14 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Data Acquisition Device Sebagai Sistem Akuisisi Data untuk Kendali Mobil Formula Student

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    Data Acquisition Device (DAQ) is an electronic component used in formula student vehicles. To optimize the performance of the formula student vehicle and its driver, it is necessary to analyze and monitor the data acquisition system. Parameters acquired on the car include the position of the brake pedal/throttole and wheel speed.DAQ system has 5 input channels namely 3 analog input pins and 2 digital input pins, and 3 output channels, which is the controller pin, fault pin, and brake light pin. The DAQ system in this research is designed and made using Teensy 3.6, a signal conditioning circuit consisting of an RC low pass filter, voltage follower, non-inverting amplifier, and logic level shifter. DAQ system uses CANBUS to read and process sensor data.             DAQ system can acquire data from the KTC Linear Motion Position sensor PZ-12-A-50P with an accuracy value of 99,91%; Hall-effect Rotary Position sensor RTY120LVNAX with an accuracy value of 99,94% for both the first and second sensors; and Proximity sensor LJ12A3-4-Z/BX with an accuracy value of 99,58% for the first sensor and 99,46% for the second sensor. DAQ is able to run controller signal processing, detect faults, and activate brake light signal according to FSAE rules

    The Digital Microscope and Its Image Processing Utility

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    Many institutions, including high schools, own a large number of analog or ordinary microscopes. These microscopes are used to observe small objects. Unfortunately, object observations on the ordinary microscope require precision and visual acuity of the user. This paper discusses the development of a high-resolution digital microscope from an analog microscope, including the image processing utility, which allows the digital microscope users to capture, store and process the digital images of the object being observed. The proposed microscope is constructed from hardware components that can be easily found in Indonesia. The image processing software is capable of performing brightness adjustment, contrast enhancement, histogram equalization, scaling and cropping. The proposed digital microscope has a maximum magnification of 1600x, and image resolution can be varied from 320x240 pixels up to 2592x1944 pixels. The microscope was tested with various objects with a variety of magnification, and image processing was carried out on the image of the object. The results showed that the digital microscope and its image processing system were capable of enhancing the observed object and other operations in accordance with the user need. The digital microscope has eliminated the need for direct observation by human eye as with the traditional microscope

    Penerapan Kawat Litz Pada Motor BLDC Untuk Peningkatan Gaya Dorong Per Daya

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    Copper loss can cause a decrease in performance in BLDC motors, so efforts will be made to reduce copper loss by using Litz wire. Additionally, there have been studies that simulate the performance of Litz wire, but they have not been directly applied, especially to propeller thrust. The objective of this research is to implement Litz wire in a BLDC motor and analyze its performance for an increase in propeller thrust per power. The BLDC motor is wound with single wire and Litz wire. The analysis conducted compares the resistance, copper loss, thrust force, and thrust-to-power ratio of the single wire and Litz wire with the same wire cross-sectional area. The BLDC motor is equipped with a propeller to measure the thrust force. The average resistance of the single wire is 0.43 Ohms, while the Litz wire is 0.38 Ohms. The copper loss of the Litz wire is 7% lower than a single wire. The Litz wire exhibits a 3% improvement in thrust force compared to the single wire in the testing. The thrust-to-power ratio of the Litz wire is also 3% better during the testing.

    Sistem Kontrol Torsi pada Motor DC

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    The use of a DC motor in the industrialized world is very important. Speed of DC motor and torque of DC motor greatly affects quality and quantity of product. Therefore, we need control system of a DC motor that can be set speed and torque. The number of industry players complained about damage to the DC motor because transported load torque of motor exceeds capabilities of torque of DC motor. Based on these problem, we should make torque control system in DC motor.Torque control system made by regulating armature current of DC motor separately excited with current field  constant condition. Torque control system consist of speed control and current control, namely control system two level. Output signal speed control system will be the current reference signal.Testing has been carried out with a maximum load of 3690 grams and a nominal current of 0.8 A or nominal torque of 0.323 Nm. The results shows the effective torque of motor is able to be set in the range of 0.182 Nm - 0,243 Nm. Expected to value effective of regulated torque is able to withstand infinite heavy loads without damaging the motor

