1,161 research outputs found

    Light Gluino Constituents of Hadrons and a Global Analysis of Hadron Scattering Data

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    Light strongly interacting supersymmetric particles may be treated as partonic constituents of nucleons in high energy scattering processes. We construct parton distribution functions for protons in which a light gluino is included along with standard model quark, antiquark, and gluon constituents. A global analysis is performed of a large set of data from deep-inelastic lepton scattering, massive lepton pair and vector boson production, and hadron jet production at large values of transverse momentum. Constraints are obtained on the allowed range of gluino mass as a function of the value of the strong coupling strength alpha_s(M_Z) determined at the scale of the Z boson mass. We find that gluino masses as small as 10 GeV are admissible provided that alpha_s(M_Z) \ge 0.12. Current hadron scattering data are insensitive to the presence of gluinos heavier than ~ 100 - 150 GeV.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, RevTe

    Lifetime of quasiparticles in hot QED plasmas

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    The calculation of the lifetime of quasiparticles in a QED plasma at high temperature remains plagued with infrared divergences, even after one has taken into account the screening corrections. The physical processes responsible for these divergences are the collisions involving the exchange of very soft, unscreened, magnetic photons, whose contribution is enhanced by the thermal Bose-Einstein occupation factor. The self energy diagrams which diverge in perturbation theory contain no internal fermion loops, but an arbitrary number of internal magnetostatic photon lines. By generalizing the Bloch-Nordsieck model at finite temperature, we can resum all the singular contributions of such diagrams, and obtain the correct long time behaviour of the retarded fermion propagator in the hot QED plasma: SR(t)∌exp⁥{−αT t lnâĄÏ‰pt}S_R(t)\sim \exp\{-\alpha T \, t\, \ln\omega_pt\}, where ωp=eT/3\omega_p=eT/3 is the plasma frequency and α=e2/4π\alpha=e^2/4\pi.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Single-top-squark production via R-parity-violating supersymmetric couplings in hadron collisions

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    Single-top-squark production via q q' -> \bar{\tilde{t_1}} probes R-parity-violating extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model though the \lambda''_{3ij} couplings. For masses in the range 180-325 GeV, and \lambda''_{3ij} > 0.02-0.06, we show that discovery of the top squark is possible with 2 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity at run II of the Fermilab Tevatron. The bound on \lambda''_{3ij}$ can be reduced by up to an order of magnitude with existing data from run I, and by two orders of magnitude at run II if the top squark is not found.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., minor changes, 4 pages, RevTeX, 5 eps fig

    Dilepton-tagged jets in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions: A case study

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    We study the A+B -> l+ l- + jet +X process in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies. The dilepton as well as the jet will pass through the matter produced in such collisions. The recoiling dilepton will carry information about the kinematical features of the jet, and will thus prove to be a very effective tool in isolating in-medium effects such as energy-loss and fragmentation function modifications. We estimate the contributions due to correlated charm and bottom decay and we identify a window where they are small as compared to pairs from the NLO Drell-Yan process.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures Two figures modified, references adde

    Galaxy Zoo: Are Bars Responsible for the Feeding of Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.2 < z < 1.0?

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    We present a new study investigating whether active galactic nuclei (AGN) beyond the local universe are preferentially fed via large-scale bars. Our investigation combines data from Chandra and Galaxy Zoo: Hubble (GZH) in the AEGIS, COSMOS, and GOODS-S surveys to create samples of face-on, disc galaxies at 0.2 < z < 1.0. We use a novel method to robustly compare a sample of 120 AGN host galaxies, defined to have 10^42 erg/s < L_X < 10^44 erg/s, with inactive control galaxies matched in stellar mass, rest-frame colour, size, Sersic index, and redshift. Using the GZH bar classifications of each sample, we demonstrate that AGN hosts show no statistically significant enhancement in bar fraction or average bar likelihood compared to closely-matched inactive galaxies. In detail, we find that the AGN bar fraction cannot be enhanced above the control bar fraction by more than a factor of two, at 99.7% confidence. We similarly find no significant difference in the AGN fraction among barred and non-barred galaxies. Thus we find no compelling evidence that large-scale bars directly fuel AGN at 0.2<z<1.0. This result, coupled with previous results at z=0, implies that moderate-luminosity AGN have not been preferentially fed by large-scale bars since z=1. Furthermore, given the low bar fractions at z>1, our findings suggest that large-scale bars have likely never directly been a dominant fueling mechanism for supermassive black hole growth.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted by MNRA

