317 research outputs found

    Phase stability during martensitic transformation in ZrCu intermetallics: crystal and electronic structure aspects

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    This article is dedicated to the estimation of the relative stability for B2, B19` and Cm phase in ZrCu intermetallic compound through the ab-initio electronic structure calculations and subsequent crystal structure Rietveld refinement. The information about electronic and crystal structure of phases in ZrCu will allow selecting for this high temperature shape memory alloy such alloying elements that will significantly improve shape memory behavior through definite structural changes

    Shape Memory Effect Driven by Diffusionless and Diffusional Transformations at Elevated Temperatures

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    Several alloy systems can be selected for high-temperature shape-memory alloys, defined as alloys with stable reverse martensitic-transformation temperatures above 100°C. However, due to the lack of minimum quality standards for stability, ductility, functional behaviour, and reliability, no successful applications have been realised so far. Nevertheless, research on high-temperature shape-memory alloys (HTSMA) is an important topic not only for scientific reasons but also due to the market pull. This paper reviews some novel HTSMA systems showing shape-memory effect at elevated temperatures driven by martensitic (diffusionless) and diffusional transformationsМожно привести достаточное количество систем сплавов, которые подпадают под определение высокотемпературных сплавов с эффектом памяти формы — сплавов, в которых стабильное обратное мартенситное превращение протекает при температурах выше 100°C. К сожалению, до сих пор не известно ни одного случая успешного применения высокотемпературных сплавов с эффектом памяти формы в силу отсутствия требований к их стабильности, пластичности, функциональному поведению и надежности. Тем не менее, исследования высокотемпературных сплавов с эффектом памяти формы являются важными не только с точки зрения фундаментальной науки, но и благодаря требованиям рынка. Настоящая работа посвящена рассмотрению некоторых новейших систем высокотемпературных сплавов с эффектом памяти формы, который определяется как мартенситным (бездиффузионным), так и диффузионными превращениямиМожна навести певну кількість систем сплавів, що можуть бути визначені, як високотемпературні сплави з ефектом пам’яті форми, що в свою чергу визначаються як сплави зі стабільними температурами зворотного мартенситного перетворення, вищими за 100°C. На жаль, невідомо жодного випадку успішного застосування високотемпературних сплавів з ефектом пам’яті форми, завдяки відсутності вимог щодо їх стабільності, пластичності, функціональної поведінки та надійності. Не зважаючи на це, дослідження високотемпературних сплавів з ефектом пам’яті форми є важливим не тільки з точки зору фундаментальної науки, але й завдяки вимогам ринку. Дана робота присвячена розглядові деяких новітніх систем високотемпературних сплавів з ефектом пам’яті форми, що зумовлений мартенситним (бездифузійним) та дифузійним перетворенням

    Rheological behavior of β-Ti and NiTi powders produced by atomization for SLM production of open porous orthopedic implants

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    The growing interest for Selective Laser Melting (SLM) in orthopedic implant manufacturing is accompanied by the introduction of novel Ti alloys, in particular β-Ti for their excellent corrosion resistance as well as favorable combination of high mechanical strength, fatigue resistance and relatively low elastic modulus. As part of the SLM process for producing quality β-Ti parts powder flowability is essential to achieve uniform thickness of powder layers. In this work the flowability of different gas atomized β-Ti, including NiTi, powders has been studied. Their rheological properties were compared to those of commercially available plasma-atomized Ti–6Al–4V powder using a newly developed semi-automatic experimental set-up. Not only the particle size, shape and size distribution of the powders display a large influence on the powder flowability but also particle surface properties such as roughness, chemical composition and the presence of liquid on the surface of the particles. It was found that plasma or gas atomization production techniques for SLM powder have a considerable effect on the particle topography. Among the powders studied regarding SLM applicability only rheological properties of the fine size fraction (25–45 μm) of Ti–45Nb didn't conform to SLM processing requirements. To improve flowability of the Ti–45Nb powder itwas annealed both in air and argon atmosphere at 600 °C during 1 h, resulting in an improved rheological behavior suitable for SLM processing

    AMBRA1 is able to induce mitophagy via LC3 binding, regardless of PARKIN and p62/SQSTM1

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    Damaged mitochondria are eliminated by mitophagy, a selective form of autophagy whose dysfunction associates with neurodegenerative diseases. PINK1, PARKIN and p62/SQTMS1 have been shown to regulate mitophagy, leaving hitherto ill-defined the contribution by key players in 'general' autophagy. In basal conditions, a pool of AMBRA1 - an upstream autophagy regulator and a PARKIN interactor - is present at the mitochondria, where its pro-autophagic activity is inhibited by Bcl-2. Here we show that, upon mitophagy induction, AMBRA1 binds the autophagosome adapter LC3 through a LIR (LC3 interacting region) motif, this interaction being crucial for regulating both canonical PARKIN-dependent and -independent mitochondrial clearance. Moreover, forcing AMBRA1 localization to the outer mitochondrial membrane unleashes a massive PARKIN- and p62-independent but LC3-dependent mitophagy. These results highlight a novel role for AMBRA1 as a powerful mitophagy regulator, through both canonical or noncanonical pathways