20 research outputs found

    Workingage: providing occupational safety through pervasive Sensing and data driven behavior modeling

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    The aging of the working population calls for innovative approaches to monitor and support the changes of physical,physiological and psycho-social capabilities of workers over time, as well as to promote habits aimed at improving both health and productivity. This paper presents the WorkingAge (Smart Working Environments for All Ages - WA)project, which focuses on innovative Human Computer Interaction methods (such as augmented and/or virtual reality or gesture/voice/noise recognition or gaze tracking) to improve the users’ psychological/emotional/health state at workplaces. Based on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and on data driven models of the users’ characteristics and behaviors, the WA Tool will monitor the state of users to automatically provide a set of suggestions promoting healthy habits in their working environment as well as in their daily living activities. The paper presents at the basis of the WA project, its hardware-software sensor architecture, and the elements of the ontology capturing the key concepts of the data collected to profile the users

    Innovative visualizations shed light on avian nocturnal migration

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    Globally, billions of flying animals undergo seasonal migrations, many of which occur at night. The temporal and spatial scales at which migrations occur and our inability to directly observe these nocturnal movements makes monitoring and characterizing this critical period in migratory animals’ life cycles difficult. Remote sensing, therefore, has played an important role in our understanding of large-scale nocturnal bird migrations. Weather surveillance radar networks in Europe and North America have great potential for long-term low-cost monitoring of bird migration at scales that have previously been impossible to achieve. Such long-term monitoring, however, poses a number of challenges for the ornithological and ecological communities: how does one take advantage of this vast data resource, integrate information across multiple sensors and large spatial and temporal scales, and visually represent the data for interpretation and dissemination, considering the dynamic nature of migration? We assembled an interdisciplinary team of ecologists, meteorologists, computer scientists, and graphic designers to develop two different flow visualizations, which are interactive and open source, in order to create novel representations of broad-front nocturnal bird migration to address a primary impediment to long-term, largescalenocturnal migration monitoring. We have applied these visualization techniques to mass bird migration events recorded by two different weather surveillance radar networks covering regions in Europe and North America. These applications show the flexibility and portability of such an approach. The visualizations provide an intuitive representation of thescale and dynamics of these complex systems, are easily accessible for a broad interest group, and are biologically insightful. Additionally, they facilitate fundamental ecological research, conservation, mitigation of human–wildlife conflicts, improvement of meteorological products, and public outreach, education, and engagement

    Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar

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    Migratory animals are affected by various factors during their journeys, and the study of animal movement by radars has been instrumental in revealing key influences of the environment on flying migrants. Radars enable the simultaneous tracking of many individuals of almost all sizes within the radar range during day and night, and under low visibility conditions. We review how atmospheric conditions, geographic features and human development affect the behavior of migrating insects and birds as recorded by radars. We focus on flight initiation and termination, as well as in-flight behaviour that includes changes in animal flight direction, speed and altitude. We have identified several similarities and differences in the behavioral responses of aerial migrants including an overlooked similarity in the use of thermal updrafts by very small (e.g. aphids) and very large (e.g. vultures) migrants. We propose that many aerial migrants modulate their migratory flights in relation to the interaction between atmospheric conditions and geographic features. For example, aerial migrants that encounter crosswind may terminate their flight or continue their migration and may also drift or compensate for lateral displacement depending on their position (over land, near the coast or over sea). We propose several promising directions for future research, including the development and application of algorithms for tracking insects, bats and large aggregations of animals using weather radars. Additionally, an important contribution will be the spatial expansion of aeroecological radar studies to Africa, most of Asia and South America where no such studies have been undertaken. Quantifying the role of migrants in ecosystems and specifically estimating the number of departing birds from stopover sites using low-elevation radar scans is important for quantifying migrant– habitat relationships. This information, together with estimates of population demographics and migrant abundance, can help resolve the long-term dynamics of migrant populations facing large-scale environmental changes

