7 research outputs found

    Examining the Effectiveness of Support for UK Wave Energy Innovation since 2000 : Lost at Sea or a New Wave of Innovation?

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    Almost 20 years after the UK’s first wave energy innovation programme came to an end in the 1980s, a new programme to accelerate the development of wave energy technology was launched. It was believed that wave energy could play a central role in helping to deliver a low-carbon, secure and affordable energy system, as well as provide an important boost to the UK economy through the growth of a new domestic industry. However, despite almost £200m of public funds being invested in UK wave energy innovation since 2000, wave energy technology remains some distance away from commercialisation. Consequently, this report examines the extent to which the failure to deliver a commercially viable wave energy device can be attributed to weaknesses in both government and industry’s support for wave energy innovation in the UK

    Energy Innovation for the Twenty-First Century : Accelerating the Energy Revolution

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    This book addresses the question: how effective are countries in promoting the innovation needed to facilitate an energy transition? At the heart of the book is a set of empirical case studies covering supply and demand side technologies at different levels of maturity in a variety of countries. The case studies are set within an analytical framework encompassing the functions of technological innovation systems and innovation metrics. The book concludes with lessons and recommendations for effective policy intervention

    Langfassung : Zusammenfassung für Lehrende : basierend auf dem IPCC-Sonderbericht über Klimawandel und Landsysteme (SRCCL)

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    Klimawandel und Landsysteme Die Landnutzung ist für etwa 23% aller Treibhaus­gasemissionen verantwortlich. Die Landsysteme tragen zum Klimawandel bei, sind aber gleichzeitig sehr anfäl­lig für die Folgen des Klimawandels. Um diesen Zusammenhang besser zu ver­stehen, hat der IPCC einen Sonderbericht zu "Klimawandel und Landsysteme" erstellt. Dieser Sonderbericht ist Teil des sechsten Sachstandsberichts (AR6). Mehr als 100 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus 52 Ländern haben zwei Jahre lang an der Erstellung dieses Sonderberichts gearbeitet. Der Bericht wurde im August 2019 in Genf (Schweiz) von den Regierungen aller Mitglieds­staaten des IPCCs angenommen. Eine Zusammenfassung speziell für Lehrende Jeder Bericht enthält eine Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungsträger (Summa­ry for Policy Makers), die kompakt und einfach zu lesen und zu verstehen ist. Da diese nicht speziell an die Bedürfnisse von Lehrenden angepasst ist, hat das Office for Climate Education (OCE) die vorliegende Zusammenfassung für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer verfasst. Sie enthält u. a. eine Reihe von Aktivitäten und Übungen, die im Schulunterricht umgesetzt werden können

    A method to identify barriers to and enablers of implementing climate change mitigation options

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    Mitigation option are not yet being implemented at the scale required to limit global warming to well below 2°C. Various factors have been identified that inhibit the implementation of specific mitigation options. Yet, an integrated assessment of key barriers and enablers is lacking. Here we present a comprehensive framework to assess which factors inhibit and enable the implementation of mitigation options. The framework comprises six dimensions, each encompassing different criteria: geophysical, environmental-ecological, technological, economic, sociocultural, and institutional feasibility. We demonstrate the approach by assessing to what extent each criterion and dimension affects the feasibility of six mitigation options. The assessment reveals that institutional factors inhibit the implementation of many options that need to be addressed to increase their feasibility. Of all the options assessed, many factors enable the implementation of solar energy, while only a few barriers would need to be addressed to implement solar energy at scale