340 research outputs found

    Ternary linear codes

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    Landscape ecological Decision & Evaluation Support System LEDESS : users guide

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    To understand the basic strategies in nature development, it is necessary to examine existing plans and schemes in order to reveal and clarify underlying concepts. Two questions are crucial here: what is the ecological objective, and what is the spatial strategy? The first question is related to the level of the ecosystem. With different types of nature management, different ecosystems can develop at the same site. Nature policy decides which system is to be developed. The second question is related to the landscape as a whole, the spatial pattern of ecosystems. It is taken into account that other activities, such as farming, recreation, water supply and quarrying, also require space. Nature development cannot be considered independently from those activities. Therefore, a spatial strategy is required to combine all land use functions. To find an optimal balance between the two questions, different nature development scenarios are developed

    The correspondence between projective codes and 2-weight codes

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    The hyperplanes intersecting a 2-weight code in the same number of points obviously form the point set of a projective code. On the other hand, if we have a projective code C, then we can make a 2-weight code by taking the multiset of points <c >E PC with multiplicity "Y(w), where W is the weight of c E C and "Y( w) = aw + f3 for some rational a and f3 depending on the weight enumerator of C. In this way we find a 1-1 correspondence between projective codes and 2-weight codes. The second construction can be generalized by taking for "Y{ w) a polynomial of higher degree. In that case more information about the cosets of the dual of C is needed. Several new ternary codes will be constructed in this way

    Can pacing self-management alter physical behaviour and symptom severity in chronic fatigue syndrome? : a case series

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    Given the lack of evidence in support of pacing self-management for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), we examined whether physical behavior and health status of patients with CFS Would improve in response to a pacing self-management program. We performed an observational study of pacing self-management in seven CFS patients using a single-case study design. Stages A1 and A2 (7-day assessment periods) of the A1-B-A2 design corresponded to the baseline and posttreatment measurements of physical behavior (real-time activity monitoring) and health status (self-reported measures), respectively. Stage B (3 weeks of treatment) consisted of three individual treatment sessions of pacing self-management. When comparing pre- versus posttreatment data, we found that the patients' ability to perform daily activities and the severity of their symptom complexes were improved (p = 0.043). Concentration difficulties, mood swings, muscle weakness, and intolerance to bright light improved as well. A statistically significant decrease in the mean time spent doing light activity (<3 metabolic equivalents) was observed, but a change in the way physical activity was spread throughout the day was not. We found that 3 weeks of pacing self-management was accompanied by a modest improvement in symptom severity and daily functioning. The outcome of the present study calls for a randomized controlled clinical trial to examine the effectiveness of pacing self-management for people with CFS

    Ecologische landschapsindex (ELI); een nadere uitwerking van de: graadmeter ruimtelijke samenhang & graadmeter hydrologische relaties

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    Het Meetnet Landschap beoogt een systematische monitoring van de effecten van veranderingen in het landschap op de identiteit en de duurzaamheid in het licht van het streven naar het behoud van landschappelijke kwaliteit. In totaal zijn negen meetdoelen omschreven. Het meetdoel 6 betreft de landschapsecologische kwaliteit van het landschap. Ter operationalisatie van dit meetdoel is in opdracht van het Expertisecentrum LNV het project Ecologische landschapsIndex (ELI) gestart. Het project wordt uitgevoerd door het Alterra en Bureau Vista. Als eerste resultaat heeft het project een theoretische verkenning van aspecten van landschappelijke kwaliteit opgeleverd. In deze verkenning worden vier mogelijke graadmeters voor landschapsecologische kwaliteit onderscheiden, op het gebied van ruimtelijke samenhang, hydrologische relaties, stofstromen en landschappelijke heterogeniteit. Dit rapport is een nadere uitwerking van de graadmeters ruimtelijke samenhang en hydrologische relaties

    The accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts in diabetes and its relation to vascular disease

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    People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the studies described in this dissertation was to examine the role of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) in the development of cardiovascular diseases in people with and without diabetes. A clear, consistent relation was found between AGE accumulation in the skin and the extent of vascular damage. Therefore, a strong indication exists that AGEs are involved in the development of vascular damage in people with and without diabetes. This research project provides more insight into the mechanism underlying the relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Hopefully, this information contributes to the development of new therapies to prevent and cure diabetes and subsequent vascular damage
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