552 research outputs found

    Process Evaluation of a Workers' Health Surveillance Program for Meat Processing Workers

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    Objective To evaluate the implementation process of a workers' health surveillance (WHS) program in a Dutch meat processing company. Methods Workers from five plants were eligible to participate in the WHS program. The program consisted of four evaluative components and an intervention component. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to evaluate seven process aspects. Data were gathered by interviews with stakeholders, participant questionnaires, and from registries of the company and occupational health service. Results Two recruitment strategies were used: open invitation or automatic participation. Of the 986 eligible workers, 305 participated in the program. Average reach was 53 %. Two out of five program components could not be assessed on dose delivered, dose received and fidelity. If components were assessable, 85-100 % of the components was delivered, 66-100 % of the components was received by participants, and fidelity was 100 %. Participants were satisfied with the WHS program (mean score 7.6). Contextual factors that facilitated implementation were among others societal developments and management support. Factors that formed barriers were program novelty and delayed follow-up. Conclusion The WHS program was well received by participants. Not all participants were offered the same number of program components, and not all components were performed according to protocol. Deviation from protocol is an indication of program failure and may affect program effectiveness.</p

    Monitoring projecten bewegen in de openbare ruimte (BIOR), tussenrapportage 2019

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    Monitoring projecten bewegen in de openbare ruimte (BIOR), tussenrapportage 2019

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    Effectiveness and Cost-benefit Evaluation of a Comprehensive Workers' Health Surveillance Program for Sustainable Employability of Meat Processing Workers

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    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of a comprehensive workers' health surveillance (WHS) program on aspects of sustainable employability and cost-benefit. Methods A cluster randomized stepped wedge trial was performed in a Dutch meat processing company from february 2012 until march 2015. In total 305 workers participated in the trial. Outcomes were retrieved during a WHS program, by multiple questionnaires, and from company registries. Primary outcomes were sickness absence, work ability, and productivity. Secondary outcomes were health, vitality, and psychosocial workload. Data were analyzed with linear and logistic multilevel models. Cost-benefit analyses from the employer's perspective were performed as well. Results Primary outcomes sickness absence (OR = 1.40), work ability (B = -0.63) and productivity (OR = 0.71) were better in the control condition. Secondary outcomes did not or minimally differ between conditions. Of the 12 secondary outcomes, the only outcome that scored better in the experimental condition was meaning of work (B = 0.18). Controlling for confounders did not or minimally change the results. However, our stepped wedge design did not enable adjustment for confounding in the last two periods of the trial. The WHS program resulted in higher costs for the employer on the short and middle term. Conclusions Primary outcomes did not improve after program implementation and secondary outcomes remained equal after implementation. The program was not cost-beneficial after 1-3 year follow-up. Main limitation that may have contributed to absence of positive effects may be program failure, because interventions were not deployed as intended

    Strategisch Fonds project Citizen Science for Healthy Lifestyle (2019-2022):eindrapportage

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    Het strategisch project Citizen Science for a Healthy Lifestyle is gestart op 1 november 2019. Het project had als doel: kennis, ervaring, scholing en internationalisering op het thema Citizen Science for Healthy Lifestyle bevorderen. Deze strategische fonds heeft op concrete wijze vorm en inhoud gegeven aan de visie en doelen van het CoE HA. Deze aanvraag heeft mede geleid tot het benoemen van Citizen Science als belangrijke enabler/versneller binnen de visie van het CoE HA. In jaar 1 lag het accent op scholing (expert conference/workshop etc.) en de opzet van een 3-tal pilots. In jaar 2 werd de opgedane kennis en ervaring verwerkt in ontwikkelde onderwijs modules Citizen Science. De Hanzehogeschool stelt zich tot doel waarde en impact te cre ren in Noord-Nederland, met de inzet van onderwijs, onderzoek en innovatie. De strategie van het Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing (CoE HA) belicht drie thema’s: 1) gelijkheid en participatie in gezondheidszorg, 2) gezonde leefstijl en omgeving, en 3) kwetsbaarheid en passende zorg. Zowel als onderzoek/innovatiestrategie en als middel om burgers en gemeenschappen te betrekken, speelt Citizen Science for health een belangrijke rol in het mogelijk maken en versnellen van processen binnen de drie thema’s. Citizen Science kan gedefinieerd worden als een vorm van onderzoekssamenwerking en co-creatie die burgers betrekt bij onderzoek en innovatie om concrete vraagstukken aan te pakken, en die dus vereist dat niet-professionele bijdragers onderdeel van de samenwerking zijn. Belangrijkste resultaten: • Citizen Science is mede door deze strategische fonds aanvraag en van de drie enablers geworden in de nieuwe CoE HA strategische koers 2021-2026; • Opstart pilots van Living Lab Beweegvriendelijk Vinkhuizen, Living Lab Oldambt Tijd voor Toekomst en Meer Gezonde Jaren Appingedam. Mede door blijvende investering en honorering van Living Labs Sport en Bewegen van ZonMw; Het gaat hier om een netwerksubsidie (8 maanden), lokale verankering (12 maanden) en experiment subsidie (5 maanden); • Integratie Citizen Science in Erasmus+ capacity building project Sustainable Wellbeing (SUSWELL); • Ontwikkeling SPRONG-aanvraag op het thema Citizen Science (deadline 31 mei 2022); • Diverse scholingsactiviteiten en workshops (master HAP, bachelor, docent-onderzoekers van de Healthy Ageing schools, studiedagen) hebben in 2020, 2021 en 2022 plaatsgevonden; • Studie tweedaagse over Citizen Science gehouden voor studenten en docent-onderzoekers CoE HA en KC Noorderruimte; • Samenwerking met Stanford University en Our Voice: Citizen Science for Health Equity network gerealiseerd; • Positioning statement Citizen Science geschreven in NL en EN; • Lid geworden van European Citizen Science Association (ECSA); • Scholingsmateriaal ontwikkeld voor studenten en docent-onderzoekers van de vijf schools vallend onder Healthy Ageing; • Ontwikkeling NWO-subsidie aanvraag maatschappelijk verdien vermogen over citizen-student Science voor studenten welzijn tijdens en na de Corona pandemie (deadline voorjaar 2022); • Postdoc aanstelling Citizen Science vanuit het CoE HA. • Met de Citizen Science scholingsactiviteiten zijn in totaal 270 bachelor studenten, 145 master studenten, 279 docent-onderzoekers, 109 professionals en 180 burgers bereikt verspreid over de verschillende pilots. Aanbevelingen: • Mede op basis van de impact van praktijkgericht onderzoek op praktijk, onderwijs en onderzoek (PRIME-model pagina 29), doorgaan met onderwijs en praktijk ontwikkelingen. De bijdrage aan het wetenschappelijke/onderzoeksdomein op Citizen Science verdient de komende jaren extra aandacht; • Mede op basis van bevindingen visitatie terugkoppeling CoE HA (6-7 april 2022), verder doorontwikkelen tot herkend en erkend expertisecentrum op Citizen Science in de context van (publieke) gezondheidsdomein; • De komende jaren verder investeren in mensen en middelen in Citizen Science zodat het een van de leidende aanpakken wordt binnen onderwijs-onderzoek binnen het CoE HA zodat de Hanze zich ontwikkelt tot een expertisecentrum (o.a. m.b.v. SPRONG); • Komende jaren verder kennis en expertise ontwikkelen op Citizen Science door eigen onderzoek (promovendi/postdocs) en scholing; • Citizen Science integreren in relevante onderzoeksprojectaanvragen; • Citizen Science verder integreren in de drie inhoudelijke thema’s van het CoE HA; • Citizen Science onderwijsmodules en scholingen implementeren in het onderwijs van studenten (bachelors, masters) en bij- en nascholing van docent-onderzoekers

    The effect of subduction on the sulphur, carbon and redox budget of lithospheric mantle

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    Subduction of hydrated lithospheric mantle introduces H O, ferric iron, oxidized carbon and sulphur to the subduction zone system. The fate of these components is poorly known, but is intimately linked to the global geochemical cycles of iron, carbon and sulphur, the genesis of arc-related ore deposits, the temporal evolution of mantle redox state and subduction-related earthquakes and magmatism. thermocalc is used to provide first-order constraints on the effect of subduction zone metamorphism on metamorphic redistribution of iron, carbon, sulphur and water in ultramafic rocks via construction of P−T and T-X(O) pseudosections with open system calculation of the effect of fluid loss. The calculations replicate observed mineral assemblages in high-P to low-T ultramafic rocks at P−T conditions consistent with those suggested by other workers. The results are consistent with open system fluid loss without significant fluid infiltration. Water loss is complete by 850 C, the corresponding depth of fluid loss being consistent with that inferred for earthquakes in subducting slabs. Losses of carbon and sulphur are relatively minor, at around 5 GPa, below the depths of the source zone for arc volcanoes.Oxygen activity for rocks in closed systems that evolve with a fixed redox budget is calculated to change from ΔFMQ −1 at 350 C to over ΔFMQ +3 at 850 C. This result emphasizes the need to consider redox budget as well as oxygen activity when the results of experiments performed at fixed oxygen activity relative to some buffer are interpreted in the context of natural systems. In open systems, devolatilization is calculated to increase the redox budget and oxygen activity of the residue via loss of methane and H S at the brucite-out and serpentine-out reactions respectively. No fluid-induced mechanism for oxidation of sub-arc mantle by transfer of redox budget from hydrated ultramafic lithologies to the overlying sub-arc mantle was identified, although further thermodynamic data on fluid species such as S are required to confirm this

    Characterization of ten highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for the intertidal mussel Perna perna, and cross species amplification within the genus

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    The brown mussel Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) is a dominant constituent of intertidal communities and a strong invader with multiple non-native populations distributed around the world. In a previous study, two polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed and used to determine population-level genetic diversity in invasive and native P. perna populations. However, higher number of microsatellite markers are required for reliable population genetic studies. In this context, in order to understand P. perna origins and history of invasion and to compare population genetic structure in native versus invaded areas, we developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite markers. Findings Described microsatellite markers were developed from an enriched genomic library. Analyses and characterization of loci using 20 individuals from a population in Western Sahara revealed on average 11 alleles per locus (range: 5–27) and mean gene diversity of 0.75 (range: 0.31 - 0.95). One primer pair revealed possible linkage disequilibrium while heterozygote deficiency was significant at four loci. Six of these markers cross-amplified in P. canaliculus (origin: New Zealand). Conclusions Developed markers will be useful in addressing a variety of questions concerning P. perna, including dispersal scales, genetic variation and population structure, in both native and invaded areas.Peer Reviewe
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