131 research outputs found

    Power, legitimacy and urgency:Unravelling the relationship between Dutch healthcare organisations and their financial stakeholders

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    Healthcare organisations rely on their financial stakeholders for capital to invest in state-of-the-art buildings, equipment, innovation and the delivery of healthcare services. Nevertheless, relations between healthcare organisations and their financial stakeholders have not been well studied. Here, we studied the relations between Dutch healthcare organisations and two of their main financial stakeholders (banks and health insurers) against the backdrop of system reforms and the financial crisis. We conducted a survey of healthcare executives to evaluate their relations with banks and health insurers in terms of power, legitimacy and urgency. These three attributes are based on the salience model of Mitchel, Agle and Wood (1997). We further tested for differences in power, legitimacy and urgency across organisational sector and size. The results showed that healthcare organisations value banks as legitimate stakeholders with a well-demarcated influence and a clear-cut function. The relationship with health insurers is more complex. Healthcare organisations experience considerable influence from health insurers but question the legitimacy of their claims. Since health insurers play a crucial role in the Dutch healthcare system, these findings question the workability of the relationship between healthcare organisations and health insurers and the position of health insurers in the overall healthcare sector. Our results are relevant to countries with public-private health systems and contribute to the development of the salience model by showing the individual value of stakeholder attributes and the relevance of context

    For better or worse:Governing healthcare organisations in times of financial distress

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    Due to processes of financialisation, financial parties increasingly penetrate the healthcare domain and determine under which conditions care is delivered. Their influence becomes especially visible when healthcare organisations face financial distress. By zooming-in on two of such cases, we come to know more about the considerations, motives and actions of financial parties in healthcare. In this research, we were able to examine the social dynamics between healthcare executives, banks and health insurers involved in a Dutch hospital and mental healthcare organisation on the verge of bankruptcy. Informed by interviews, document analysis and translation theory, we reconstructed the motives and strategies of executives, banks and health insurers and show how they play a crucial role in decision-making processes surrounding the survival or downfall of healthcare organisations. While parties are bound by legislation and company procedures, the outcome of financial distress can still be influenced. Much depends on how executives are perceived by financial stakeholders and how they deal with threats of destabilisation of the network. We further draw attention to the consequences of financialisation processes on the practices of healthcare organisations in financial distress

    Health care reform and financial crisis in the Netherlands:consequences for the financial arena of health care organizations

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    Over the past decade, many health care systems across the Global North have implemented elements of market mechanisms while also dealing with the consequences of the financial crisis. Although effects of these two developments have been researched separately, their combined impact on the governance of health care organizations has received less attention. The aim of this study is to understand how health care reforms and the financial crisis together shaped new roles and interactions within health care. The Netherlands – where dynamics between health care organizations and their financial stakeholders (i.e., banks and health insurers) were particularly impacted – provides an illustrative case. Through semi-structured interviews, additional document analysis and insights from institutional change theory, we show how banks intensified relationship management, increased demands on loan applications and shifted financial risks onto health care organizations, while health insurers tightened up their monitoring and accountability practices towards health care organizations. In return, health care organizations were urged to rearrange their operations and become more risk-minded. They became increasingly dependent on banks and health insurers for their existence. Moreover, with this study, we show how institutional arenas come about through both the long-term efforts of institutional agents and unpredictable implications of economic and societal crises.<br/

    Evaluation of pain incidence and pain management in a South African paediatric trauma unit

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate pain incidence and pain management in a South African paediatric trauma unit, and to compare the usefulness of 5 different assessment tools. DESIGN: A prospective observational study, using the Numerical Rating Scale for pain (NRS pain), Numerical Rating Scale for anxiety (NRS anxiety), the Alder Hey Triage Pain Score (AHTPS), the COMFORT behaviour scale and the Touch Visual Pain Scale (TVPS). All patients were assessed at admission; those who were hospitalised were again assessed every 3 hours until discharge. RESULTS: A total of 165 patients, with a mean age of 5.3 years (range 0 - 13), were included. NRS scores were indicative of moderate to severe pain in 13.3% of the patients, and no pain in 24% at admission. Two-thirds of the patients received no analgesics; for them, NRS pain, AHTPS and TVP scores were lower than the scores for the other children. CONCLUSION: Pain and anxiety incidences in this paediatric trauma unit are relatively low. Implementation of a standard pain assessment tool in the emergency department triage system can improve pain management. The AHTPS is the most promising for use in non-Western settings

    Health care reform and financial crisis in the Netherlands:consequences for the financial arena of health care organizations

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    Over the past decade, many health care systems across the Global North have implemented elements of market mechanisms while also dealing with the consequences of the financial crisis. Although effects of these two developments have been researched separately, their combined impact on the governance of health care organizations has received less attention. The aim of this study is to understand how health care reforms and the financial crisis together shaped new roles and interactions within health care. The Netherlands – where dynamics between health care organizations and their financial stakeholders (i.e., banks and health insurers) were particularly impacted – provides an illustrative case. Through semi-structured interviews, additional document analysis and insights from institutional change theory, we show how banks intensified relationship management, increased demands on loan applications and shifted financial risks onto health care organizations, while health insurers tightened up their monitoring and accountability practices towards health care organizations. In return, health care organizations were urged to rearrange their operations and become more risk-minded. They became increasingly dependent on banks and health insurers for their existence. Moreover, with this study, we show how institutional arenas come about through both the long-term efforts of institutional agents and unpredictable implications of economic and societal crises.<br/

    For better or worse:Governing healthcare organisations in times of financial distress

