153 research outputs found

    A state/event-based model-checking approach for the analysis of abstract system properties.

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    AbstractWe present the UMC framework for the formal analysis of concurrent systems specified by collections of UML state machines. The formal model of a system is given by a doubly labelled transition system, and the logic used to specify its properties is the state-based and event-based logic UCTL. UMC is an on-the-fly analysis framework which allows the user to interactively explore a UML model, to visualize abstract behavioural slices of it and to perform local model checking of UCTL formulae. An automotive scenario from the service-oriented computing (SOC) domain is used as case study to illustrate our approach

    Specifying and Analysing SOC Applications with COWS

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    COWS is a recently defined process calculus for specifying and combining service-oriented applications, while modelling their dynamic behaviour. Since its introduction, a number of methods and tools have been devised to analyse COWS specifications, like e.g. a type system to check confidentiality properties, a logic and a model checker to express and check functional properties of services. In this paper, by means of a case study in the area of automotive systems, we demonstrate that COWS, with some mild linguistic additions, can model all the phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, orchestration, deployment, reconfiguration and execution. We also provide a flavour of the properties that can be analysed by using the tools mentioned above

    A Peer to Peer Protocol for Online Dispute Resolution over Storage Consumption

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    In bilateral accounting of resource consumption both the consumer and provider independently measure the amount of resources consumed by the consumer. The problem here is that potential disparities between the provider's and consumer's accountings, might lead to conflicts between the two parties that need to be resolved. We argue that with the proper mechanisms available, most of these conflicts can be solved online, as opposite to in court resolution; the design of such mechanisms is still a research topic; to help cover the gap, in this paper we propose a peer--to--peer protocol for online dispute resolution over storage consumption. The protocol is peer--to--peer and takes into consideration the possible causes (e.g, transmission delays, unsynchronized metric collectors, etc.) of the disparity between the provider's and consumer's accountings to make, if possible, the two results converge.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Family-Based Model Checking with mCRL2

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    \u3cp\u3eFamily-based model checking targets the simultaneous verfication of multiple system variants, a technique to handle feature-based variability that is intrinsic to software product lines (SPLs). We present an approach for family-based verification based on the feature μ-calculus μL\u3csub\u3ef\u3c/sub\u3e, which combines modalities with feature expressions. This logic is interpreted over featured transition systems, a well-accepted model of SPLs, which allows one to reason over the collective behavior of a number of variants (a family of products). Via an embedding into the modal μ-calculus with data, underpinned by the general-purpose mCRL2 toolset, off-the-shelf tool support for μLf becomes readily available. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach on an SPL benchmark model and show the runtime improvement that family-based model checking with mCRL2 offers with respect to model checking the benchmark product-by-product.\u3c/p\u3

    Reasoning About a Service-oriented Programming Paradigm

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    This paper is about a new way for programming distributed applications: the service-oriented one. It is a concept paper based upon our experience in developing a theory and a language for programming services. Both the theoretical formalization and the language interpreter showed us the evidence that a new programming paradigm exists. In this paper we illustrate the basic features it is characterized by

    Towards Activity Context using Software Sensors

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    Service-Oriented Computing delivers the promise of configuring and reconfiguring software systems to address user's needs in a dynamic way. Context-aware computing promises to capture the user's needs and hence the requirements they have on systems. The marriage of both can deliver ad-hoc software solutions relevant to the user in the most current fashion. However, here it is a key to gather information on the users' activity (that is what they are doing). Traditionally any context sensing was conducted with hardware sensors. However, software can also play the same role and in some situations will be more useful to sense the activity of the user. Furthermore they can make use of the fact that Service-oriented systems exchange information through standard protocols. In this paper we discuss our proposed approach to sense the activity of the user making use of software
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