82 research outputs found

    The protocol for positive body experience (PBE); introducing a psychomotor therapy intervention based on positive body exposure targeting negative body image in eating disorders

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    Negative body experience is a core characteristic of eating disorders, and poses a serious risk factor for its development, maintenance and relapse. This underlines the importance of specific therapeutic attention to body experience. In the past ten years a body-oriented treatment protocol with the focus on positive body exposure, called 'Protocol Positive body experience' has been developed. The aim of this paper is to describe the scientific basis of the protocol and to give an impression of its content and structure, illustrated by clinical case vignettes. An important and innovative aspect of the protocol is to enhance not only aesthetic, but also functional and tactile body experience. The protocol enables body-oriented therapists and psychomotor therapists to treat negative body experience in an evidence-based way and facilitates further research to validate the effect of positive body exposure

    Measuring body satisfaction in women with eating disorders and healthy women:appearance-related and functional components in the Body Cathexis Scale (Dutch version)

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    Purpose Differentiating the concept of body satisfaction, especially the functional component, is important in clinical and research context. The aim of the present study is to contribute to further refinement of the concept by evaluating the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Body Cathexis Scale (BCS). Differences in body satisfaction between clinical and non-clinical respondents are also explored. Method Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to investigate whether functional body satisfaction can be distinguished as a separate factor, using data from 238 adult female patients from a clinical sample and 1060 women from two non-clinical samples in the Netherlands. Univariate tests were used to identify differences between non-clinical and clinical samples. Results EFA identified functionality as one of three factors, which was confirmed by CFA. CFA showed the best fit for a three-factor model, where functionality, non-weight, and weight were identified as separate factors in both populations. Internal consistency was good and correlations between factors were low. Women in the non-clinical sample scored significantly higher on the BCS than women with eating disorders on all three subscales, with high effect sizes. Conclusions The three factors of the BCS may be used as subscales, enabling researchers and practitioners to use one scale to measure different aspects of body satisfaction, including body functionality. Use of the BCS may help to achieve a more complete understanding of how people evaluate body satisfaction and contribute to further research on the effectiveness of interventions focussing on body functionality

    Shifting the Focus:A Pilot Study on the Effects of Positive Body Exposure on Body Satisfaction, Body Attitude, Eating Pathology and Depressive Symptoms in Female Patients with Eating Disorders

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    One of the most commonly used techniques for the treatment of body image problems in eating disorders (ED) is body exposure (BE). However, evidence of its effectiveness in clinical populations is scarce. In the Positive Body Experience (PBE) protocol, the focus of positive BE is on aesthetic, functional and tactile aspects of the body. The current study evaluates the outcomes of positive BE with regard to changes in attitudinal body image and eating pathology, as well as the factors that influence these changes, in a sample of 84 adult female patients with different EDs who did not receive any other treatment for their EDs during the period in which BE treatment occurred. The results show significant positive changes in attitudinal body image, ED behaviors and depressive symptoms, with depressive symptoms at baseline mediating the changes in attitudinal body image. This study indicates that the PBE protocol is a suitable intervention for reducing negative attitudinal body image in anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients, as well as those with binge eating disorder. Furthermore, the results suggest that positive non-weight-related and functional body satisfaction are strong catalysts for change and that depressive symptoms play an important role in the ability to change. Additional RCTs are needed to gain more insight into the effects of PBE

    Организационная модель аудита доходов санаторно-курортных предприятий

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    Целью статьи является определение сущности с учетом взглядов ученых и обоснование особенностей организационной модели аудита доходов санаторно-курортных организаций.Метою статті є визначення суті з урахуванням поглядів учених і обґрунтування особливостей організаційної моделі аудиту доходів санаторно-курортних організацій

    Військовополонені Першої світової війни в Кременчуцькому гарнізоні

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    У статті досліджено правове становище та умови перебування військовополонених Першої світової війни на території Кременчуцького гарнізону в другій половині 1916 року. На основі архівних даних визначено кількісний склад полонених, його розподіл за національною, соціальною та конфесійною ознаками. Досліджено динаміку чисельності, побутові умови та використання праці військовополонених.В статье исследовано правовое положение и условия пребывания военнопленных Первой мировой войны на территории Кременчугского гарнизона во второй половине 1916 года. На основе архивных данных определен количественный состав пленных, его распределение по национальной, социальной и конфессиональной принадлежности. Исследована динамика численности, бытовые условия и использования труда военнопленных.In article the legal status and conditions of stay of prisoners of war of the First World War in territory of the Kremenchug garrison in second half of 1916 is investigated. On the basis of contemporary records the quantitative structure captured, its distribution on a national, social and confessional accessory is defi ned. Dynamics of number, conditions of life and uses of work of prisoners of war is investigated

