9 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan merupakan proses pendewasaaan dan pembentukan pribadi yang berlangsung sepanjang hayat, namun pandemi COVID-19 mengakibatkan keterbatasan dalam pendidikan yang diterima, dikarenakan pembatasan sekolah tatap muka untuk memutus mata rantai pandemi, berdasarkan hal tersebut untuk membantuk siswa mendapatkan Pendidikan terbaiknya, maka dilaksanakan pengabdian pendampingan pemanfaatan media belajar di era digital ke sekolah dasar. Hasil pelatihan ini didapat, siswa memiliki kemampuan untuk belajar secara daring dengan menggunakan aplikasi ruangguru, sehingga siswa dengan mudah memahami pelajaran dan dapat tidak tertinggal dalam hal pendidikannya.          &nbsp

    Analysis of the Effect of Work Stress and Non-Physical Work Environment on Teacher Performance

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    This study aims to determine the impact of work stress and non-material work environment on teachers' performance in Bandar Lampung High School. The population of this study is high school teachers in Bandar Lampung and a sample of 42 teachers was used. Data analysis techniques used included testing the validity and reliability of data instruments, techniques for data collection by observation and questionnaires, and data analysis techniques including tests for linearity, normality, multicollinearity, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study suggest that job stress and non-manual work environment have a positive impact on the performance of teachers at Bandar Lampung High School

    Kajian Tingkat Kinerja Pegawai

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      ABSTRACT Research to determine the level of employee performance was carried out at SMA N 1 Katibung and SMA N 1 Sragi, South Lampung Regency. The level of employee performance is proxied by a comparison of employee performance in this case teachers by age. The type of research used is quantitative with a comparative method. The researchers used a population of teachers from SMA N 1 Katibung and SMA N 1 Sragi as many as 78 teachers and a set sample of 34 honorary teachers. The sample is divided into teachers with an old age category of 18 honorary teachers and teachers in the young age category of 16 honorary teachers. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling techniques and independent t-Test data analysis. The result of this study is that there are differences in the performance of employees or teachers in the old age category and teachers with the young age category at SMA N 1 Katibung and SMA N 1 Sragi Lampung Selatan

    The Analysis Ofcommunication Relationship Toward Employees' Work Satisfaction at PT. Andall Hasa Prima of South Lampung

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    The problem in this research was the lack of horizontal and diagonal communication, some of them were less of frequency of communication among unit, therefore less of information among them. The satisfaction felt by employees in working can be seen by employees' attendance list. The problem in this research can be formulated was there any correlation between communication toward employees' work satisfaction of PT. Andall Hasa Prima of South Lampung. The research method used descriptive and inferential research method. The population was all employees of PT. Andall Hasa Prima of 51 people. The purpose of this research was to determine how big the communication relationship toward employees' work satisfaction of PT. Andall Hasa Prima of South Lampung. Based on statistic test obtained R square was 0,665 of coefficient correlation 0,815 x 0,815 = 0,665). R square can be called Coefficient determination, it meant 66,5% of work satisfaction can be explained by communication variable. While the rest can be explained by other factors which didn't observe in this research. The correlation regression was Y = 3,842 + 0,998X, it meant a = 3,842 and b = 0,998. At coefficient table was seen that t count of Communication (X) was 6,294 > t table 1,68, it meant that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted


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    Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan pengetahuan komputer  kepada santri pondok pesantren Al Hidayah sebagai sarana untuk meningkatakan sumber daya manusia di bidang teknologi informasi Dalam pelaksanaan pengabdianini diselesaikan dalam tiga tahapan kegiatan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan , pelaporan. Persiapan dilakukan dengan melakukan survey pendahuluan untuk mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan para Santri ponpes tersebut. Pelaksanaan Pelatihan, menggunakan metode ceramah yaitu dengan teknik presentasi, disertai dengan tanya jawab dan latihan yang dilakukan para peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di santri Pondok Pesantren Al Hidayah Pesawaran Lampung yang dihadiri sekitar kurang lebih 30santri. Pada tahap pelaporan dibuat setelah selesainya kegiatan pengabdian ini


