331 research outputs found

    Inferring coronal structure from X-ray lightcurves and Doppler shifts: a Chandra study of AB Doradus

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    The Chandra X-ray observatory monitored the single cool star, AB Doradus, continuously for a period lasting 88 ksec (1.98 Prot) in 2002 December with the LETG/HRC-S. The X-ray lightcurve shows rotational modulation, with three peaks that repeat in two consecutive rotation cycles. These peaks may indicate the presence of compact emitting regions in the quiescent corona. Centroid shifts as a function of phase in the strongest line profile, O VIII 18.97 A, indicate Doppler rotational velocities with a semi-amplitude of 30 +/- 10 km/s. By taking these diagnostics into account along with constraints on the rotational broadening of line profiles (provided by archival Chandra HETG Fe XVII and FUSE Fe XVIII profile) we can construct a simple model of the X-ray corona that requires two components. One of these components is responsible for 80% of the X-ray emission, and arises from the pole and/or a homogeneously distributed corona. The second component consists of two or three compact active regions that cause modulation in the lightcurve and contribute to the O VIII centroid shifts. These compact regions account for 16% of the emission and are located near the stellar surface with heights of less than 0.3R*. At least one of the compact active regions is located in the partially obscured hemisphere of the inclined star, while one of the other active regions may be located at 40 degrees. High quality X-ray data such as these can test the models of the coronal magnetic field configuration as inferred from magnetic Zeeman Doppler imaging.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    The dopaminergic system in patients with functional dyspepsia analysed by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and an alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) challenge test

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    Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a chronic condition characterized by upper abdominal symptoms without an identifiable cause. While the serotonergic system is thought to play a key role in the regulation of gut physiology, the role of the dopaminergic system, which is important in the regulation of visceral pain and stress, is under-studied. Therefore, this study investigated the dopaminergic system and its relationship with drinking capacity and symptoms in FD patients. In FD patients and healthy volunteers (HV) the dopaminergic system was investigated by in-vivo assessment of central dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) with [I-123]IBZM SPECT and by an acute, but reversible, dopamine depletion alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) challenge test. A nutrient drink test was performed to investigate the association between maximal ingested volume, evoked symptoms, and D2Rs. The HV subjects comprised 12 women and 8 men (mean age 31 +/- 3 years), and the FD patients comprised 5 women and 3 men (mean age 39 +/- 5 years). The FD patients had a lower left plus right average striatal binding potential (BPNP) for the caudate nucleus (p = 0.02), but not for putamen (p = 0.15), which in the FD patients was correlated with maximal ingested volume (r = 0.756, p = 0.03). The D2R BPNP in the putamen was correlated with nausea (r = 0.857, p = 0.01). The acute dopamine depletion test, however, failed to reveal differences in prolactin release between the FD patients and the HV subjects. These preliminary data suggest that chronic rather than acute alterations in the dopaminergic system may be involved in the pathogenesis of FD. Further studies are required to reproduce our novel findings and to evaluate to what extent the dopaminergic changes may be secondary to abnormalities in serotonergic pathway

    FADS2 Genetic Variance in Combination with Fatty Acid Intake Might Alter Composition of the Fatty Acids in Brain

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    Multiple lines of evidence suggest that fatty acids (FA) play an important role in cognitive function. However, little is known about the functional genetic pathways involved in cognition. The main goals of this study were to replicate previously reported interaction effects between breast feeding (BF) and FA desaturase (FADS) genetic variation on IQ and to investigate the possible mechanisms by which these variants might moderate BF effect, focusing on brain expression. Using a sample of 534 twins, we observed a trend in the moderation of BF effects on IQ by FADS2 variation. In addition, we made use of publicly available gene expression databases from both humans (193) and mice (93) and showed that FADS2 variants also correlate with FADS1 brain expression (P-value<1.1E-03). Our results provide novel clues for the understanding of the genetic mechanisms regulating FA brain expression and improve the current knowledge of the FADS moderation effect on cognition

    AMPT-induced monoamine depletion in humans: evaluation of two alternative [123I]IBZM SPECT procedures

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    Purpose Acute monoamine depletion paradigms using alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) combined with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) have been used successfully to evaluate disturbances in central dopaminergic neurotransmission. However, severe side effects due to relatively high doses (4,500 to 8,000 mg) of AMPT have been reasons for study withdrawal. Thus, we assessed the effectiveness and tolerability of two alternative procedures, using lower doses of AMPT. Methods Six healthy subjects underwent three measurements of striatal dopamine D2 receptor (D2R)-binding potential (BPND) with SPECT and the selective radiolabeled D2R antagonist [123I]IBZM. All subjects were scanned in the absence of pharmacological intervention (baseline) and after two different depletion procedures. In the first depletion session, over 6 h, subjects were administered 1,500 mg of AMPT before scanning. In the second depletion session, over 25 h, subjects were administered 40 mg AMPT/kg body weight. We also administered the Subjective Well-being Under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale, a self-report instrument designed to measure the subjective experience of patients on neuroleptic medication. Results We found no change of mean D2R BPND after the first and short AMPT challenge compared to the baseline. However, we found a significant increase in striatal D2R BPND binding after the AMPT challenge adjusted for bodyweight compared to both other regimen. Although subjective well-being worsened after the prolonged AMPT challenge, no severe side effects were reported. Conclusions Our results imply a low-dosage, suitable alternative to the common AMPT procedure. The probability of side effects and study withdrawal can be reduced by this procedure

    Loss of thalamic serotonin transporters in early drug-naïve Parkinson’s disease patients is associated with tremor: an [123I]β-CIT SPECT study

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    In vitro studies revealed serotonin transporter (5-HTT) decline in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Yet, few studies investigated thalamic 5-HTT in vivo and its effect on PD heterogeneity. We analyzed thalamic [123I]β-CIT binding (mainly reflecting 5-HTT binding) in 32 drug-naïve PD patients and 13 controls with SPECT. Twenty-six patients were examined twice (17 months apart). Based on UPDRS scores, we identified subgroups of patients with moderate/severe tremor (PDT) and without tremor (PDWT) at the time of clinical diagnosis. Additionally, depressive symptoms were evaluated using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) at baseline. Mean thalamic specific to non-specific [123I]β-CIT binding ratio was lower in patients when compared to controls, and further decreased during follow-up. At baseline, average thalamic ratio was significantly lower in the PDT than in the PDWT subgroup. No correlation was found between BDI scores and thalamic binding ratios. Our findings show decline of [123I]β-CIT binding to thalamic 5-HTT in PD and its possible contribution to tremor onset

    Radiolabeled CCK/gastrin peptides for imaging and therapy of CCK2 receptor-expressing tumors

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    Cholecystokinin (CCK) receptors are overexpressed in numerous human cancers, like medullary thyroid carcinomas, small cell lung cancers and stromal ovarian cancers. The specific receptor-binding property of the endogenous ligands for these receptors can be exploited by labeling peptides with a radionuclide and using these as carriers to guide the radioactivity to the tissues that express the receptors. In this way, tumors can be visualized using positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography imaging. A variety of radiolabeled CCK/gastrin-related peptides has been synthesized and characterized for imaging. All peptides have the C-terminal CCK receptor-binding tetrapeptide sequence Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 in common or derivatives thereof. This review focuses on the development and application of radiolabeled CCK/gastrin peptides for radionuclide imaging and radionuclide therapy of tumors expressing CCK receptors. We discuss both preclinical studies as well as clinical studies with CCK and gastrin peptides