    Two dimensional Dirac fermions in the presence of long-range correlated disorder

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    We consider 2D Dirac fermions in the presence of three types of disorder: random scalar potential, random gauge potential and random mass with long-range correlations decaying as a power law. Using various methods such as the self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA), renormalization group (RG), the matrix Green function formalism and bosonisation we calculate the density of states and study the full counting statistics of fermionic transport at lower energy. The SCBA and RG show that the random correlated scalar potentials generate an algebraically small energy scale below which the density of states saturates to a constant value. For correlated random gauge potential, RG and bosonisation calculations provide consistent behavior of the density of states which diverges at zero energy in an integrable way. In the case of correlated random mass disorder the RG flow has a nontrivial infrared stable fixed point leading to a universal power-law behavior of the density of states and also to universal transport properties. In contrast to uncorrelated case the correlated scalar potential and random mass disorders give rise to deviation from the pseudodiffusive transport already to lowest order in disorder strength.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, revtex

    Lifetimes of quasiparticles and collective excitations in hot QED plasmas

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    The perturbative calculation of the lifetime of fermion excitations in a QED plasma at high temperature is plagued with infrared divergences which are not eliminated by the screening corrections. The physical processes responsible for these divergences are the collisions involving the exchange of longwavelength, quasistatic, magnetic photons, which are not screened by plasma effects. The leading divergences can be resummed in a non-perturbative treatement based on a generalization of the Bloch-Nordsieck model at finite temperature. The resulting expression of the fermion propagator is free of infrared problems, and exhibits a {\it non-exponential} damping at large times: SR(t)∌exp⁥{−αTtlnâĄÏ‰pt}S_R(t)\sim \exp\{-\alpha T t \ln\omega_pt\}, where ωp=eT/3\omega_p=eT/3 is the plasma frequency and α=e2/4π\alpha=e^2/4\pi.Comment: LaTex file, 57 pages, 11 eps figures include

    Direct probes of R-parity-violating supersymmetric couplings via single-top-squark production

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    We study the s-channel production of a single top squark in hadron collisions through an R-parity-violating mechanism, examining in detail the case in which the squark decays through an R-parity-conserving process into a bottom quark, a lepton, and missing energy. We show that the top squark can be discovered if its mass is less than 400 GeV, or that the current bound on the size of the R-parity-violating couplings can be reduced by up to one order of magnitude with existing data and by two orders of magnitude at the forthcoming run II of the Fermilab Tevatron.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. D; 32 pgs., 17 ps figs., uses RevTeX; 1 new fig., slight textual clarification

    Inclusive Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic Final States of e+e−e^+e^- Annihilation

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    We provide complete analytic expressions for the inclusive prompt photon production cross section in hadronic final states of e+e−e^+e^- annihilation reactions through one-loop order in quantum chromodynamics perturbation theory. Computed explicitly are direct photon production through first order in the electromagnetic strength αem\alpha_{em} and the quark-to-photon and gluon-to-photon fragmentation contributions through first order in the strong coupling αs\alpha_s. The full angular dependence of the cross sections is displayed, separated into transverse (1+cos⁥2Ξγ)(1 +\cos ^2\theta _\gamma) and longitudinal (sin⁥2Ξγ)(\sin ^2\theta_\gamma) components, where Ξγ\theta_\gamma specifies the direction of the photon with respect to the e+e−e^+e^- collision axis. We discuss extraction of fragmentation functions from e+e−e^+e^- data.Comment: 40 pages, RevTex, 30 figures in postscript available in a separate fil

    A model for malaria treatment evaluation in the presence of multiple species

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    Plasmodium (P.) falciparum and P. vivax are the two most common causes of malaria. While the majority of deaths and severe morbidity are due to P. falciparum, P. vivax poses a greater challenge to eliminating malaria outside of Africa due to its ability to form latent liver stage parasites (hypnozoites), which can cause relapsing episodes within an individual patient. In areas where P. falciparum and P. vivax are co-endemic, individuals can carry parasites of both species simultaneously. These mixed infections complicate dynamics in several ways; treatment of mixed infections will simultaneously affect both species, P. falciparum can mask the detection of P. vivax, and it has been hypothesised that clearing P. falciparum may trigger a relapse of dormant P. vivax. When mixed infections are treated for only blood-stage parasites, patients are at risk of relapse infections due to P. vivax hypnozoites. We present a stochastic mathematical model that captures interactions between P. falciparum and P. vivax, and incorporates both standard schizontocidal treatment (which targets blood-stage parasites) and radical treatment (which additionally targets liver-stage parasites). We apply this model to assess the implications of different treatment coverage of radical cure for mixed and P. vivax infections and a so-called "unified radical cure" treatment strategy for P. falciparum, P. vivax and mixed infections. We find that a unified radical cure strategy, with G6PD screening, leads to a substantially lower incidence of malaria cases and deaths overall. We perform a one-way sensitivity analysis to highlight important model parameters