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    The problem in this research was the lack of horizontal and diagonal communication, some of them were less of frequency of communication among unit, therefore less of information among them. The satisfaction felt by employees in working can be seen by employees’ attendance list. The problem in this research can be formulated was there any correlation between communication toward employees’ work satisfaction of PT. Andall Hasa Prima of South Lampung. The research method used descriptive and inferential research method. The population was all employees of PT. Andall Hasa Prima of 51 people. The purpose of this research was to determine how big the communication relationship toward employees’ work satisfaction of PT. Andall Hasa Prima of South Lampung. Based on statistic test obtained R square was 0,665 of coefficient correlation 0,815 x 0,815 = 0,665). R square can be called Coefficient determination, it meant 66,5% of work satisfaction can be explained by communication variable. While the rest can be explained by other factors which didn’t observe in this research. The correlation regression was Y = 3,842 + 0,998X, it meant a = 3,842 and b = 0,998. At coefficient table was seen that t count of Communication (X) was 6,294 t table 1,68, it meant that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted.Key Words : Communication Relationship, Work Satisfactio

    The Mapping of English Language Learning Problem (Pbl)for Private Higher Education Institutions in Bandar Lampung

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    This article discusses a mapping of problems of learning English encountered by students freshmen higher educations in Bandar Lampung. A set questionnaire which asked the learners' difficulties of learning English was distributed to 180 students from higher education institutions: IBI Darmajaya, Universitas Bandar Lampung, STKIP PGRI, DCC,UniversitasSaburai and UniversitasParamadinaMandiri.UniversitasTulangBawang. From 180 students recruited for the study, 165students responded to the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 40 item Likert-scale questions asking students difficulties in comprehending and utilizing elements of pronunciaton, grammar, vocabular, functions, discourse and strategic in learning English. The results show that students encountered difficulties in pronunciations, vocabulary, function and strategic elements of English learning. Students did not encounter difficulties in discourse elements. This might be due to the fact that students got intensive trainings on discourse during their high school learning experiences.One of the implications of the study is a design of English course for higher education institutions in Bandar Lampung based the mapping of the problems encountered

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Website untuk Pemasaran Produk UMKM Desa Ceringin Asri

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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Ceringin Asri melalui pelatihan pembuatan website untuk pemasaran produk. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan pengusaha UMKM dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk mempromosikan produk mereka melalui website. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan praktikum dan berbasis kerja kelompok. Hasil dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan bahwa pengusaha UMKM di Desa Ceringin Asri mampu memahami konsep dasar pembuatan website dan dapat memanfaatkan website sebagai sarana promosi produk. Selain itu, pengusaha UMKM juga mampu mengembangkan website mereka sendiri dengan menggunakan platform website wordpress yang tersedia secara gratis di internet. Diharapkan hasil dari pelatihan ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pengusaha UMKM di Desa Ceringin Asri dalam meningkatkan penjualan produk mereka melalui pemasaran digita

    Supply chain management ethics: Analyze the Business

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    Abstract- The purpose of this paper is to describe a conceptual framework of Supply Chain Management Ethics (SCM-ethics). In any organization and related business, it is very important to understand the need for business ethics and examine the moral and ethical values of the flow of business work. It can be said that business ethics is the pillar for every business and organization because whenever the industry for business is communicating with their clients, employees and related people. The ethics and the social image of the organization will be in the focus for all the, directly and indirectly, persons who are part of the organization or activities as well as passively contributing in the growth of organization. Government has already established law and regulations for every trade now it is is the duty of any business for an organization to follow these rules and guidelines to maintain the dignity and trust of all towards the business. There are many factors which are directly related to business ethics such as increasing product price employee salary commitment to other parties and fulfillment of orders. The business manager is the most important person who has the responsibility to maintain the ethical status of the business. Time by time the norms and meaning of business ethics our changing. The philosophy e of every business and its ethics determines the base purpose of company e and also so helpful to obtain and improve the aims of the business. Ethics can be defined as an indirect protocol for rules which govern the business decision on daily e for periodical basis. For this purpose, the basic key terms are finance, finance paradigm, business issues, Human resource Management trade unions common Management strategy, sales, and marketing, emerging issues, production, property, modern history of property rights, slaves as property e, nature versus social construct, intellectual property and many more