63 research outputs found


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    Das Handbuch ist eine periodische und mehrsprachige Online-Publikation. Die bisher veröffentlichten Bände wurden bereits über 8.500 Mal heruntergeladen. Für Leserinnen und Leser, die das haptische Leseerlebnis bevorzugen, ist die Publikation zudem im Printformat erhältlich. Zu ausgewählten Konzepten der Sprachkritik werden sukzessive enzyklopädische Artikel veröffentlicht, die ein sprachkritisches Schlüsselkonzept betreffen und die für die europäische Perspektive von kultureller Bedeutung sind. Das Ziel ist demnach, eine Konzeptgeschichte der europäischen Sprachkritik zu präsentieren. Zum einen liefert das Handbuch einen spezifischen Blick auf die jeweiligen Sprachkulturen. Zum anderen werden diese vergleichend in den Blick genommen.The handbook is a periodical and multilingual online publication. The volumes published to date have already been downloaded more than 8,500 times. For readers who prefer the tactile pleasures of reading, a print version is available. Encyclopaedic articles are published successively on selected topics that highlight key issues in language criticism and that are of cultural relevance for the European perspective. The handbook is aimed at presenting a conceptual history of European language criticism. The handbook not only provides insight into the specific language cultures, but also compares and contrasts them.Ce manuel est une publication en ligne périodique et polyglotte. Les tomes publiés jusqu’à maintenant ont déjà connu plus de 8500 téléchargements. Pour des lectrices et des lecteurs qui privilégieraient une lecture sur papier, la publication de ces tomes est également disponible dans un format imprimé. Sont publiés successivement sur des thèmes à propos de concepts particuliers de Sprachkritik des articles encyclopédiques qui traitent d’un concept clé de Sprachkritik et qui sont porteurs d’une grande signification culturelle dans la perspective européenne. L’objectif est de présenter une histoire conceptuelle de la Sprachkritik européenne. D’une part, ce manuel fournit un regard spécifique sur les cultures linguistiques concernées. D’autre part, ces concepts font l’objet d’une étude comparative.Il Manuale è una pubblicazione online periodica e plurilingue. I volumi finora pubblicati sono stati scaricati più di 8500 volte. Per i lettori, che preferiscono la lettura su carta, la pubblicazione è disponibi-le anche in formato cartaceo. In seguito verranno pubblicati ulteriori articoli enciclopedici su concetti legati alla Sprachkritik, nei quali si approfondisca un concetto chiave legato alla Sprachkritik stessa e che abbiano un’importanza culturale per la prospettiva europea. L’obiettivo è dunque quello di presentare una storia concettuale della Sprachkritik europea: da una parte il Manuale fornisce una visione specifi-ca alle rispettive culture linguistiche; dall’altra esse vengono considerate in chiave comparativa.Priručnik periodički izlazi u obliku višejezične internetske publikacije, a dosad objavljeni svesci preuzeti su s interneta više od 8500 puta. Za one čitateljice i čitatelje koji preferiraju taktilni doživljaj čitanja, publikacija je dostupna i u tiskanom obliku. Na odabrane jezičnokritičke teme postepeno se objavljuju enciklopedijski članci koji obrađuju ključne jezičnokritičke koncepte te su od kulturološkog značaja iz europske perspektive. Cilj je pritom prezentirati povijest koncepta jezične kritike u Europi, pa tako priručnik s jedne strane omogućava jedinstveni uvid u pojedinačne jezične kulture, dok s druge strane uzima u obzir i komparativnu perspektivu istih


