1,234 research outputs found

    The cholesterol-raising diterpenes from coffee beans increase serum lipid transfer protein activity levels in humans

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    Cafestol and kahweol–diterpenes present in unfiltered coffee— strongly raise serum VLDL and LDL cholesterol and slightly reduce HDL cholesterol in humans. The mechanism of action is unknown. We determined whether the coffee diterpenes may affect lipoprotein metabolism via effects on lipid transfer proteins and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase in a randomized, double-blind cross-over study with 10 healthy male volunteers. Either cafestol (61–64 mg/day) or a mixture of cafestol (60 mg/day) and kahweol (48–54 mg/day) was given for 28 days. Serum activity levels of cholesterylester transfer protein, phospholipid transfer protein and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase were measured using exogenous substrate assays. Relative to baseline values, cafestol raised the mean (±S.D.) activity of cholesterylester transfer protein by 18±12% and of phospholipid transfer protein by 21±14% (both P<0.001). Relative to cafestol alone, kahweol had no significant additional effects. Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activity was reduced by 11±12% by cafestol plus kahweol (P=0.02). It is concluded that the effects of coffee diterpenes on plasma lipoproteins may be connected with changes in serum activity levels of lipid transfer proteins

    Gentrifying with family wealth:Parental gifts and neighbourhood sorting among young adult owner-occupants

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    This paper assesses the role of parental gifts in neighbourhood sorting among young adult homebuyers. We make use of high-quality individual-level registry data for two large urban metropolitan areas in the Netherlands. While previous studies have shown that young adults receiving gifts purchase more expensive housing, little is known about the role of gifts in where young adults buy. Our study finds that parental gifts flow into the housing market in a spatially-uneven way. Movers supported by substantial parental gifts are more likely to enter owner-occupied housing in high-status and gentrifying urban neighbourhoods compared to movers without gifts. This study shows that this can only partially be explained by household and parental characteristics and by the uneven distribution of housing values. The remaining effect suggests that parental gifts also play a role in trade-offs regarding spatial residential decision-making. The conclusion discusses the ramifications of our findings for debates on (re)production of class and intra-generational inequalities through housing, and provides avenues for further research

    Епоха "пост": людина в перспективі "нової духовності"

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    Розглянуто основні проблеми сучасного суспільства, пов’язані із антропологічною кризою, кардинальними змінами у темпоральності, способі буття людини. Проаналізовано ситуацію заміни попередніх гуманістичних ціннісних систем на більш “технізовані”, що призводить до виникнення нового типу людини – “постлюдини”. Посилюється вплив на людей “світу віртуальної реальності”. Нове штучне середовище “сканує”, приймає лише інформаційний аспект людини, вводячи її як цілісну істоту в стан кризи. Доведено актуальність відповідей на смислові запитання епохи, пов’язані із світоглядом, духовністю та цінностями.The main problems of modern society, related to the anthropological crisis, fundamental changes in temporality, ways of human being are considered. There is an analysis of situation of replacing the previous humanistic value systems on a more “technicized”, which causes a new type of man – “posthuman”. The impact on “the world of virtual reality” people is growing. New artifi cial environment “scans”, takes only informational aspect of human, introducing it as complete being in a state of crisis. The urgency of responses to semantic question of the epoch, related to the outlook, spirituality and values is justifi ed

    DNase treatment for atelectasis in infants with severe respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis

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    Respiratory insufficiency due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis is partly due to the abundance of thickened mucus and the inability to clear it from the airways. Mucus in RSV bronchiolitis contains necrotic inflammatory and epithelial cells. The viscoelastic properties of purulent airway secretions are largely due to the presence of highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Recombinant human deoxyribonuclease (rhDNase) is known to liquefy such mucus in patients with cystic fibrosis, whereas case reports described a beneficial effect in other respiratory disorders. The authors hypothesized that rhDNase would diminish atelectasis and mucus plugging in infants with severe RSV bronchiolitis. Two infants with RSV bronchiolitis with massive unilateral atelectasis in whom mechanical ventilation was imminent due to exhaustion, and three mechanically ventilated infants (two neonates, one with bronchopulmonary dysplasia) with RSV bronchiolitis with pneumonia received treatment with 2.5 mg nebulized rhDNase twice daily. Following administration of nebulized recombinant human deoxyribonuclease, clinical and radiological parameters improved quickly. Mechanical ventilation could be avoided in two infants while in three infants on artificial ventilation, clinical recovery started following the first dose of the drug. A therapeutic trial of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease may be an option in the treatment for atelectasis in severe or

    Exploiting DNA repair defects for novel cancer therapies

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    Most human tumors accumulate a multitude of genetic changes due to defects in the DNA damage response. Recently, small-molecule inhibitors have been developed that target cells with specific DNA repair defects, providing hope for precision treatment of such tumors. Here we discuss the rationale behind these therapies and how an important bottleneck-patient selection-can be approached

    Wave overtopping layer thickness on the crest of rubble mound seawalls

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    During storms, ensuring the protection of people, vehicles and infrastructure on the crest of coastal structures from wave overtopping hazards is crucial. The thickness of the wave overtopping layer is a key variable used for assessing safety and maintaining a secure design. Traditionally, this parameter is associated with the height difference between the fictitious wave run-up level exceeded by 2% of waves and the crest freeboard of coastal structures. This study aims to investigate the wave overtopping layer thickness on the crest of rubble mound seawalls. To achieve this, a series of 125 small-scale 2D physical model tests were conducted on a two-layer rubble mound seawall with an impermeable core and slopes of 1:1.5 and 1:2. The obtained results indicated that the existing empirical formulas, originally developed for dikes, underestimate the overtopping layer thickness on the studied seawall. Therefore, modifications were made to the formulas found in the literature specifically tailored for rubble mound seawalls. The newly proposed formulas for estimating overtopping layer thickness at both the seaward edge and the middle of the crest showed improvements compared to the existing formulas