403 research outputs found

    Characterizations of solutions for Bayesian games

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    Bayesian equilibria are characterized by means of consistency and one-person rationality in combination with non-emptiness or converse consistency. Moreover, strong and coalition-proof Bayesian equilibria of extended Bayesian games are introduced and it is seen that these notions can be characterized by means of consistency, one-person rationality, a version of Pareto optimality and a modification of converse consistency. It is shown that, in case of the strong Bayesian equilibrium correspondence, converse consistency can be replaced by non-emptiness. As examples we treat Bayesian potential games and Bayesian congestion games.Game Theory;Bayesian Games;game theory

    Doping dependent optical properties of Bi2201

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    An experimental study of the in-plane optical conductivity of (Pbx_{x},Bi2x_{2-x})(Lay_{y}Sr2y_{2-y})CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} (Bi2201) is presented for a broad doping and temperature range. The in-plane conductivity is analyzed within a strong coupling formalism. We address the interrelationship between the optical conductivity (σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)), the single particle self energy, and the electron-boson spectral function. We find that the frequency and temperature dependence can be well described within this formalism. We present a universal description of optical, ARPES and tunneling spectra. The full frequency and temperature dependence of the optical spectra and single particle self-energy is shown to result from an electron-boson spectral function, which shows a strong doping dependence and weak temperature dependence.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. To appear in special focus issue "Superconductors with Exotic Symmetries", New Journal of Physic

    Iterative preprocessing of event logs

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    Infrared phonon activity in pristine graphite

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    We study experimentally and theoretically the Fano-shaped phonon peak at 1590 cm1^{-1} (0.2 eV) in the in-plane optical conductivity of pristine graphite. We show that the anomalously large spectral weight and the Fano asymmetry of the peak can be qualitatively accounted for by a charged-phonon theory. A crucial role in this context is played by the particle-hole asymmetry of the electronic π\pi-bands.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Direct observation of a Fermi liquid-like normal state in an iron-pnictide superconductor

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    There are two prerequisites for understanding high-temperature (high-Tc_c) superconductivity: identifying the pairing interaction and a correct description of the normal state from which superconductivity emerges. The nature of the normal state of iron-pnictide superconductors, and the role played by correlations arising from partially screened interactions, are still under debate. Here we show that the normal state of carefully annealed electron-doped BaFe2x_{2-x}Cox_{x}As2_2 at low temperatures has all the hallmark properties of a local Fermi liquid, with a more incoherent state emerging at elevated temperatures, an identification made possible using bulk-sensitive optical spectroscopy with high frequency and temperature resolution. The frequency dependent scattering rate extracted from the optical conductivity deviates from the expected scaling M2(ω,T)(ω)2+(pπkBT)2M_{2}(\omega,T)\propto(\hbar\omega)^{2}+(p\pi k_{B}T)^{2} with pp\approx 1.47 rather than pp = 2, indicative of the presence of residual elastic resonant scattering. Excellent agreement between the experimental results and theoretical modeling allows us to extract the characteristic Fermi liquid scale T0T_{0}\approx 1700 K. Our results show that the electron-doped iron-pnictides should be regarded as weakly correlated Fermi liquids with a weak mass enhancement resulting from residual electron-electron scattering from thermally excited quasi-particles.Comment: 6+9pages, 3+9 figures To be published in Scientific Report

    Optical determination of the relation between the electron-boson coupling function and the critical temperature in high Tc_c cuprates

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    We take advantage of the connection between the free carrier optical conductivity and the glue function in the normal state, to reconstruct from the infrared optical conductivity the glue-spectrum of ten different high-Tc cuprates revealing a robust peak in the 50-60 meV range and a broad con- tinuum at higher energies for all measured charge carrier concentrations and temperatures up to 290 K. We observe that the strong coupling formalism accounts fully for the known strong temperature dependence of the optical spectra of the high Tc cuprates, except for strongly underdoped samples. We observe a correlation between the doping trend of the experimental glue spectra and the critical temperature. The data obtained on the overdoped side of the phase diagram conclusively excludes the electron-phonon coupling as the main source of superconducting pairing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hydrodynamics of plastic deformations in electronic crystals

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    We construct a new hydrodynamic framework describing plastic deformations in electronic crystals. The framework accounts for pinning, phase, and momentum relaxation effects due to translational disorder, diffusion due to the presence of interstitials and vacancies, and strain relaxation due to plasticity and dislocations. We obtain the hydrodynamic mode spectrum and correlation functions in various regimes in order to identify the signatures of plasticity in electronic crystal phases. In particular, we show that proliferation of dislocations de-pins the spatially resolved conductivity until the crystal melts, after which point a new phase of a pinned electronic liquid emerges. In addition, the mode spectrum exhibits a competition between pinning and plasticity effects, with the damping rate of some modes being controlled by pinning-induced phase relaxation and some by plasticity-induced strain relaxation. We find that the recently discovered damping-attenuation relation continues to hold for pinned-induced phase relaxation even in the presence of plasticity and dislocations. We also comment on various experimental setups that could probe the effects of plasticity. The framework developed here is applicable to a large class of physical systems including electronic Wigner crystals, multicomponent charge density waves, and ordinary crystals.Comment: v1: 34pp, 7fig

    A Multi Criteria Decision Analytic (MCDA) approach to combining evidence and patient preferences for cancer prevention and treatment: an application to prostate cancer screening

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    A 72-year-old man, edentulous in the maxilla for 20 years, presented himself at his dentist in 2006 with complaints concerning retention of his upper denture. The placement of implants was only possible if bone augmentation was undertaken; this was definitively rejected by the man. As an alternative, Muchor anchors were placed, but these did not provide an adequate solution to the retention problem. In the end, 2 palatal implants were placed, with magnetic anchoring. One year later, the man was very satisfied with this solution

    The cleavage surface of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) superconductors: from diversity to simplicity

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    We elucidate the termination surface of cleaved single crystals of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) families of the high temperature iron based superconductors. By combining scanning tunneling microscopic data with low energy electron diffraction we prove that the termination layer of the Ba122 systems is a remnant of the Ba layer, which exhibits a complex diversity of ordered and disordered structures. The observed surface topographies and their accompanying superstructure reflections in electron diffraction depend on the cleavage temperature. In stark contrast, Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) possesses only a single termination structure - that of the tetragonally ordered Se_(1-x)Te_(x) layer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure