9 research outputs found

    Preparation of multifunctional polyester fabrics using zinc stannate nanoparticles

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    A novel self-cleaning, antibacterial and ultraviolet-resistant polyester fabric loaded with zinc stannate nanoparticles has been prepared. Zinc stannate nanoparticles have been incorporated onto the surface of polyester fabrics by an in situ sonochemical approach. Synthesis of zinc stannate nanoparticles is carried out along with the alkaline hydrolysis of polyester fabric using sodium hydroxide. The produced novel polyester fabrics are characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The self-cleaning property, antibacterial efficiency and ultraviolet protection property of the samples are also studied. The treated polyester fabrics possess significant antibacterial activity and photo-catalytic self-cleaning property by degradation of methylene blue under sunlight irradiation. Also, the coated fabric shows proper UV-blocking activity. Moreover, all properties of the treated fabric with zinc stannate nanoparticle are found superior as compared to the treated sample with zinc oxide nanoparticle.

    Influence of stent-induced vessel deformation on hemodynamic feature of bloodstream inside ICA aneurysms

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    One of the effective treatment options for intracranial aneurysms is stent-assisted coiling. Though, previous works have demonstrated that stent usage would result in the deformation of the local vasculature. The effect of simple stent on the blood hemodynamics is still uncertain. In this work, hemodynamic features of the blood stream on four different ICA aneurysm with/without interventional are investigated. To estimate the relative impacts of vessel deformation, four distinctive ICA aneurysm is simulated by the one-way FSI technique. Four hemodynamic factors of aneurysm blood velocity, wall pressure and WSS are compared in the peak systolic stage to disclose the impact of defamation by the stent in two conditions. The stent usage would decrease almost all of the mentioned parameters, except for OSI. Stenting reduces neck inflow rate, while the effect of interventional was not consistent among the aneurysms. The deformation of an aneurysm has a strong influence on the hemodynamics of an aneurysm. This outcome is ignored by most of the preceding investigations, which focused on the pre-interventional state for studying the relationship between hemodynamics and stents. Present results show that the application of stent without coiling would improve most hemodynamic factors, especially when the deformation of the aneurysm is high enough

    Evaluation of antibacterial properties of leather treated with silver nanoparticles

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    The objective of this study is to treat leather with silver nanoparticles so as to develop antibacterial properties in the leather. The biological activity on leather shoes resulted in bacterial growth and caused the unpleasant smell. Silver nanoparticles have been known to possess some antibacterial effects and were added to the oil used in the leather processing step. A small amount of silver nanoparticles (6 and 8%v/v) were added to oil and its antibacterial properties have been evaluated using the immersion and capacity test methods. The bacteria suspension, a turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard was prepared for the S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. Results revealed that antimicrobial tests on samples containing silver nanoparticles showed suitable antibacterial properties indicated by the International Standard (ISO 22196) tenderness of suspension of less than 3x108 CFU/ml. Thus leather treated with silver nanoparticles has antibacterial properties with the tendency to reduce the unpleasant odor

    Highly sensitive ammonia sensor using newly synthesized carbazole based hypercrosslinked polymer and tin dioxide

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    Tin Dioxide (SnO2), carbazole based hypercrosslinked polymer (C-HCP), and C-HCP/SnO2 nanocomposites by different C-HCP weight percent concentration (0.05–0.15 %wt.) were synthesized by precipitation method and used as sensing materials for ammonia sensor. These materials were applied for ammonia detection in various temperature (100–350 °C) and ammonia concentration (100, 200, and 300 ppm). The electrical conductivity of materials was measured at different temperature and decreasing of electrical conductivity observed by temperature increasing. The resistance of sensor in air to that in presence of ammonia was considered as sensor response. According to the results, SnO2 had much greater conductivity than different concentration of C-HCP/SnO2 composite under same conditions. The results showed that in maximum sensor response with adding the C-HCP in SnO2, the optimum temperature decrease. The optimum temperature for SnO2 and 0.05, 0.1, and 0.15 %wt. of C-HCP in SnO2 composites was obtained 300 °C, 250 °C, 200 °C, and 150 °C, respectively. According to the results, the maximum sensor response observed 0.10 %wt. for ammonia detection at 200 °C. The 0.10 %wt. C-HCP in SnO2 based sensor showed a response three times higher than that by pure SnO2 in ammonia detection. Finally, the repeatability of sensors to the ammonia was obtained suitable in 3 continuous cycle and the response and reduction times of sensors was measured

    First-principles DFT study of SO<sub>2</sub> and SO<sub>3</sub> adsorption on 2PANI: a model for polyaniline response

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    <p>Interaction of SO<i><sub>x</sub></i> (<i>x </i>= 2,3) molecules on active sites of dianiline (as a model for polyaniline, denoted here as 2PANI) was studied using density functional theory at the BLYP-D/6-31+G(d) level of theory. Natural population analysis was used to find out the charge distribution as well as the net transferred charge of SO<i><sub>x</sub></i> upon adsorption on 2PANI and the result has been compared with Mulliken charge analysis to evaluate the sensing ability of 2PANI. The computed density of states point to the remarkable orbital hybridization between SO<i><sub>x</sub></i> and 2PANI during the adsorption process. As a consequence, the results of UV–VIS confirm the sensing ability of 2PANI toward SO<sub>2</sub> and SO<sub>3</sub>. Based on our results, it can be found that at proper configuration the SO<sub>2</sub> and SO<sub>3</sub> molecules can be adsorbed on 2PANI with adsorption energies (<i>E</i><sub>ads</sub>) of −18.2 and −62.9 kJ/mol (BSSE), respectively.</p