11,683 research outputs found

    The effect of parallel static and microwave electric fields on excited hydrogen atoms

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    Motivated by recent experiments we analyse the classical dynamics of a hydrogen atom in parallel static and microwave electric fields. Using an appropriate representation and averaging approximations we show that resonant ionisation is controlled by a separatrix, and provide necessary conditions for a dynamical resonance to affect the ionisation probability. The position of the dynamical resonance is computed using a high-order perturbation series, and estimate its radius of convergence. We show that the position of the dynamical resonance does not coincide precisely with the ionisation maxima, and that the field switch-on time can dramatically affect the ionisation signal which, for long switch times, reflects the shape of an incipient homoclinic. Similarly, the resonance ionisation time can reflect the time-scale of the separatrix motion, which is therefore longer than conventional static field Stark ionisation. We explain why these effects should be observed in the quantum dynamics. PACs: 32.80.Rm, 33.40.+f, 34.10.+x, 05.45.Ac, 05.45.MtComment: 47 pages, 20 figure

    The X-ray Spectral Properties and Variability of Luminous High-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We perform a detailed investigation of moderate-to-high quality X-ray spectra of ten of the most luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) known at z>4 (up to z~6.28). This study includes five new XMM observations and five archived X-ray observations (four by XMM and one by Chandra). We find that the X-ray power-law photon indices of our sample, composed of eight radio-quiet sources and two that are moderately radio loud, are not significantly different from those of lower redshift AGNs. The upper limits obtained on intrinsic neutral hydrogen column densities, N_H<~10^{22}-10^{23} cm^{-2}, indicate that these AGNs are not significantly absorbed. A joint fit performed on our eight radio-quiet sources, with a total of ~7000 photons, constrains the mean photon index of z>4 radio-quiet AGNs to Gamma=1.97^{+0.06}_{-0.04}, with no detectable intrinsic dispersion from source to source. We also obtain a strong constraint on the mean intrinsic column density, N_H<~3x10^{21} cm^{-2}, showing that optically selected radio-quiet AGNs at z>4 are, on average, not more absorbed than their lower-redshift counterparts. All this suggests that the X-ray production mechanism and the central environment in radio-quiet AGNs have not significantly evolved over cosmic time. The mean equivalent width of a putative neutral narrow Fe Ka line is constrained to be <~190 eV, and similarly we place constraints on the mean Compton reflection component (R<~1.2). None of the AGNs varied on short (~1 hr) timescales, but on longer timescales (months-to-years) strong variability is observed in four of the sources. In particular, the X-ray flux of the z=5.41 radio-quiet AGN SDSS 0231-0728 dropped by a factor of ~4 over a rest-frame period of 73 d. This is the most extreme X-ray variation observed in a luminous z>4 radio-quiet AGN.Comment: 10 pages (emulateapj), 5 figures. Accepted by Ap

    The connection between the 15 GHz radio and gamma-ray emission in blazars

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    Since mid-2007 we have carried out a dedicated long-term monitoring programme at 15 GHz using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 meter telescope. One of the main goals of this programme is to study the relation between the radio and gamma-ray emission in blazars and to use it as a tool to locate the site of high energy emission. Using this large sample of objects we are able to characterize the radio variability, and study the significance of correlations between the radio and gamma-ray bands. We find that the radio variability of many sources can be described using a simple power law power spectral density, and that when taking into account the red-noise characteristics of the light curves, cases with significant correlation are rare. We note that while significant correlations are found in few individual objects, radio variations are most often delayed with respect to the gamma-ray variations. This suggests that the gamma-ray emission originates upstream of the radio emission. Because strong flares in most known gamma-ray-loud blazars are infrequent, longer light curves are required to settle the issue of the strength of radio-gamma cross-correlations and establish confidently possible delays between the two. For this reason continuous multiwavelength monitoring over a longer time period is essential for statistical tests of jet emission models.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 313: "Extragalactic jets from every angle," Galapagos, Ecuador, 15-19 September 2014, F. Massaro, C. C. Cheung, E. Lopez, and A. Siemiginowska (Eds.), Cambridge University Pres

    A quasi-periodic oscillation in the blazar J1359+4011

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    The OVRO 40-m telescope has been monitoring the 15 GHz radio flux density of over 1200 blazars since 2008. The 15 GHz light curve of the flat spectrum radio quasar J1359+4011 shows a strong and persistent quasi-periodic oscillation. The time-scale of the oscillation varies between 120 and 150 days over a 4\sim4 year time span. We interpret this as the active galactic nucleus mass-scaled analog of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations from Galactic microquasars, or as evidence of modulation of the accretion flow by thermal instabilites in the "inner" accretion disc.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Numerics of boundary-domain integral and integro-differential equations for BVP with variable coefficient in 3D

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    This is the post-print version of the article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below - Copyright @ 2013 Springer-VerlagA numerical implementation of the direct boundary-domain integral and integro-differential equations, BDIDEs, for treatment of the Dirichlet problem for a scalar elliptic PDE with variable coefficient in a three-dimensional domain is discussed. The mesh-based discretisation of the BDIEs with tetrahedron domain elements in conjunction with collocation method leads to a system of linear algebraic equations (discretised BDIE). The involved fully populated matrices are approximated by means of the H-Matrix/adaptive cross approximation technique. Convergence of the method is investigated.This study is partially supported by the EPSRC grant EP/H020497/1:"Mathematical Analysis of Localised-Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Variable-Coefficients Boundary Value Problems"

    Computation of protein geometry and its applications: Packing and function prediction

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    This chapter discusses geometric models of biomolecules and geometric constructs, including the union of ball model, the weigthed Voronoi diagram, the weighted Delaunay triangulation, and the alpha shapes. These geometric constructs enable fast and analytical computaton of shapes of biomoleculres (including features such as voids and pockets) and metric properties (such as area and volume). The algorithms of Delaunay triangulation, computation of voids and pockets, as well volume/area computation are also described. In addition, applications in packing analysis of protein structures and protein function prediction are also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure

    Washington Legislation—1941

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    In undertaking to survey the work of the 1941 legislature the aim has not been to attain complete coverage. Space limitations and the time factor have dictated that only certain phases be considered and that brevity rather than complete analysis be the guide. In selecting topics for discussion the aim has been to give attention to those statutes which are likely to be of greatest concern to practicing lawyers. At the outset this meant that virtually all of the largest group of statutes, those dealing with the powers of governmental units, be eliminated. Of the remaining statutes all could not be discussed, or even mentioned, and while the selection has been arbitrary the attempt has been to focus upon those which appear to be of the most general interest. Special regard has been had for statutes affecting judicial procedure, to those of a regulatory character and to social legislation. Because of space and time limitations consideration of some material has necessarily been postponed until the next issue of the Review. Among the statutes which will be discussed in the later issue are those dealing with agriculture, banking, small loans, taxation, trusts, and workmen\u27s compensation. The survey has been a cooperative enterprise by the members of the law faculty of the University of Washington, with the valuable help of members of the student editorial board of the Review. In particular, Dean Falknor was assisted by Mr. Arthur Quigley. Mr. Robert Buck aided Professor O\u27Bryan. Professor Shattuck had the assistance of Mr. Herbert Droker, and Professor Sholley, of Mr. Snyder Jed King and Mr. Bayard Crutcher

    Washington Legislation—1941 (Continued)

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    The survey of selected important enactments of the Twenty-Seventh Legislature of the State of Washington, first installment of which appeared in the April issue of the REVww, is continued and concluded in this issue