6 research outputs found

    Whole Genome Profiling provides a robust framework for physical mapping and sequencing in the highly complex and repetitive wheat genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sequencing projects using a clone-by-clone approach require the availability of a robust physical map. The SNaPshot technology, based on pair-wise comparisons of restriction fragments sizes, has been used recently to build the first physical map of a wheat chromosome and to complete the maize physical map. However, restriction fragments sizes shared randomly between two non-overlapping BACs often lead to chimerical contigs and mis-assembled BACs in such large and repetitive genomes. Whole Genome Profiling (WGP™) was developed recently as a new sequence-based physical mapping technology and has the potential to limit this problem.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A subset of the wheat 3B chromosome BAC library covering 230 Mb was used to establish a WGP physical map and to compare it to a map obtained with the SNaPshot technology. We first adapted the WGP-based assembly methodology to cope with the complexity of the wheat genome. Then, the results showed that the WGP map covers the same length than the SNaPshot map but with 30% less contigs and, more importantly with 3.5 times less mis-assembled BACs. Finally, we evaluated the benefit of integrating WGP tags in different sequence assemblies obtained after Roche/454 sequencing of BAC pools. We showed that while WGP tag integration improves assemblies performed with unpaired reads and with paired-end reads at low coverage, it does not significantly improve sequence assemblies performed at high coverage (25x) with paired-end reads.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that, with a suitable assembly methodology, WGP builds more robust physical maps than the SNaPshot technology in wheat and that WGP can be adapted to any genome. Moreover, WGP tag integration in sequence assemblies improves low quality assembly. However, to achieve a high quality draft sequence assembly, a sequencing depth of 25x paired-end reads is required, at which point WGP tag integration does not provide additional scaffolding value. Finally, we suggest that WGP tags can support the efficient sequencing of BAC pools by enabling reliable assignment of sequence scaffolds to their BAC of origin, a feature that is of great interest when using BAC pooling strategies to reduce the cost of sequencing large genomes.</p

    High-Throughput Detection of Induced Mutations and Natural Variation Using KeyPoint™ Technology

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    Reverse genetics approaches rely on the detection of sequence alterations in target genes to identify allelic variants among mutant or natural populations. Current (pre-) screening methods such as TILLING and EcoTILLING are based on the detection of single base mismatches in heteroduplexes using endonucleases such as CEL 1. However, there are drawbacks in the use of endonucleases due to their relatively poor cleavage efficiency and exonuclease activity. Moreover, pre-screening methods do not reveal information about the nature of sequence changes and their possible impact on gene function. We present KeyPoint™ technology, a high-throughput mutation/polymorphism discovery technique based on massive parallel sequencing of target genes amplified from mutant or natural populations. KeyPoint combines multi-dimensional pooling of large numbers of individual DNA samples and the use of sample identification tags (“sample barcoding”) with next-generation sequencing technology. We show the power of KeyPoint by identifying two mutants in the tomato eIF4E gene based on screening more than 3000 M2 families in a single GS FLX sequencing run, and discovery of six haplotypes of tomato eIF4E gene by re-sequencing three amplicons in a subset of 92 tomato lines from the EU-SOL core collection. We propose KeyPoint technology as a broadly applicable amplicon sequencing approach to screen mutant populations or germplasm collections for identification of (novel) allelic variation in a high-throughput fashion

    AFLP technology for DNA fingerprinting

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    The AFLP technique is a powerful DNA fingerprinting technology applicable to any organism without the need for prior sequence knowledge. The protocol involves the selective PCR amplification of restriction fragments of a total digest of genomic DNA, typically obtained with a mix of two restriction enzymes. Two limited sets of AFLP primers are sufficient to generate a large number of different primer combinations (PCs), each of which will yield unique fingerprints. Visualization of AFLP fingerprints after gel electrophoresis of AFLP products is described using either a conventional autoradiography platform or an automated LI-COR system. The AFLP technology has been used predominantly for assessing the degree of variability among plant cultivars, establishing linkage groups in crosses and saturating genomic regions with markers for gene landing efforts. AFLP fragments may also be used as physical markers to determine the overlap and positions of genomic clones and to integrate genetic and physical maps. Crucial characteristics of the AFLP technology are its robustness, reliability and quantitative nature. This latter feature has been exploited for co-dominant scoring of AFLP markers in sample collections such as F-2 or back-cross populations using appropriate AFLP scoring software. This protocol can be completed in 2-3 d

    AFLP-based transcript profiling (cDNA-AFLP) for genome-wide expression analysis

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    Although DNA microarrays are currently the standard tool for genome-wide expression analysis, their application is limited to organisms for which the complete genome sequence or large collections of known transcript sequences are available. Here, we describe a protocol for cDNA-AFLP, an AFLP-based transcript profiling method that allows genome-wide expression analysis in any species without the need for prior sequence knowledge. In essence, the cDNA-AFLP method involves reverse transcription of mRNA into double-stranded cDNA, followed by restriction digestion, ligation of specific adapters and fractionation of this mixture of cDNA fragments into smaller subsets by selective PCR amplification. The resulting cDNA-AFLP fragments are separated on high-resolution gels, and visualization of cDNA-AFLP fingerprints is described using either a conventional autoradiography platform or an automated LI-COR system. Observed differences in band intensities between samples provide a good measure of the relative differences in the gene expression levels. Identification of differentially expressed genes can be accomplished by purifying cDNA-AFLP fragments from sequence gels and subsequent sequencing. This method has found widespread use as an attractive technology for gene discovery on the basis of fragment detection and for temporal quantitative gene expression analysis. The protocol can be completed in 3-4 d