340 research outputs found

    Do Daily Activities Impact Gas Tamponade - Retina Contact after Pars Plana Vitrectomy? A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study

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    Purpose:To calculate the retinal surface alternatively in contact with gas and aqueous because of fluid sloshing during daily activities such as ocular saccade, turning the head, standing up, and being a passenger of a braking car.Methods:Fluid dynamics of aqueous and gas tamponade was reproduced using computational methods using the OpenFOAM open-source library. The double-fluid dynamics was simulated by the volume of fluid method and setting the contact angle at the aqueous-gas-retina interface.Results:Sloshing increased the retinal surface in contact with aqueous by 13% to 16% regardless of fill rate and standing up determined the largest area of wet retina, followed by car braking, head rotation, and ocular saccade (P < 0.001). All activities except the ocular saccade determined a significant increase in the surface of retina in contact with the aqueous (P < 0.005). Car braking induced the highest shear stress (6.06 Pa); standing up determined the highest specific impulse and saccade the lowest.Conclusion:Daily activities instantaneously reduce the amount of retina consistently in contact with gas tamponade and increase shear stress giving aqueous a potential access to the subretinal space regardless of patients' compliance

    Retinal Architecture in ​\u3cem\u3eRGS9-\u3c/em\u3e and ​\u3cem\u3eR9AP\u3c/em\u3e-Associated Retinal Dysfunction (Bradyopsia)

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    Purpose To characterize photoreceptor structure and mosaic integrity in subjects with RGS9- and R9AP-associated retinal dysfunction (bradyopsia) and compare to previous observations in other cone dysfunction disorders such as oligocone trichromacy. Design Observational case series. Methods setting: Moorfields Eye Hospital (United Kingdom) and Medical College Wisconsin (USA). study population: Six eyes of 3 subjects with disease-causing variants in RGS9 or R9AP. main outcome measures: Detailed retinal imaging using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and confocal adaptive-optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. Results Cone density at 100 μm from foveal center ranged from 123 132 cones/mm2to 140 013 cones/mm2. Cone density ranged from 30 573 to 34 876 cones/mm2 by 600 μm from center and from 15 987 to 16,253 cones/mm2 by 1400 μm from center, in keeping with data from normal subjects. Adaptive-optics imaging identified a small, focal hyporeflective lesion at the foveal center in both eyes of the subject with RGS9-associated disease, corresponding to a discrete outer retinal defect also observed on spectral-domain optical coherence tomography; however, the photoreceptor mosaic remained intact at all other observed eccentricities. Conclusions Bradyopsia and oligocone trichromacy share common clinical symptoms and cannot be discerned on standard clinical findings alone. Adaptive-optics imaging previously demonstrated a sparse mosaic of normal wave-guiding cones remaining at the fovea, with no visible structure outside the central fovea in oligocone trichromacy. In contrast, the subjects presented in this study with molecularly confirmed bradyopsia had a relatively intact and structurally normal photoreceptor mosaic, allowing the distinction between these disorders based on the cellular phenotype and suggesting different pathomechanisms

    The multifocal pattern electroretinogram in chloroquine retinopathy

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    Purpose: Optimal screening for ocular toxicity caused by chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine is still controversial. With the multifocal pattern electroretinogram (mfPERG), a new electrophysiological technique has recently become available to detect early changes of ganglion cells. In this study this new technique is applied to a series of 10 patients seen consecutively receiving long-term chloroquine medication. Methods: In 10 patients receiving chloroquine medication, clinical examination, Amsler visual field testing and computerized color vision testing were performed. If toxicity was suspected, automated perimetry was carried out. In addition, in all patients conventional pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and mfPERG testing were performed. Results: On clinical examination 8 patients showed no chloroquine-associated maculopathy, while 2 patients did. Of these 2, only 1 reported abnormalities when viewing the Amsler chart, while automated perimetry showed typical, ring-like paracentral scotomas in both affected patients and color vision was significantly abnormal. In the normal patients, 4 of 8 had a mild color vision disturbance, which correlated to age-related macular changes. The amplitudes of the PERG and the central (approximately 10degrees) responses of the mfPERG were markedly reduced in chloroquine maculopathy, while the latencies were unchanged. The peripheral rings of mfPERG (ranging to 48degrees) were not affected by chloroquine toxicity. Both PERG and mfPERG were less affected by age-related macular changes. Conclusions: The reduction of PERG and central mfPERG responses in chloroquine maculopathy may help with the early detection of toxicity. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Autologous peripheral retinal pigment epithelium translocation in patients with subfoveal neovascular membranes

