82 research outputs found

    Investigation of spectral band requirements for improving retrievals of phytoplankton functional types.

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    Studying phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) from space is possible due to recent advances in remote sensing. Though a variety of products are available, the limited number of wavelengths available compared to the number of model parameters needed to be retrieved is still a major problem in using ocean-color data for PFT retrievals. Here, we investigated which band placement could improve retrievals of three particular PFTs (diatoms, coccolithophores and cyanobacteria). In addition to analyzing dominant spectral features in the absorption spectra of the target PFTs, two previously-developed methods using measured spectra were applied to simulated data. Such a synthetic dataset allowed for significantly increasing the number of scenarios and enabled a full control over parameters causing spectral changes. We evaluated the chosen band placement by applying an adapted ocean reflectance inversion, as utilized in the generalized inherent optical properties (GIOP) retrieval. Results show that the optimal band settings depend on the method applied to determine the bands placement, as well as on the internal variability of the dataset investigated. Therefore, continuous hyperspectral instruments would be most beneficial for discriminating multiple PFTs, though a small improvement in spectral sampling and resolution does not significantly modify the results. Bands, which could be added to future instruments (e.g., Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) instrument on the upcoming Sentinel-3B,-3C,-3D, etc., and further satellites) in order to enhance PFT retrieval capabilities, were also determined

    Assessment of Polymer Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery over Coastal Waters

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    Spaceborne imaging spectroscopy, also called hyperspectral remote sensing, has shown huge potential to improve current water colour retrievals and, thereby, the monitoring of inland and coastal water ecosystems. However, the quality of water colour retrievals strongly depends on successful removal of the atmospheric/surface contributions to the radiance measured by satellite sensors. Atmospheric correction (AC) algorithms are specially designed to handle these effects, but are challenged by the hundreds of narrow spectral bands obtained by hyperspectral sensors. In this paper, we investigate the performance of Polymer AC for hyperspectral remote sensing over coastal waters. Polymer is, in nature, a hyperspectral algorithm that has been mostly applied to multispectral satellite data to date. Polymer was applied to data from the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO), validated against in situ multispectral (AERONET-OC) and hyperspectral radiometric measurements, and its performance was compared against that of the hyperspectral version of NASA’s standard AC algorithm, L2gen. The match-up analysis demonstrated very good performance of Polymer in the green spectral region. The mean absolute percentage difference across all the visible bands varied between 16% (green spectral region) and 66% (red spectral region). Compared with L2gen, Polymer remote sensing reflectances presented lower uncertainties, greater data coverage, and higher spectral similarity to in situ measurements. These results demonstrate the potential of Polymer to perform AC on hyperspectral satellite data over coastal waters, thus supporting its application in current and future hyperspectral satellite missions

    Global retrieval of phytoplankton functional types based on empirical orthogonal functions using CMEMS GlobColour merged products and further extension to OLCI data

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    This study presents an algorithm for globally retrieving chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentrations of phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) from multi-sensor merged ocean color (OC) products or Sentinel-3A (S3) Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) data from the GlobColour archive in the frame of the Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service (CMEMS). The retrieved PFTs include diatoms, haptophytes, dinoflagellates, green algae and prokaryotic phytoplankton. A previously proposed method to retrieve various phytoplankton pigments, based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOF), is investigated and adapted to retrieve Chl-a concentrations of multiple PFTs using extensive global data sets of in situ pigment measurements and matchups with satellite OC products. The performance of the EOF-based approach is assessed and cross-validated statistically. The retrieved PFTs are compared with those derived from diagnostic pigment analysis (DPA) based on in situ pigment measurements. Results show that the approach predicts well Chl-a concentrations of most of the mentioned PFTs. The performance of the approach is, however, less accurate for prokaryotes, possibly due to their general low variability and small concentration range resulting in a weak signal which is extracted from the reflectance data and corresponding EOF modes. As a demonstration of the approach utilization, the EOF-based fitted models based on satellite reflectance products at nine bands are applied to the monthly GlobColour merged products. Climatological characteristics of the PFTs are also evaluated based on ten years of merged products (2002−2012) through inter-comparisons with other existing satellite derived products on phytoplankton composition including phytoplankton size class (PSC), SynSenPFT, OC-PFT and PHYSAT. Inter-comparisons indicate that most PFTs retrieved by our study agree well with previous corresponding PFT/PSC products, except that prokaryotes show higher Chl-a concentration in low latitudes. PFT dominance derived from our products is in general well consistent with the PHYSAT product. A preliminary experiment of the retrieval algorithm using eleven OLCI bands is applied to monthly OLCI products, showing comparable PFT distributions with those from the merged products, though the matchup data for OLCI are limited both in number and coverage. This study is to ultimately deliver satellite global PFT products for long-term continuous observation, which will be updated timely with upcoming OC data, for a comprehensive understanding of the variability of phytoplankton composition structure at a global or regional scale

    Investigating the Arctic phytoplankton variability and diversity based on modeling and satellite retrievals

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    In our study we focus on improving our understanding of possible interactions between the open water and sea ice and the surface ocean biogeochemistry under the recently observed sea ice decline in the Arctic. In particular, the analysis of changes in phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) over 2002 to 2012 based on long-term time series of satellite retrievals and supported by a modeling study is presented. The phytoplankton dynamics as well as phytoplankton diversity in response to Arctic Amplification is simulated with the DARWIN biogeochemical model (Follows et al., 2007, Dutkiewicz et al., 2015) coupled to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm) with a configuration based on a cubed‐sphere grid (Menemenlis et al. 2008). The model results are complemented with information on phytoplankton compositions retrieved with PhytoDOAS (Bracher et al. 2009, Sadeghi et al. 2012) from available hyper-spectral optical satellite measurements (SCIAMACHY and OMI), which are synergistically combined via an optimal interpolation technique with multi-spectral optical satellite data (OC-CCI)

    Assessing bio-physical feedbacks in the shelf areas of Laptev Sea

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    In the context of climate change and of thawing permafrost in Siberia, the freshwater and organic material supplied by rivers to the Arctic Ocean, may increase heavily in the future. Here, we investigate the effect of the variability of optically active water constituents on the heat budget of the Laptev Sea surface waters. As a first step, we simulate the radiative heating with coupled atmosphere-ocean radiative transfer modelling (RTM). By using satellite remote sensing retrievals of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), Total Suspended Matter (TSM), Chlorophyll-a (Chla) and sea surface temperature data as input to the RTM simulations, we present the spatial distribution of potential radiative heating of Laptev Sea shelf areas. Additionally, an ocean biogeochemical model coupled to a general circulation model is used to simulate the dynamics of various constituents in response to Arctic Amplification and the feedback on surface heating and sea ice melting. Results suggest that high concentration of CDOM, TSM and Chla in Arctic waters increase the heating rate at the surface of the ocean and reduce the heat losses to the atmosphere during summer. The induced surface heating can result to higher ice melting rates with potential implications to upper ocean stratification and primary production