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    Due to processes of financialisation, financial parties increasingly penetrate the healthcare domain and determine under which conditions care is delivered. Their influence becomes especially visible when healthcare organisations face financial distress. By zooming-in on two of such cases, we come to know more about the considerations, motives and actions of financial parties in healthcare. In this research, we were able to examine the social dynamics between healthcare executives, banks and health insurers involved in a Dutch hospital and mental healthcare organisation on the verge of bankruptcy. Informed by interviews, document analysis and translation theory, we reconstructed the motives and strategies of executives, banks and health insurers and show how they play a crucial role in decision-making processes surrounding the survival or downfall of healthcare organisations. While parties are bound by legislation and company procedures, the outcome of financial distress can still be influenced. Much depends on how executives are perceived by financial stakeholders and how they deal with threats of destabilisation of the network. We further draw attention to the consequences of financialisation processes on the practices of healthcare organisations in financial distress

    Здійснення колективного управління авторськими і суміжними правами

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    Стаття присвячена основним тенденціям розвитку національного законодавства про колективне управління майновими правами суб’єктів авторського права і суміжних прав. Виявлення суперечностей між національним та міжнародним законодавством, розробка пропозицій подолання цих суперечностей та внесення пропозицій щодо створення та діяльності в Україні єдиної організації, яка б опікувалась проблемами захисту авторських і суміжних прав, справедливо контролювала не тільки збір, а й розподіл відрахувань за авторськими і суміжними правами, що б і поліпшило захист прав її учас­ників.Статья посвящена основным тенденциям развития национального законодатель­ства о коллективном управлении имущественными правами субъектов авторского права и смежных прав. Выявлению противоречий между национальным и международ­ным законодательством, разработка предложений о преодолении этих противоречий и внесение предложений о создании и деятельности в Украине единой организации, которая бы опекалась проблемами защиты авторских и смежных прав, и которая бы справедливо контролировала не только сбор, но и распределение отчислений по авторским и смежным правам, в следствии чего и улучшилась бы защита прав ее участни­ков.The article is dedicated to the main national legislation trends which is regulated relations in the sphere of the collective management of copyrights and related rights of subjects’ copyrights and related rights. Detection of collision between national and international legislation, elaboration of suggestions for theirs overcoming. Also making a motion about creat­ing and working the single collective management of copyrights and related rights in Ukraine for monitoring not only collection but also distribute royalties. Thus the defence of subjects’ copyrights and related rights would be improved

    Heath care exectives don't find conditions health insurers appropriate

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    IN HET KORT● Zorgbestuurders ervaren veel macht en urgentie van zorgverzekeraars, maar vinden hun eisen beperkt wenselijk en passend.● Zorgbestuurders ervaren de meeste invloed van zorgverzekeraarswat betreft financiën, strategievoering en de kwaliteit van zorg.● Een gedeelde langetermijnvisie zou de kwaliteit van samenwerking kunnen bevorderen en het zorgstelsel werkbaar houden

    Deescalating Follow-up after Hemithyroidectomy for Patients with Low-risk Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma

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    Importance: Structural recurrent disease (RD) after surgical treatment of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (mPTC) is rare. We hypothesized that the RD rate after hemithyroidectomy in low-risk patients with mPTC is low.Objective: To assess the occurrence of RD in Dutch patients with mPTC who received surgical treatment according to the Dutch guidelines.Design, Setting, and Participants: This nationwide retrospective cohort study included all patients who had undergone surgery with a diagnosis of cN0/cNx mPTC in the Netherlands between January 2000 and December 2020 were identified from the Netherlands Cancer Registry database. Patients with preoperative lymph node metastases were excluded. Two groups were defined: group 1 (incidental), mPTC in pathology report after thyroid surgery for another indication; and group 2 (nonincidental), patients with a preoperative highly suspect thyroid nodule (Bethesda 5) or proven mPTC (Bethesda 6). Dutch guidelines state that a hemithyroidectomy is sufficient in patients with unifocal, intrathyroidal mPTC. Main Outcomes and Measures: The occurrence of RD in patients with low-risk mPTC after hemithyroidectomy.Results: In total, 1636 patients with mPTC were included. Patients had a median (IQR) follow-up time of 71 (32-118) months. Median (IQR) age at time of diagnosis was 51 (41-61) years and 1292 (79.0%) were women. Overall, RD after initial treatment was seen in 25 patients (1.5%). The median (IQR) time to RD was 8.2 (3.6-16.5) months and 22 of the 25 (88%) patients developed RD within 2 years. Recurrent disease was not significantly different between both groups (group 1, n = 15 [1.3%]; group 2, n = 10 [2.1%]; difference, 0.8%; 95% CI, -0.5% to 2.5%). Of the 484 patients with nonincidental mPTC (group 2), 246 (50.8%) patients were treated with a hemithyroidectomy and follow-up in accordance with Dutch guidelines. Lymph node metastases were found in 1 of 246 (0.4%) patients after hemithyreoidectomy, and new mPTC in the contralateral thyroid was detected in 3 of 246 (1.2%) patients. Median (IQR) follow-up of this patient group was 37 (18-71) months. The 10-year probability of RD was 1.3% for patients without vascular invasion and 24.4% for patients with vascular invasion. Conclusions and Relevance: This nationwide cohort study found that overall, RD after hemithyroidectomy for patients with low-risk mPTC was rare (&lt;2%). Based on these results, it seems reasonable to deescalate follow-up of patients with low-risk mPTC without vascular invasion after hemithyroidectomy. From a health care perspective, deescalation of follow-up may contribute to increased sustainability and accessibility to health care, both large challenges for the future..</p