362 research outputs found

    Orientasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Sekolah Umum

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    : Islamic education faces many problems, among them are the religious value orientation and application approach. The religious value orientation is based on Islamic subject matters that cannot be separated from the aim of Islamic education. Its aim is to become a "perpect man", that reflects on the integration of individual and social values. Therefore, the religious value orientation in school must be revolved between the two sides, "Abdullah dimention" (individual religiosity) and "khalifah dimention" (social religiosity). To instill the value of Islamic education to children, it can be handle through the following approaches; traditional strategy, liberal, providing a good model (uswah), and value clarification. To implement these strategies, it must be adjusted to the child's development. Concerning with the strategy, the teacher should consider the urgency of Islam on the use of value clarification. With these strategies, the children will be able to choose, to make a dialogue, to make a consideration, and to determine the type of value to be applied. With this value, the children will have a strong commitment to deal with any change of life, especially in social change

    Pengaruh Preloading Terhadap Kuat Geser Undrain

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    Clay is kind of soil with fine grained that has low bearing capacity. Preloading cause change to water content and void ratio, result consolidation process. Consolidation on the clay cause big problem to the construction, that's why improvement characteristic of the clay is needed.The objective of this study is to know how much increasing undrain shear strength (Cu) to the clay consolidation degree as a part of effort to improvement the soil. In this experiment, Consolidation Test is preformed, the preloading to object test with consolidation degree at 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 70%, and 90%, and Unconfined Compression Test (UCT) as the last test on this experiment.The result of this study is a undrain shear strength equation (βˆ†Cu)= -2.10-10U5-2.108U4+7.10-8U3+1.10-5U2+0,0015U-0,0008 for Penggalaman's clay soil, as a reference to clay soil improvement

    Modifikasi Sistem Pertanaman Jagung dan Pengolahan Brangkasan untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani di Lahan Kering

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    Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditas tanaman pangan yang berpeluang sebagai sumber lapangan kerja dan pendapatan petani, sekaligus menopang program ketahanan pangan di perdesaan. Jagung dapat menjadi bahan pangan alternatif penghasil karbohidrat setelah padi, juga sebagai bahan baku industri makanan ringan maupun pakan ternak. Usaha tani jagung umumnya belum dikelola secara optimal sehingga produktivitasnya rendah. Modifikasi sistem pertanaman pada USAha tani jagung di lahan kering merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan sekaligus pendapatan petani melalui penganekaragaman produk yang dihasilkan pada satu siklus pertanaman, yaitu biji dan brangkasan. Hasil penelitian di beberapa lokasi menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi pertanaman melalui pengaturan jarak tanam dan panen brangkasan secara bertahap melalui penjarangan, yang disertai dengan pengolahan brangkasan menjadi pakan ternak sangat layak diusahakan dengan nilai B/C lebih dari 2 dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani 2-3 kali lipat dibanding cara konvensional. Di samping itu, cara ini juga dapat mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lahan dan menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi rumah tangga tani, bila pengelolaannya dilakukan secara terintegrasi dengan ternak sapi. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu model pengelolaan pertanian yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan antara tanaman jagung dan ternak sapi pada USAha tani di lahan kering

    Terobosan Hukum Kewarisan Islam: sebuah Langkah Mewujudkan Undang-undang Hukum Terapan Peradilan Agama Bidang Kewarisan

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    Reforms in Islamic law of inheritance in Indonesia emerged after judges of religious courts had used Compilation of Islamic Law an official legeal refrence. The Compilation consist of three books: marriage and divorce, inheritance and endowment. It aims to unify perceptions among religious court judges about religious court legal refrence so to avoid having disparities in handling legal cases due to arbitary sources, such as diverse classical work of fiqh written by Muslim jurists. The reform continues after the endorsement of Law No. 3/2006 that extends religious courts' comptence. Their domains now include alms-giving, charity and economics shari'a. Another legar reform deals with inheritance regarding umariyatain or gharrawain. The Compilation Chapter 178 [2] states that mother along with father will receive 1/3 0f the remaining estate after it has been allotted to widow/widower. The Bill of Law to be usedas subtantive source in religious courts revises this rule stating that mother will receive 1/6 of the estate if the deceased has sons/daughters. Another important issue is that daughter will block the position of the deceased's brothers/sisters. There is, however, no prescription about this new rule in the compilation or in other legal sources used in religious courts, but one example of this rule can be found in the Supereme Court's decision

