105 research outputs found

    A perspective on counting catalytic active sites and rates of reaction using x-ray spectroscopy

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    Identification of active sites and phases in heterogeneous catalysts and the understanding of the reaction mechanism remain highly challenging. In most catalysts, the existence of a multitude of surface species, which are dynamic in relation to reaction conditions, presents a challenge of distinguishing those that are involved in the catalytic cycle from those which are spectators. The emergence of the field of single-site catalysts potentially eliminates these issues, although it can be argued that these systems remain dynamic and that multiple speciation, each a candidate for the active site, often remains a consideration. A perspective on how X-ray spectroscopy and characterization tools in general, can be used to correlate the number of active sites and the rate of their formation, in single-site and redox catalyst systems, is presented. The importance of observing proportionality between spectra features and the reaction rate, to differentiate between active sites and spectator species is discussed. Performing characterisation under catalyticly relevant conditions on structures that are demonstrably representative of actual catalysts is essential

    Hard x-ray photon-in-photon-out spectroscopy with lifetime resolution – of XAS, XES, RIXSS and HERFD

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    Spectroscopic techniques that aim to resolve the electronic configuration and local coordination of a central atom by detecting inner-shell radiative decays following photoexcitation using hard X-rays are presented. The experimental setup requires an X-ray spectrometer based on perfect crystal Bragg optics. The possibilities arising from non-resonant (X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy - XES) and resonant excitation (Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Spectroscopy – RIXSS, High-Energy-Resolution Fluorescence Detected (HERFD) XAS) are discussed when the instrumental energy broadenings of the primary (beamline) monochromator and the crystal spectrometer for x-ray emission detection are on the order of the core hole lifetimes of the intermediate and final electronic states. The small energy bandwidth in the emission detection yields line-sharpened absorption features. In transition metal compounds, electron-electron interactions as well as orbital splittings and fractional population can be revealed. Combination with EXAFS spectroscopy enables to extent the k-range beyond unwanted absorption edges in the sample that limit the EXAFS range in conventional absorption spectroscopy

    Mortality related to Verona Integron-encoded Metallo-β-lactamase-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Assessment by a novel clinical tool

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    Background: Verona Integron-encoded Metallo-β-lactamase-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa (VIM-PA) can cause nosocomial infections and may be responsible for increased mortality. Multidrug resistance in VIM-PA complicates treatment. We aimed to assess the contribution of VIM-PA to mortality in patients in a large tertiary care hospital in the Net

    High-resolution genomic microarrays for X-linked mental retardation.

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    Contains fulltext : 52697.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Developments in genomic microarray technology have revolutionized the study of human genomic copy number variation. This has significantly affected many areas in human genetics, including the field of X-linked mental retardation (XLMR). Chromosome X-specific bacterial artificial chromosomes microarrays have been developed to specifically test this chromosome with a resolution of approximately 100 kilobases. Application of these microarrays in X-linked mental retardation studies has resulted in the identification of novel X-linked mental retardation genes, copy number variation at known X-linked mental retardation genes, and copy number variations harboring as yet unidentified X-linked mental retardation genes. Further enhancements in genomic microarray analysis will soon allow the reliable analysis of all copy number variations throughout this chromosome at the kilobase or single exon resolution. In this review, we describe the developments in this field and specifically highlight the impact of these microarray studies in the field of X-linked mental retardation
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