    Klasifikasi Tingkat Kemurnian Bahan Bakar Minyak Berdasarkan Cepat Rambat Gelombang Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor

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    The need for fuel oil has increased along with the increase of population, the number of vehicles and industries. An increase in demand for fuel oil is used by some people to make a profit by selling mixed fuel oil at the same price as the price set by the government. The purpose of this study is to create a prototype device that can characterize the type of fuel oil and create a classification system to determine the level of fuel purity with 40 kHz ultrasonic waves based on the parameters of wave velocity using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm.This device works by using a 40 kHz ultrasonic wave that is connected to an ultrasonic transmitter. The propagated wave will be received by the ultrasonic receiver. The wave received by the receiver will be amplified and connected to the comparator circuit so that it can be processed by a microcontroller. Data obtained using this tool are wave travel time, wave velocity, density, and attenuation. The data used for classification systems using the KNN algorithm is wave velocity.Classification using the KNN algorithm can identify the level of fuel purity based on the parameters of the wave velocity obtained from ultrasonic wave gauges with an accuracy of 72.50%. Wave velocity which is measured using ultrasonic waves is directly proportional to the actual speed with the largest percentage of deviations that is 0.34%

    Pengukuran Jarak Lubang Pada Benda Padat Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik

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     The process of making solid object in general, not print with good so that holes can’t be seen directly visually. NDT (Non Destructive Testing) is a method for detecting holes and the quality of solid objects without damaging solid object one uses ultrasonic to detect holes a solid object which there are on internal solid object. This research aims to design an instrument for measuring distances holes of solid body using ultrasonic sensor and oscilloscope.The method used for the testing is the echo pulse which produce output of the wave amplitude shown oscilloscope. Function generator as input pulses 40 KHz to circuit amplifier then the transformator strengthened and continued to ultrasonic transmitter. Transmitter generated pulse to object and the pulse has reflection because it has holes an internal object. The reflection pulse is received by the receiver ultrasonic sensor and amplified by signal amplifier circuit, then the wave displayed on oscilloscope. The research showed that the smaller distance holes testing the wave amplitude obtained becomes larger and when the distance holes a solid object is longer the attenuation coefficient value the greater worth. The value of measurement error in using a tool value made author of 5 %

    Sistem Deteksi Bentuk Kecacatan Benda Padat Menggunakan Teknik Variasi Sudut Ultrasonik

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    Making solid material frequent problems of  internal defect. This research intends to make a system to detect the form of defect in solid materials using ultrasonic waves. Components that was used in the system is a generator function, an op-amp,  ultrasonic sensor, oscilloscope and cylindrical solid material The method that used is reflected method of ultrasonic. Ultrasonic waves emitted from the transmitter to a solid material and the receiver will read a results of the reflection that occurs due to differences in medium objects. Oscilloscope will read of ultrasonic. Recitation will be done to determine the form of any cylindrical solid object.The trial system by a unit transmitter emits ultrasonic waves on the side solid material. A solid body rotated every  multiple 20˚ of 0-180˚  to get an angle variations. The result obtained that  waves as 40 khz can detect the form of solid material defect. The form of defect in a solid material has  different wave pattern. Constant wave patterns with small amplitudo is a cylindrical material without defect, constant wave patterns with more much amplitudo is cylindrical material with cylindrical defect also and wave patterns whose amplitudo is different in any variation angle is cylindrical solid with cubicaly defect

    Purwarupa Sistem Kendali Suhu dengan Pengendali PID pada Sistem Pemanas dalam Proses Refluks/Distilasi