    Perspectives and challenges for the use of radar in biological conservation

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    Radar is at the forefront for the study of broad-scale aerial movements of birds, bats and insects and related issues in biological conservation. Radar techniques are especially useful for investigating species which fly at high altitudes, in darkness, or which are too small for applying electronic tags. Here, we present an overview of radar applications in biological conservation and highlight its future possibilities. Depending on the type of radar, information can be gathered on local- to continental-scale movements of airborne organisms and their behaviour. Such data can quantify flyway usage, biomass and nutrient transport (bioflow), population sizes, dynamics and distributions, times and dimensions of movements, areas and times of mass emergence and swarming, habitat use and activity ranges. Radar also captures behavioural responses to anthropogenic disturbances, artificial light and man-made structures. Weather surveillance and other long-range radar networks allow spatially broad overviews of important stopover areas, songbird mass roosts and emergences from bat caves. Mobile radars, including repurposed marine radars and commercially dedicated ‘bird radars’, offer the ability to track and monitor the local movements of individuals or groups of flying animals. Harmonic radar techniques have been used for tracking short-range movements of insects and other small animals of conservation interest. However, a major challenge in aeroecology is determining the taxonomic identity of the targets, which often requires ancillary data obtained from other methods. Radar data have become a global source of information on ecosystem structure, composition, services and function and will play an increasing role in the monitoring and conservation of flying animals and threatened habitats worldwide

    Making Functionality More General

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    The definition for the notion of a "function" is not cast in stone, but depends upon what we adopt as types in our language. With partial equivalence relations (pers) as types in a relational language, we show that the functional relations are precisely those satisfying the simple equation f = f o fu o f, where "o" and "u" are respectively the composition and converse operators for relations. This article forms part of "A calculational theory of pers as types"

    Avian Alert - a bird migration early warning system

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    Every year billions of birds migrate from breeding areas to their wintering ranges, some travelling over 10,000 km. Stakeholders interested in aviation flight safety, spread of disease, conservation, education, urban planning, meteorology, wind turbines and bird migration ecology are interested in information on bird movements. Collecting and disseminating useful information about such mobile creatures exhibiting diverse behaviour is no simple task. However, ESA’s Integrated Application Promotion (IAP) programme may provide the solution with its system of systems philosophy, integrating space (Telecommunication, Navigation, Remote Sensing and Meteorology) assets in combination with terrestrial systems. FlySafe sustainable services could provide access to various existing radar systems and observation networks collecting information on bird migration, tracking of individual birds, enhancement of existing technologies, modelling tools, improved access to environmental data and web services. In the present situation radar measurements of birds are not comparable between countries and are covering only a part of Europe. One of the main motivations for air forces to participate in ESA FlySafe is to reduce the number of damaging bird strikes without unbalanced interference with the operations. This can be reached by automatic generation of ad-hoc warnings and timely reliable predictions of increased bird strike hazard. The aim of FlySafe is to develop such a bird warning system of systems in Europe. Currently four air forces (Germany, France, Belgium and The Netherlands), several research and academic institutes as well as industrial partners are participating in this initiative. This paper deals with bird detection by different radar sensors, simultaneous measurements conducted between a dedicated bird radar, three weather radars and two long-range military surveillance radars as well as their calibration. In addition, the movements of individual birds are tracked globally from space. Finally, the prediction in both time and space of bird migration within the measurement area will be discussed

    Making functionality more general

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    The European Space Agency's FlySafe project, looking at the bird strike problem from another perspective

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    The bird strike problem is a negative side effect of the aerial mobility of both aircraft and birds. A successful prevention strategy should therefore be based on knowledge of the mobility of both parties involved. While we know all the details of aircraft mobility, surprisingly little is known about the mobility of birds. Most bird strike prevention on-airfields assumes that birds on the airfield will at some time fly and thus are considered a threat for starting or landing aircraft. Nearly all prevention efforts are therefore aimed at reducing the number of birds on airfields. The fact that, despite increasing efforts, the bird strike ratio (bird strikes per 10.000 air traffic movements) in many countries hardly decreases anymore is an indication that new approaches are needed. The FlySafe project of the European Space Agency is such a new approach, aimed at increasing the knowledge of bird mobility and making this knowledge available for operational use by military and civil aviation