1,202 research outputs found

    Die behoefte aan dinamiese tersiêre Geskiedeniskurrikula tot voordeel van mededissiplines en gunstiger beroepsmoontlikhede

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    The study of History in South Africa demands high standards in the rapidlychanging late twentieth century. Standards require reform and change in research themes, in methodology and in the instruction of the discipline. During the seventies and eighties the practice of History has already been characterized by much reform. For example, some aspects of curricula on tertiary level changed from a purely chronological approach and began to lean towards the inclusion of innovative and contemporary relevant themes of periods perceived as significant. Presently, however, commentators from other disciplines still think of History as a subject dealing only with endless facts embedded in past politics. The mam reason for this distorted image is probably that the trend of reconstructing History curricula is not being sufficiently explored or marketed at the tertiary level. This emphasises the task of the historian to adapt curricula dynamically in order to enhance other disciplines to their benefit. Adaptation will have the added advantage of improving employment for graduates with a training in History. In this article the dynamic change which tertiary History curricula should adopt in order to improve disciplinary curricular interaction and favourable employment opportunities is discussed


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    NEDERLAND EN DIE AFRIKANER: GESPREK OOR APARTHEID. DIE PAGINARUIL TUSSEN TROUWEN DIE BURGER, 1963-1964 - Dr. HO Terblanche (Navorsingspublikasie C30, 1998, Universiteit Port Elizabeth). ISBN 0869887106 (238 pp)

    Analysis and Reporting of Randomized Trials in Cleft Palate Surgery: Learning from the Timing of Primary Surgery (TOPS) Trial

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    \ua9 2024, American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association.The Timing of Primary Surgery (TOPS) trial was published August 2023 in the New England Journal of Medicine and is a milestone achievement for a study focused on cleft palate. Due to the complexity of outcome reporting in cleft and the rarity of such comparative trials, TOPS presents a useful opportunity to critically review the design, analysis and reporting strategies utilised. This perspective article focused on the inclusion of participants, the choice of the primary outcome measure and the analysis of ordinal data within the trial. Considerations for future comparative studies in cleft care are discussed

    Aspekte van ’n Christelike perspektief op fasette van die Geskiedwetenskap en die beoefening daarvan in ’n veranderende Suid-Afrika

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    Aspects of a Christian perspective on some facets of History as a discipline and its practice in a changing South Africa Within the framework and dynamics of a currently changing South Africa, not only History as a practised discipline hul historians too - especially Christian historians are increasingly criticised from various quarters and/or faced with totally new obstacles and questions. Although criticism in this sense constitutes nothing new perse, the f undamental character of changes sweeping the country (e.g. democratization, nation building, truth and reconciliation, societal restructuring) and the historio-political legacy of the recent past, re-accentuated the criticism that South African historiography has consistently proved to be subservient of a political ideology. The objectives of this article are to highlight some former historical trends and current tendencies in Christian perspectives of the past and to discuss the question of how Christian historians and Christian History teachers can interact in a responsible and careful way with their subject by avoiding misrepresenting the truth and of becoming (again?) the servants of just another ideology


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    New South African keywords

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    A critical historical review on protagonist and proactive environmental activism towards addressing acid mine drainage and remediation needs in some Gauteng goldfields

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    Sedert 2006 is Jan Publiek toenemend meer bewus gemaak van degraderende omgewings en ontoeganklike omgewingsverslae aangaande die degraderende omgewingstatus van die eertydse Verre Wesrand-gebied. As goudmyngebied het die Verre WesRand vir baie jare internasionale aansien geniet, en is dit steeds ‘n streek wat nasionaal en plaaslik as onontbeerlik geag word vir die goudmynbedrywighede aldaar. Omgewingsverslae het egter die vermoede van omgewingsbesoedeling (asook die gevaar van sommige impakte op mens en omgewing) uitgewys. Vandaar dat omgewingsaktivisme in die verre Wesrand, veral onder leiding van die Federasie vir ‘n Volhoubare Omgewing (FSE), en onder direkte aanvoering van hoofdirekteur Mariette Liefferink, meer aktief betrokke geraak het. Leiding is vanaf veral 2007 geneem om gemeenskappe sowel as die regering bewus te maak van die goudmynbedryf se verwringde omgewingserfporsie aan huidige en toekomstige geslagte. Hierdie bewusmakende benaderingsvorm van leiding neem, het aanvanklik op ‘n protagonistiese wyse geskied. Enersyds is vereis dat die besoedelaarbetaal-beginsel gevolg moet word, wat inhou dat die besoedelaar ook ’n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die individuele gemeenskapslid het wat grond (en moontlik selfs gesondheid) moes inboet tot voordeel van goudmynontwikkeling. Verskeie redes bestaan vir die aanvaarding van ‘n proaktiewe omgewingsaktivistiese benadering tesame met ‘n protagonistiese ondertoon. Beide benaderings vorm deel van die bespreking. Steeds voortgesette omgewingsongeregtighede teen 2010 in die vorm van suur mynwater verspillings, bemoeilik hierdie tweeledige benadering in omgewingsaktivisme ten opsigte van die Verre Wesrand. Aktiewe prosesse tot remediëring vir die rekening van die goudmyne en ‘n ewe verantwoordelike regering blyk die vernaamste doelwit te wees in omgewingsaktivistiese bedrywighede rakende die Verre Wesrand. In hierdie opsig ondersteun die FSE die samewerking van meerdere kundigheid en rolspelers wat deurslaggewend is vir vooruitsigte op enige langtermyn sukses. Teen die agtergrond van omgewingsbesoedeling, en ingesluit ‘n proaktiewe benadering van hoe om dit te hanteer, het “asemteue” van ‘n “positiewe” omgewingsgerigtheid ook in akademiese kringe posgevat waaroor in die toekoms waarskynlik meer geskryf sal word, en waarby baanbrekerswerk ten opsigte van omgewingsaktivisme in die Verre Wesrand ‘n verbintenis in benadering mag vind. Of ‘n nog stewiger proaktiewe wending in omgewingsaktivisme die kalf van suur mynwater uit die spreekwoordelike put gaan trek, behoort die geskiedenis van die Verre Wesrand in jare vorentoe uit te wys