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    Der vorliegende Band „Sprachinstitutionen und Sprachkritik“ weist eine unmittelbare Verbindung zu den ersten drei Bänden unserer Handbuchreihe und der Frage auf, wie sich das viel diskutierte und diskursiv konstituierte Konzept der sprachlichen Normierung und Standardisierung einer Nationalsprache im Vergleich der Sprachkulturen entwickelt hat und wie es sich aktuell wandelt. Diese Gesichtspunkte lassen aufschlussreiche Verbindungen zum ersten Handbuchband „Sprachnormierung und Sprachkritik“ erkennen, aber auch zum zweiten („Standardisierung und Sprachkritik“) und zum dritten Handbuchband („Sprachpurismus und Sprachkritik“).This present volume, "Language institutions and language criticism", is directly linked to the first three volumes of our Handbook series and to the question, within a comparison of linguistic cultures, as to the ways in which the much-discussed and discursively constituted concept of linguistic standardisation of a national language has developed, along with the ways in which it is currently changing. This perspective reveals enlightening links to the first volume of the Handbook, "Critique of language norms", along with both the second and third volumes ("Standardisation and language criticism" and "Linguistic purism und language criticism").Le volume suivant, intitulé « Institutions linguistiques et Sprachkritik » présente un lien immédiat avec les trois premiers volumes de notre manuel ainsi qu’avec la question de savoir comment le concept, constitué par le discours et beaucoup discuté, d’uniformisation linguistique et de standardisation d’une langue nationale s’est développé dans une comparaison des cultures linguistiques et comment ce concept change, à l’heure actuelle. Ces points de vue laissent apparaître des liens révélateurs avec le premier volume du manuel intitulé « Normalisation linguistique et Sprachkritik », mais aussi avec le deuxième volume (« Standardisation et Sprachkritik » ) et le troisième (« Purisme linguistique et Sprachkritik »).Il presente volume “Istituzioni linguistiche e Sprachkritik” si collega direttamente ai primi tre volumi della collana del nostro Manuale e alla domanda su come si sia sviluppato il concetto discusso e costruito discorsivamente delle norme linguistiche e della standardizzazione di una lingua nazionale nel confronto tra le diverse culture linguistiche e come questo sia cambiato nella situazione attuale. Questi punti di vista permettono di riconoscere collegamenti tra il primo volume del Manuale “Critica delle norme linguistiche e Sprachkritik”, il secondo “Standardizzazione e Sprachkritik” e il terzo “Purismo e Sprachkritik”.Ovaj svezak „Jezične institucije i jezična kritika“ usko je povezan s prethodnim trima svescima našeg priručnika te se nastavlja baviti pitanjem jezičnog normiranja i standardizacije nacionalnog jezika kao i njegovim razvojem i suvremenim stanjem u različitim jezičnim kulturama. Spomenuta pitanja jasno ukazuju na poveznice ovog dijela priručnika s prvim sveskom „Jezično normiranje i jezična kritika“, kao i s drugim („Standardizacija i jezična kritika“) i trećim („Jezični purizam i jezična kritika“) sveskom

    Loss of CD44dim expression from early progenitor cells marks T-cell lineage commitment in the human thymus

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    Human T-cell development is less well studied than its murine counterpart due to the lack of genetic tools and the difficulty of obtaining cells and tissues. Here, we report the transcriptional landscape of 11 immature, consecutive human T-cell developmental stages. The changes in gene expression of cultured stem cells on OP9-DL1 match those of ex vivo isolated murine and human thymocytes. These analyses led us to define evolutionary conserved gene signatures that represent pre- and post-αβ T-cell commitment stages. We found that loss of dim expression of CD44 marks human T-cell commitment in early CD7+CD5+CD45dim cells, before the acquisition of CD1a surface expression. The CD44-CD1a- post-committed thymocytes have initiated in frame T-cell receptor rearrangements that are accompanied by loss of capacity to differentiate toward myeloid, B- and NK-lineages, unlike uncommitted CD44dimCD1a- thymocytes. Therefore, loss of CD44 represents a previously unrecognized human thymocyte stage that defines the earliest committed T-cell population in the thymus

    Oligodendrocytes: biology and pathology

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    Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system (CNS). They are the end product of a cell lineage which has to undergo a complex and precisely timed program of proliferation, migration, differentiation, and myelination to finally produce the insulating sheath of axons. Due to this complex differentiation program, and due to their unique metabolism/physiology, oligodendrocytes count among the most vulnerable cells of the CNS. In this review, we first describe the different steps eventually culminating in the formation of mature oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths, as they were revealed by studies in rodents. We will then show differences and similarities of human oligodendrocyte development. Finally, we will lay out the different pathways leading to oligodendrocyte and myelin loss in human CNS diseases, and we will reveal the different principles leading to the restoration of myelin sheaths or to a failure to do so


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