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    Abstrak Elemen suhu atau panas merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam dunia industri maupun dalam kegiatan riset atau penelitian. Salah satunya adalah teknik refluks yang sering digunakan baik di industri maupun riset pada laboratorium. Elemen suhu merupakan elemen yang paling penting dalam proses refluks maupun distilasi, sehingga sangatlah penting dilakukan pengendalian suhu tersebut. Pada pengendalian yang manual dan konvensional menyebabkan ketidak stabilan suhu dan dimungkinkan terjadi banyak kesalahan (error). Sehingga dampak yang lebih lanjut adalah kualitas produk hasil proses refluks maupun distilasi yang kurang baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini membuat perancangan sistem pengendalian suhu secara otomatis menggunakan kontroler elektronik dengan mode pengendalian sistem tertutup yang tidak hanya memberikan nilai setpoint saja tetapi juga dengan umpan balik sehingga dapat mengontrol atau mengendalikan sistem dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang bangun/purwarupa dari sistem pengendalian suhu (temperature) pada pemanas (heater) menggunakan kontrol PID  untuk proses refluks/distilasi sehingga terjadi kestabilan suhu yang terjaga dan mengurangi nilai kesalahan (error).Hasil dari penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa sistem pengendalian suhu dapat menggunakan kontrol PID dengan metode Ziegler-Nichols dengan mode osilasi teredam. Penalaan parameter kontrol didapat dari rumus empiris yang disarankan metode Ziegler-Nichols.   Kata kunci—suhu, kontrol PID, Ziegler-Nichols   Abstract  Temperature or heat element is one important element for the industry as well as in research activities. One is a refluxing technique that used both in industry or in research laboratories. Temperature element is the most important element in the process of distillation and reflux, so it is important to control the temperature. In the manual control and conventional causes temperature instability and possible numerous errors. Thus further impact the quality of the product of reflux and distillation processes that are less good. Therefore, this study makes design automatic temperature control system uses an electronic controller with closed system mode which not only provides the setpoint value, but also with the feedback so that they can control system properly. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype of the temperature control system using PID control on the heater for the reflux / distillation resulting temperature stability and reduces the value of the error.The results of the research is that the temperature control system can use PID control with Ziegler-Nichols method with damped oscillation mode. Tuning control parameters obtained from the empirical formula suggested Ziegler-Nichols method.   Keywords— temperature, PID control, Ziegler-Nichol

    Hybrid Power Method For Power Supply Of Public Service Computer

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    Public services require computer-based electricity supply. Not continuous electricity supply in some areas led to a power supply from an alternative power source becomes indispensable. One alternative power source is a solar cell. Solar cell is a sustainable source of electricity but power output is not constant depending on the sunlight. The power source is needed to anticipate the lack of power when the power generated by the solar cell is not enough.In this paper proposed a hybrid design that combines the power supply of electricity from the solar cell, the network provider of electricity, and batteries. This paper discusses methods of hybrid electric power from three sources. Hybrid power is usually done by PCC (Power Controlled Converter), which consists of a controlled power converter for each channel input, but in this study the method proposed hybrid power input specification in the form of a synchronization circuit PCC then replaced by a diode circuit.The design of hybrid power supply in this study resulted in the specification input from the solar cell with Vmp channels (maximum power voltage) 35VDC Voc (open circuit voltage) 43.78VDC, channels of electricity provider with the already converted with SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) to 35VDC, and channels of a battery with a minimum voltage of 21VDC maximum 27.6VDC. The test results showed that the implementation of the proposed hybrid method can perform a single capture or hybrid power, and can transfer power between the source retrieval without pause. Implementation of the proposed hybrid method has a 21VDC output voltage range - 43.78VDC and efficiency of 98.6% - 99.5%. Public services require computer-based electricity supply. Not continuous electricity supply in some areas led to a power supply from an alternative power source becomes indispensable. One alternative power source is a solar cell. Solar cell is a sustainable source of electricity but power output is not constant depending on the sunlight. The power source is needed to anticipate the lack of power when the power generated by the solar cell is not enough.In this paper proposed a hybrid design that combines the power supply of electricity from the solar cell, the network provider of electricity, and batteries. This paper discusses methods of hybrid electric power from three sources. Hybrid power is usually done by PCC (Power Controlled Converter), which consists of a controlled power converter for each channel input, but in this study the method proposed hybrid power input specification in the form of a synchronization circuit PCC then replaced by a diode circuit.The design of hybrid power supply in this study resulted in the specification input from the solar cell with Vmp channels (maximum power voltage) 35VDC Voc (open circuit voltage) 43.78VDC, channels of electricity provider with the already converted with SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) to 35VDC, and channels of a battery with a minimum voltage of 21VDC maximum 27.6VDC. The test results showed that the implementation of the proposed hybrid method can perform a single capture or hybrid power, and can transfer power between the source retrieval without pause. Implementation of the proposed hybrid method has a 21VDC output voltage range - 43.78VDC and efficiency of 98.6% - 99.5%