у Вестфальському мирному договорі 1648 року. Шляхом зіставлення виділяються особливості та головні ознаки Вестфальської моделі державного суверенітету.The article analyzes the system of international relations XV–XVII and also process of forming of the national states. Principles of state sovereignty are characterized and him legislative fixing in Vestfallen of peace treaty in 1648. By comparison features and main signs of Vestfallen model of state sovereignty are selected

    The trispecific DARPin ensovibep inhibits diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants

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    The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants with potential resistance to existing drugs emphasizes the need for new therapeutic modalities with broad variant activity. Here we show that ensovibep, a trispecific DARPin (designed ankyrin repeat protein) clinical candidate, can engage the three units of the spike protein trimer of SARS-CoV-2 and inhibit ACE2 binding with high potency, as revealed by cryo-electron microscopy analysis. The cooperative binding together with the complementarity of the three DARPin modules enable ensovibep to inhibit frequent SARS-CoV-2 variants, including Omicron sublineages BA.1 and BA.2. In Roborovski dwarf hamsters infected with SARS-CoV-2, ensovibep reduced fatality similarly to a standard-of-care monoclonal antibody (mAb) cocktail. When used as a single agent in viral passaging experiments in vitro, ensovibep reduced the emergence of escape mutations in a similar fashion to the same mAb cocktail. These results support further clinical evaluation of ensovibep as a broad variant alternative to existing targeted therapies for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    Structural and functional analysis of Coxsackievirus protein 2B: a molecular genetic approach

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    Contains fulltext : mmubn000001_238821447.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)KUNPromotor : Hoogkamp-Korstanje, J.A.A. Co-promotores : Melchers, W.J.G., Galama, J.M.D

    Een familie met een autosomaal dominant overervende trombocytopenie

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    Contains fulltext : 25712___.PDF (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    (+)RNA viruses rewire cellular pathways to build replication organelles

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    Item does not contain fulltextPositive-strand RNA [(+)RNA] viruses show a significant degree of conservation of their mechanisms of replication. The universal requirement of (+)RNA viruses for cellular membranes for genome replication, and the formation of membranous replication organelles with similar architecture, suggest that they target essential control mechanisms of membrane metabolism conserved among eukaryotes. Recently, significant progress has been made in understanding the role of key host factors and pathways that are hijacked for the development of replication organelles. In addition, electron tomography studies have shed new light on their ultrastructure. Collectively, these studies reveal an unexpected complexity of the spatial organization of the replication membranes and suggest that (+)RNA viruses actively change cellular membrane composition to build their replication organelles