10,942 research outputs found

    Non-cyclic Geometric Phase due to Spatial Evolution in a Neutron Interferometer

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    We present a split-beam neutron interferometric experiment to test the non-cyclic geometric phase tied to the spatial evolution of the system: the subjacent two-dimensional Hilbert space is spanned by the two possible paths in the interferometer and the evolution of the state is controlled by phase shifters and absorbers. A related experiment was reported previously by Hasegawa et al. [Phys. Rev. A 53, 2486 (1996)] to verify the cyclic spatial geometric phase. The interpretation of this experiment, namely to ascribe a geometric phase to this particular state evolution, has met severe criticism from Wagh [Phys. Rev. A 59, 1715 (1999)]. The extension to a non-cyclic evolution manifests the correctness of the interpretation of the previous experiment by means of an explicit calculation of the non-cyclic geometric phase in terms of paths on the Bloch-sphere.Comment: 4 pages, revtex

    Dynamics of the Tippe Top -- properties of numerical solutions versus the dynamical equations

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    We study the relationship between numerical solutions for inverting Tippe Top and the structure of the dynamical equations. The numerical solutions confirm oscillatory behaviour of the inclination angle θ(t)\theta(t) for the symmetry axis of the Tippe Top. They also reveal further fine features of the dynamics of inverting solutions defining the time of inversion. These features are partially understood on the basis of the underlying dynamical equations

    Comparative survey of dynamic analyses of free-piston Stirling engines

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    Reported dynamics analyses for evaluating the steady-state response and stability of free-piston Stirling engine (FPSE) systems are compared. Various analytical approaches are discussed to provide guidance on their salient features. Recommendations are made in the recommendations remarks for an approach which captures most of the inherent properties of the engine. Such an approach has the potential for yielding results which will closely match practical FPSE-load systems

    Non-LTE spectral models for the gaseous debris-disk component of Ton 345

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    For a fraction of single white dwarfs with debris disks, an additional gaseous disk was discovered. Both dust and gas are thought to be created by the disruption of planetary bodies. The composition of the extrasolar planetary material can directly be analyzed in the gaseous disk component, and the disk dynamics might be accessible by investigating the temporal behavior of the Ca II infrared emission triplet, hallmark of the gas disk. We obtained new optical spectra for the first helium-dominated white dwarf for which a gas disk was discovered (Ton 345) and modeled the non-LTE spectra of viscous gas disks composed of carbon, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, and calcium with chemical abundances typical for solar system asteroids. Iron and its possible line-blanketing effects on the model structure and spectral energy distribution was still neglected. A set of models with different radii, effective temperatures, and surface densities as well as chondritic and bulk-Earth abundances was computed and compared with the observed line profiles of the Ca II infrared triplet. Our models suggest that the Ca II emission stems from a rather narrow gas ring with a radial extent of R=0.44-0.94 Rsol, a uniform surface density Sigma=0.3 g/cm2, and an effective temperature of Teff=6000 K. The often assumed chemical mixtures derived from photospheric abundances in polluted white dwarfs - similar to a chondritic or bulk-Earth composition - produce unobserved emission lines in the model and therefore have to be altered. We do not detect any line-profile variability on timescales of hours, but we confirm the long-term trend over the past decade for the red-blue asymmetry of the double-peaked lines.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Transformation toughened ceramics for the heavy duty diesel engine technology program

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    The objective of this program is to develop an advanced high temperature oxide structural ceramic for application to the heavy duty diesel engine. The approach is to employ transformation toughening by additions of ZrO.5HfO.5O2 solid solution to the oxide ceramics, mullite (2Al2O3S2SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3). The study is planned for three phases, each 12 months in duration. This report covers Phase 1. During this period, processing techniques were developed to incorporate the ZrO.5HfO.5O2 solid solution in the matrices while retaining the necessary metastable tetragonal phase. Modulus of rupture and of elasticity, coefficient of thermal expansion, fracture toughness by indent technique and thermal diffusivity of representative specimens were measured. In Phase 2, the process will be improved to provide higher mechanical strength and to define the techniques for scale up to component size. In Phase 3, full scale component prototypes will be fabri-]cated

    Asymmetric Line Profiles in Spectra of Gaseous Metal Disks Around Single White Dwarfs

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    Around several single DAZ and DBZ white dwarfs metal-rich disks have been observed, which are mostly believed to originate from disruption of smaller rocky planetesimals. In some cases the material does not (only) form a dusty but gaseous disk. In the case of SDSS J122859.93+104032.9 the double peaked infrared Ca II triplet at about 8500 angstrom, one of only two emission features of the spectra, exhibits a strong red/violet asymmetry. Assuming a composition similar to a chondrite-like asteroid, being the most prominent type in our own solar system, we calculated the spectrum and vertical structure of the disk using the Tuebingen NLTE accretion disk code "AcDc". Modified to simulate different non axis-symmetrical disk geometries, the first preliminary results are in good agreement with the observed asymmetric line profile.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, proceeding of the "17th European White Dwarf Workshop", Tuebingen, Germany, 201

    Reconsidering post-war narratives of involvement in Nazi violence

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    In this article, I will develop an approach to utilizing narrative interviews with individuals who witnessed, became complicit in, facilitated, or benefitted from National Socialist violence. Drawing on a collection of recent interviews by a documentary filmmaker, I will demonstrate the importance of the context of their co-production and their socio-political and cultural embeddedness. By analyzing them as cultural artefacts of a particular time and place, I will identify a rise in anxiety in approaching Germans and Austrians on the side of persecutors and the appropriation of the figure of the contemporary witness or Zeitzeuge as practice, performance, discursive strategy, and subject position
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