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    AIM: To evaluate the possibility of translocating autologous peripheral retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and enhance their adhesion to improve functional outcome after choroidal neovascular membrane extracti

    Functional characteristics of patients with retinal dystrophy that manifest abnormal parafoveal annuli of high density fundus autofluorescence; a review and update

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    Purpose To examine the presence and functional significance of annular fundus autofluorescence abnormalities in patients with different retinal dystrophies. Methods Eighty one patients were ascertained who had a parafoveal ring of high density on fundus autofluorescence imaging. Sixty two had had a clinical diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) or Usher syndrome with normal visual acuity. Others included a case of Leber congenital amaurosis and genetically confirmed cases of cone or cone-rod dystrophy (GUCA1A, RPGR, RIMS1), “cone dystrophy with supernormal rod ERG” (KCNV2) and X-linked retinoschisis (RS1). International-standard full-field and pattern electroretinography (ERG; PERG) were performed. Some patients with rod-cone or cone-rod dystrophy underwent multifocal ERG (mfERG) testing and photopic and scotopic fine matrix mapping (FMM). Results In patients with RP, the radius of the parafoveal ring of high density correlated with PERG P50 (R = 0.83, P < 0.0005, N = 62) and encircled areas of preserved photopic function. In the other patients, AF rings either resembled those seen in RP or encircled an area of central atrophy. Ring radius was inversely related to the PERG P50 component in 4 of 18 cases with a detectable response. FMM showed that arcs of high density were associated with a gradient of sensitivity change. Conclusions Parafoveal rings of high density autofluorescence are a non-specific manifestation of retinal dysfunction that can occur in different retinal dystrophies. Electrophysiology remains essential for accurate diagnosis. The high correlation of autofluorescence with PERG, mfERG and FMM demonstrates that AF abnormalities have functional significance and may help identify suitable patients and retinal areas amenable to future therapeutic intervention

    Blue cone monochromacy: causative mutations and associated phenotypes.

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    PurposeTo perform a phenotypic assessment of members of three British families with blue cone monochromatism (BCM), and to determine the underlying molecular genetic basis of disease.MethodsAffected members of three British families with BCM were examined clinically and underwent detailed electrophysiological and psychophysical testing. Blood samples were taken for DNA extraction. Molecular analysis involved the amplification of the coding regions of the long (L) and medium (M) wave cone opsin genes and the upstream locus control region (LCR) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gene products were directly sequenced and analyzed.ResultsIn all three families, genetic analysis identified that the underlying cause of BCM involved an unequal crossover within the opsin gene array, with an inactivating mutation. Family 1 had a single 5'-L-M-3' hybrid gene, with an inactivating Cys203Arg (C203R) mutation. Family 3 had an array composed of a C203R inactivated 5'-L-M-3' hybrid gene followed by a second inactive gene. Families 1 and 3 had typical clinical, electrophysiological, and psychophysical findings consistent with stationary BCM. A novel mutation was detected in Family 2 that had a single hybrid gene lacking exon 2. This family presented clinical and psychophysical evidence of a slowly progressive phenotype.ConclusionsTwo of the BCM-causing family genotypes identified in this study comprised different hybrid genes, each of which contained the commonly described C203R inactivating mutation. The genotype in the family with evidence of a slowly progressive phenotype represents a novel BCM mutation. The deleted exon 2 in this family is not predicted to result in a shift in the reading frame, therefore we hypothesize that an abnormal opsin protein product may accumulate and lead to cone cell loss over time. This is the first report of slow progression associated with this class of mutation in the L or M opsin genes in BCM

    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: a review of current practice in diagnosis and management.

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    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a common condition with an increasing incidence, related to the ageing demographics of many populations and the rising global prevalence of myopia, both well known risk factors. Previously untreatable, RRD now achieves primary surgical success rates of over 80%-90% with complex cases also amenable to treatment. The optimal management for RRD attracts much debate with the main options of pneumatic retinopexy, scleral buckling and vitrectomy all having their proponents based on surgeon experience and preference, case mix and equipment availability. The aim of this review is to provide an overview for the non-retina specialist that will aid and inform their understanding and discussions with patients. We review the incidence and pathogenesis of RRD, present a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment with special consideration to managing the fellow eye and summarise surgical success and visual recovery following different surgical options