    Проблемы специализированной помощи обожженным в России и пути их решения

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    На основании изучения динамики ожогового травматизма в России, тяжести травм и летальности среди больных с ожогами отмечено увеличение тяжести термической травмы, частоты раннего ожогового сепсиса и летальности среди взрослого населения, определены организационные и научные пути решения проблемы, повышения эффективности работы ожоговых центров.Basing on the study of the dynamics of burns in Russia, severity of the injury and death rate in the patients with burns the authors emphasize the increase in severity of thermal injury, incidence of early burn sepsis and death rate in adults. Organizational and scientific ways to solve the problem as well as to increase the efficacy of work of burn centers are defined


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    Розглянуто специфічні задачі внутрішахтного транспорту. Запропоновано використовувати метод Флойду-Уоршелла для моделювання допоміжних вантажопотоків з урахуванням характеристики мар- шруту. Наведені результати застосування цього методу для своєчасної доставки матеріальних потоків вугільних шахт у підготовчі вибої. Рассмотрены специфические задачи внутришахтного транспорта. Предложено использовать метод Флойда – Уоршелла для моделирования вспомогательных грузопотоков с учетом характеристики трас- сы. Приведены результаты применения используемого метода для оперативной доставки материаль- ных потоков угольных шахт в подготовительные забои

    Mental capacity to consent to treatment and the association with outcome:A longitudinal study in patients with anorexia nervosa

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    BACKGROUND: Relevance of diminished mental capacity in anorexia nervosa (AN) to course of disorder is unknown. AIMS: To examine prognostic relevance of diminished mental capacity in AN. METHOD: A longitudinal study was conducted in 70 adult female patients with severe AN. At baseline, mental capacity was assessed by psychiatrists, and clinical and neuropsychological data (decision-making) were collected. After 1 and 2 years, clinical and neuropsychological assessments were repeated, and remission and admission rates were calculated. RESULTS: People with AN with diminished mental capacity had a less favourable outcome with regard to remission and were admitted more frequently. Their appreciation of illness remained hampered. Decision-making did not improve, in contrast to people with full mental capacity. CONCLUSIONS: People with AN with diminished mental capacity seem to do less well in treatment and display decision-making deficiencies that do not ameliorate with weight improvement

    Increase in admission rates and symptom severity of childhood and adolescent anorexia nervosa in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: data from specialized eating disorder units in different European countries

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic, associated with confinement and social isolation, seems to have impacted the course of many mental disorders in children and adolescents. An increase in hospital admission rates for juvenile anorexia nervosa (AN) has been documented in many regions of the world. However, data from Europe are scarce. Methods: We asked clinicians in specialized eating disorder units in hospitals of maximum care in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands to report on (i) overall (inpatient and outpatient) and (ii) inpatient admission rates for adolescents with AN during 2019 and 2020. Additionally, a modified version of the COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES) was used to assess the child and adolescent psychiatrists' estimations of a possible increase in symptom severity in children and adolescents with AN during the COVID-19 pandemic and to (iii) inquire about the contributing factors perceived by the caring professionals. Results: Four out of six representatives of European hospitals described a higher rate of overall admissions during the pandemic. Three hospitals out of six reported an increase in inpatient admissions, and two centres had constant high numbers of admissions of both outpatients and inpatients. The clinicians perceived a higher symptom severity in 2020 than in 2019, especially involving more frequent use of social media, longer duration of exercising, and more restrictive eating. They supposed an increase in social media consumption, a perceived 'loss of control', and a lack of in-person assessments and weight controls as the main contributing factors for the deterioration in AN numbers and symptomatology. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have had a deep impact on symptom severity in AN, which is mirrored by a large increase in admission rates across Europe. An increase in exercise, social media consumption, a perceived 'loss of control', and a lack of face-to-face health care seem to have contributed to this development. Further investigation is required to identify which factors may lead to the increase in incidence and deterioration of childhood and adolescent AN. Possible preventive means for the future could include educating paediatricians and health care workers about AN, regular weight assessment, and home-based treatments

    Pneumomediastinum: a rare complication of anorexia nervosa in children and adolescents. A case study and review of the literature

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    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is uncommon in paediatric practice. We describe two cases of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in a child and an adolescent with anorexia nervosa. Thorough investigation failed to reveal any underlying cause for secondary pneumomediastinum. Pneumomediastinum in anorexia nervosa can be caused by not only elevated intrathoracic pressures, but also by the poor quality of the alveolar walls due to malnutrition. The incidence of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in anorexia nervosa is probably higher than that recorded, since it resolves spontaneously and, therefore, it can remain undetected. We conclude that it is our considered opinion that malnutrition associated with anorexia nervosa predisposes for spontaneous pneumomediastinum due to weakness of the alveolar wall and the loss of connective tissue