611 research outputs found

    Theory and evidence on pricing by asymmetric oligopolies

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    We present an analysis of markets with many asymmetrically positioned retailers that compete for the business of both informed and uninformed customers for a homogenous good, such as software, music, book or a brand-name appliance. We show that two forms of asymmetry, one related to loyal segment sizes of retailers and one related to the positioning of firms, completely explain the observed price dispersion in such markets and the multitude of asymmetrical strategies adopted by retailers. The stochastic dominance of empirical mixed strategy measures is used to test the theory with data on 968 books from 10 online retailers

    MIMO decision feedback equalization from an H∞ perspective

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    We approach the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) decision feedback equalization (DFE) problem in digital communications from an H∞ estimation point of view. Using the standard (and simplifying) assumption that all previous decisions are correct, we obtain an explicit parameterization of all H∞ optimal DFEs. In particular, we show that, under the above assumption, minimum mean square error (MMSE) DFEs are H∞ optimal. The H∞ approach also suggests a method for dealing with errors in previous decisions

    WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT: SUPPORTING WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT IN SUKHBAATAR, MONGOLIA: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Women in Sukhbaatar Province, Mongolia To Understand The Need for and Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment

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    Kofi Annan, 7th Secretary General of the United Nations has said, “There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.” There is growing research focused on women’s empowerment in the world representing many different cultures, but that literature does not include Mongolia or much of East Asia. Furthermore, there are many successful women’s empowerment centers around the world, but few collections of those centers’ best practices. This research hopes to change that. This is the first women’s empowerment research focused on Mongolia using both qualitative and quantitative methods, combined with best practices from women’s empowerment centers around the world. This research seeks to understand how women’s empowerment is being done successfully, what needs and desires exist in Sukhbaatar province for women’s empowerment resources and how those resources might be provided through a center. This research builds upon the work that has been done in the field and attempts to fill in some of the gaps in the literature since these studies have never been done in Mongolia. The current study examined through interviews and surveys in the field the understanding, opinions and needs of women in Sukhbaatar, Mongolia. The results showed that the vast majority of women surveyed showed a strong desire to have more programs and resources women’s empowerment in the province and a center following the best practices outlined in the research could be very successful. This has important implications for the future of the women’s empowerment movement and the developing country of Mongolia

    Importance of Similarity Measure in Gene Expression Data-A Survey

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    The usage of data mining techniques in research fields of computational biology include gene finding, genome assembly , prediction of gene expression etc, are very promising because the large amount of data is involved in these research fields. These techniques aims that to disclose the unknown knowledge and relationships. Different data sources are available one such as DNA Micro Array is the technology which enables the researchers to investigate and address issues which are non traceable. DNA Micro Array experiments generates thousands of gene expression measurements and provide a simple way for collecting huge amounts of data in short time. Micro array data analysis allows identifying the most relevant genes for a target disease and group of genes with similar patterns under different experimental conditions.Clustering methods are widely used on gene expression data to categorize genes with similar expression profiles. The goal of clustering in micro array technology is to group genes or experiments into clusters according to a similarity measure. In this paper we introduce the concept of micro Array technology, clustering on gene expression data and survey on similarity measure. Finally we conclude this paper promising that similarity measure plays an important role on gene expression data while using one of the data mining techniques is clustering

    Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Economics Literature During 2011-2020

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    The study has been conducted 330 journal articles contributions with a total of 9527 citations contributed by 763 authors published in volume 78, no. 309 to volume 87, no. 348 of the source Journal,  Economica between 2011 to 2020. An analysis of the different forms of literature, subject-wise distribution, ranking of top 24 cited journals, and the application of Bradford’s law in Economics literature has been made. Results indicate that major forms of literature are journal 6173 (64.795%), followed by Books 2097 (22.011%) and Working Papers 569 (5.972%). Economica has published an average of 33 articles per volume. The average number of citations appeared at 238.175 citations in each issue. ‘American Economic Review’, published from the USA, tops the list with a tally of 481 (7.792%) citations, ‘Journal of Political Economy’ with 399 (6.464%) citations, published from USA and followed by ‘Economic Journal’ with 335 (5.427%) citations from the UK as the third position. Economics literature is not fit well Bradford’s Law. Leimkuhler model is also applied to verify Bradford’s law of scattering in the field of Economics.https://dorl.net/dor/ 20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.1.27.

    Author Productivity and the Application of Lotka\u27s Law in the Field of Horticulture

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    Citation study of 10,845 citations appended to 80 doctoral dissertations in the field of horticulture awarded by Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur and Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV), Cooch Bihar, West Bengal has been carried out to determine the authorship pattern and productivity to cited articles during 1991-2010. The study revealed that researchers are mainly used journal articles 8437 (77.796%). Generally Loka’s law describes the frequency of publications by authors in a given subject/ discipline. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the applicability of the Lotka’s law to the publications of horticulture scientists in BCKV and UBKV. A Kolmogorov-Smirnv (K-S) test has been conducted to find out as to what extent, the author productivity conforms to the Lotka’s law. But this test is applied for the fitness of Lotka’s law does not fit to the horticulture literature

    Mit mi Gerçek mi?: Türk Öğretmenler Arasında Nöromitlerin Yaygınlığı ve Yordayıcıları

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    Neuromyth is a concept used for misconceptions regarding the brain and its relation to learning. Identifying the prevalence of neuromyths is seen as the first step of dispelling them. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence and predictors of neuromyths among teachers in Turkey. The educational neuromyths survey, which contains 19 general brain knowledge statements and 21 neuromyth statements, was conducted on 730 primary and secondary school teachers during the 2020-2021 educational year's spring semester. The findings showed that the most prevalent myths among teachers were learning styles, multiple intelligences, and an enriched environment. Hemispheric dominance, Mozart effect, BrainGYM, critical periods, fatty acids, learning while sleep, 10 % myths were believed more than 50% of teachers. The predictor analyses revealed that gender, teaching experience, reading popular science publications did not significantly predict the number of endorsed myths. Significant predictors were general brain knowledge, reading peer-reviewed journals, and taking neuroscience education. At the end of the study, recommendations for further research and practice are presented.Nöromit (NöroEfsane), beyin ve öğrenme arasındaki yanlış anlamaları ifade eden bir kavramdır. Nöromitlerin yaygınlığını belirlemek, onları çürütmek için atılan ilk adım olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'deki öğretmenler arasındaki nöromitlerin yaygınlığını ve yordayıcılarını belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, 19 genel beyin bilgisi ve 21 nöromit ifadesi içeren eğitsel nöromitler anketi kullanılarak 2020-2021 eğitim-öğretim yılı bahar döneminde devlet okullarında çalışmakta olan 730 ilköğretim ve ortaokul öğretmeninden veri toplanmıştır. Bulgular, öğretmenler arasında en yaygın mitlerin öğrenme stilleri, çoklu zeka ve zenginleştirilmiş ortam olduğunu göstermiştir. Hemisferik hakimiyet (sağ beyin-sol beyin), Mozart etkisi, BrainGYM, kritik dönem, yağ asitleri, uykurken öğrenme, beynin %10’unu kullanma mitlerine ise öğretmenlerin %50'sinden fazlasının inanıldığı bulunmuştur. Regresyon analizi, cinsiyetin, mesleki deneyiminin, popüler bilim yayınlarını okumanın mitlere inanma sayısını anlamlı şekilde yordamadığını göstermiştir. Genel beyin bilgisi, hakemli dergileri okuma ve nörobilim eğitimi alma istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yordayıcılar olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışma sonunda gelecek araştırma ve uygulamalar için öneriler sunulmuştur