    Manajemen Pemupukan Nitrogen pada Tanaman Jagung

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    Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas jagung ialahdengan pemupukan sesuai kebutuhan tanaman dan kondisi lahan.Umumnya lahan pengembangan jagung di Indonesia defisiensi haraN sehingga diperlukan tambahan N melalui pemupukan. Manajemenpemupukan N dilakukan dengan memadukan takaran, waktu dancara pemberian sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman dan kondisi lahan.Takaran pupuk N untuk tanaman jagung hibrida dengan peluanghasil 9–13 t/ha adalah 160–260 kg N/ha untuk tanah dengan kadarC-organik rendah, 133–233 kg N/ha untuk tanah dengan kandunganC-organik sedang, dan 105–205 kg N/ha untuk tanah dengan kadarC-organik tinggi. Pupuk diberikan secara bertahap, yaitu setengahatau sepertiga dari takaran rekomendasi pada awal tanam (< 10 HST)dan sisanya pada 31–52 HST dengan dibenamkan di dalam tanah.Penggunaan pupuk N perlu mempertimbangkan faktor pembatashara lainnya, terutama P dan K. Oleh karena itu, kecukupan dankeseimbangan pemupukan N, P, dan K sangat penting dalammeningkatkan efisiensi pupuk N. Apabila menggunakan pupuk Norganikatau rotasi tanaman jagung dengan kacang-kacangan,penentuan takaran pupuk N-anorganik perlu mempertimbangkanN dari pupuk organik atau rotasi tanaman. Pemupukan N dapatmenyebabkan pencemaran udara akibat penguapan NH3, N2O, danNO serta pencemaran air tanah akibat pencucian NO3. Untukmengurangi dampak negatif tersebut, diperlukan manajemenpemupukan N yang komprehensif dan pemberian insentif bagipetani yang menggunakan pupuk N-organik, melakukan rotasijagung dengan tanaman kacang-kacangan, atau tumpang sari jagungdengan kacang-kacangan

    Sistim Pengairan dan Pemupukan untuk Penanggulangan Keracunan Besi dan Perbaikan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi pada Tanah Ultisol Morowali Sulawesi Tengah

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    The Irrigation Systems and Fertilization for Preventing Iron Toxicity and Improving the Rice Growth on Ultisol in Morowali, Central Sulawesi. Newly opened lands for lowland rice are commonly less fertile complexed with iron toxicity and decreasing their productivity. The assessment was conducted to findout suitable irrigation system combined with NPK fertilizer in iron toxic condition, in order to improve the growth and yield of the lowland rice. The experiment was carried out in Une Pute Jaya Village Central Bungku District, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi, from September 2010 to Januari 2011. The land is acid Ultisol with iron toxicity symptoms. The experiment was designed as factorial randomized block design with two factors. The first factor consisted of tree levels of irrigation system and the second factor was four levels of NPK fertilizer combination. The results showed that site is low fertile soil with very high iron content. Submerged irrigation system beneficially influence and improve plant growth with grain yield up to 48.13 % higher than the yield obtained by the stagnant irrigation system at five cm water depth in the same fertilizer dosage (t3p1><t1p1). Moreover, submerged irrigation system could decrease iron uptake up to 82.06% and iron toxicity up to 91.06% compared to the stagnant irrigation system at five cm water depth. Reduction of fertilizer dosage up to 25% did not reduced the yield compared to the local recommended one

    Hubungan Teoritis Antara Berat Isi Kering Dan Kadar Air Untuk Menentukan Kepadatan Relatif

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    Soil stabilization can be done with a few way, by increasing soil density or compaction. Compactable soil can increase soil strength and bearing capacity to working payload.Laterite soils as embankment soil that stabilized with compacting method, influenced by water content, dry unit weight and compacting dissociation energy. To know theoretical connection between water contents, dry unit weight, degree of saturation and energy of compaction is done in laboratory with method Standard Proctor and Modified Proctor to know optimum water content zone at some Sr and determines minimum energy that needed to gets relative density of 90% ( RC 90%) so that economic compacting can be reached.From result of this research, it is gotten that optimum water content resided at Sr 75% and there is no compacting curve cuts Sr 100% ( ZAV).By using theoretical connection between dry unit weight , water content, Sr and compacting energy, it can determine the water content zone and minimum energy that needed to reachs relative density of 90% ( RC 90%)

    Kepercayaan dan Implementasi Peraturan Perundang-undangan Penyusunan dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah di Kabupaten Batang

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    This study examines empirically the impact of the antecendent factorson the use of regulation of the budget systems and managerial performance bylocal government. According to the work of motivational and expectations theory,theoretical framework is designed to enable an assessment of t the antecendent faktorson the use of regulation of the budget systems and managerial performance.The study is based on data collected from managers and employees involved inestablishing budget in each of subunit in local government, namely Batang. Inapart of the results support the hypotheses and demonstrate the consequencesof the antecendent factors power on use of regulation of the budget systems andmanagerial performance by local government.Key Words: Managerial Performance, Use of Regulation of the budget systems,Ease of Use, Usefulness, Anxieties, and Attitud

    Pengawasan terhadap Notaris dalam Kaitannya dengan Kepatuhan Menjalankan Jabatan

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    Pengawasan sebagai salah satu cara meningkatkan kepercayaan dan akuntabilitas Notaris dalam kaitannya dengan kepatuhan menjalankan jabat-annya. Pengawasan terhadap Notaris dilakukan oleh Majelis Pengawas Notaris agar Notaris dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya sesuai dengan koridor yang telah ditentukan dan patuh pada Kode Etik Notaris, agar terjamin perlindungan dan kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat. Majelis Pengawas Notaris berwenang melakukan pengawasan preventif, pengawasan kuratif dan pem-binaan. Ruang lingkup pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Notaris meliputi peng-awasan terhadap pelaksanaan tugas jabatan Notaris; menyelenggarakan sidang terhadap adanya dugaan pelanggaran Kode Etik Notaris dan pengawasan ter-hadap perilaku Notaris
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