2,099 research outputs found

    Inventors and the Geographical Breadth of Knowledge Soillovers

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    This paper studies the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers. Previous research suggests that knowledge spillovers benefit from geographical proximity in technologically active and rich regions more than elsewhere. An alternative view explains the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers as a function of the characteristics and personal networks of the individuals. We test these two competing theories by using information provided directly by the inventors of 6,750 European patents (PatVal-EU survey). Our results confirm the importance of inventors’ personal background. However, compared to previous research, we find that the level of education of the inventors is key in shaping the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers. Highly educated inventors rely more on geographically wide research networks than their less educated peers. This holds after controlling for the mobility of the inventors and for the scientific nature of the research performed. Differently, location matters only in the very rare regions in Europe that perform the bulk of the research in the specific discipline of the inventors.

    Inventors and the Geographical Breadth of Knowledge Spillovers

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    This paper studies the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers. Previous research suggests that knowledge spillovers benefit from geographical proximity in technologically active and rich regions more than elsewhere. An alternative view explains the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers as a function of the characteristics and personal networks of the individuals. We test these two competing theories by using information provided directly by the inventors of 6,750 European patents (PatVal-EU survey). Our results confirm the importance of inventors' personal background. However, compared to previous research, we find that the level of education of the inventors is key in shaping the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers. Highly educated inventors rely more on geographically wide research networks than their less educated peers. This holds after controlling for the mobility of the inventors and for the scientific nature of the research performed. Differently, location matters only in the very rare regions in Europe that perform the bulk of the research in the specific discipline of the inventors.

    Inventors and the Geographical Breadth of Knowledge Spillovers

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    This paper studies the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers. Previous research suggests that knowledge spillovers benefit from geographical proximity in technologically active and rich regions more than elsewhere. An alternative view explains the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers as a function of the characteristics and personal networks of the individuals. We test these two competing theories by using information provided directly by the inventors of 6,750 European patents (PatVal-EU survey). Our results confirm the importance of inventors' personal background. However, compared to previous research, we find that the level of education of the inventors is key in shaping the geographical breadth of knowledge spillovers. Highly educated inventors rely more on geographically wide research networks than their less educated peers. This holds after controlling for the mobility of the inventors and for the scientific nature of the research performed. Differently, location matters only in the very rare regions in Europe that perform the bulk of the research in the specific discipline of the inventors.education/geography/inventors/knowledge spillovers/patents

    Characterization of craft beer through flavour component analysis by GC-MS and multivariate statistical tools

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    Beer is a rather popular drink and represents the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world.The present research aims at characterizing the flavour profile of lager pilsner, the category of low fermentation beers most common in Europe. The largest portion of the global market is dominated by a few multinational companies, but in the last years the number of independent craft breweries has increased very rapidly also in countries where there weren’t an established craft brewing tradition. According to the Italian Brewers Association, in Italy there are eight brewing companies which operate 14 industrial breweries, which in the years have standardized the product to increase their slice of market. The craft-beer sector represents a niche market, about 3% of total production (1% in 2011) [EU Report, 2016]. Italy has a relatively young craft brewing tradition, but the data together with the new ways of consumption, can be considered promising for the sector development. In 2016, the “craft beer” has been defined for the first time in Italy with DDL 1328-B (art.35). Legislation does not consider the quality of the raw materials, but only the manufacturing processes: the artisanal beer-making is a beer obtained without microfiltration and pasteurization steps, unlike industrial products. In this contest, the aim of the study was to characterize the beers (all lager style) purchased on the market through the analysis of the aromatic profile of samples produced under different processes (craft methods or industrial processes). In fact, in addition to smaller production scale and independent, the main characteristic of craft beer is to put the emphasis on flavour and brewing techniques. Flavour, consisting of a large number of volatile compounds, has a great influence on consumer acceptability and, when safety and nutritional value are guaranteed, sensory parameters become the discriminating factor in the product quality assessment which determines the differentiation on the market. The identification of specific compounds, which confer a particular aroma, suitable to be used as potential quality/process markers in order to discriminate beer samples according to their production method. A headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) was performed to evaluate the beer samples fingerprint. Multivariate statistical methods were then applied to the collected profiles to built model which could allow differentiating craft beers from all the others. Hence, the proposed method may represent an interesting tool to authenticate craft beer by verification of the compliance with their label description which, at the same time, can entail brand protection

    Technological Diversification and Strategic Alliances

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    This paper examines empirically the relationship between the internal technological profile and the diversification through strategic alliances of the largest 219 industrial firms world-wide. It explores three related issues. First, the paper shows that firms? internal technological diversification is more pronounced than external technological diversification. Second, it confirms the idea that technological diversification is more pronounced than product and market diversification. Finally, by means of multiple correlation analysis, this work studies the relationship between firms? economic performance, internal technological diversification and diversification through strategic alliances. The empirical investigation combines firm level data on US patents, strategic technological alliances, production and marketing alliances, and firms? economic performances.-

    The interplay of social interaction, individual characteristics and external influence in diffusion of innovation processes: An empirical test in medical settings

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    This paper explores mechanisms and drivers of social learning in adoption of uncertain innovations. To this purpose, we use an original dataset of about 900 hospital physicians, involved in prescribing a new drug. Then, we specify an ERG or p* model in order to verify the tendency to exploit different formal and informal relationships with colleagues, providing information or opinions on the new product. We moreover control for the effect of alternative sources of information, i.e. marketing pressure, and antecedents of innovation, i.e. heterogeneity in individual attitude toward new products, on the probability of sending ties

    Inflammatory pathways in the early steps of colorectal cancer development

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    Colorectal cancer is a major cause of cancer-related death in many countries. Colorectal carcinogenesis is a stepwise process which, from normal mucosa leads to malignancy. Many factors have been shown to influence this process, however, at present, several points remain obscure. In recent years some hypotheses have been considered on the mechanisms involved in cancer development, expecially in its early stages. Tissue injury resulting from infectious, mechanical, or chemical agents may elicit a chronic immune response resulting in cellular proliferation and regeneration. Chronic inflammation of the large bowel (as in inflammatory bowel diseases), has been associated with the subsequent development of colorectal cancer. In this review we examine the inflammatory pathways involved in the early steps of carcinogenesis, with particular emphasis on colorectal. Firstly, we describe cells and proteins recently suggested as central in the mechanism leading to tumor development. Macrophages and neutrophils are among the cells mostly involved in these processes and proteins, as cyclooxygenases and resolvins, are crucial in these inflammatory pathways. Indeed, the activation of these pathways establishes an oxidative and anaerobic microenvironment with DNA damage to epithelial cells, and shifting from an aerobic to an anaerobic metabolism. Many cellular mechanisms, such as proliferation, apoptosis, and autophagy are altered causing failure to control normal mucosa repair and renewal

    La partecipazione esterna al mercato interno: ripensare ai modelli di cooperazione economica in Europa con Stati che non intendono aderire al progetto europeo

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    L’uscita dall’Unione europea del Regno Unito ha costretto le Istituzioni europee a ripensare a strumenti e principi che informano la cooperazione economica con Stati confinanti che non intendono aderire al progetto europeo. L’adesione allo Spazio economico europeo, a cui partecipano L’Unione, i suoi Stati membri e gli Stati membri dell’EFTA (Islanda, Liechtenstein e Norvegia), ad eccezione della Svizzera, consentirebbe ad altri Stati europei ad economia avanzata una forma di partecipazione esterna al mercato interno. Tuttavia, il mercato interno sembra aver perso il suo fascino nell’ultimo decennio. Non solo il Regno Unito, una volta uscito dall’Unione, si è opposto a qualsiasi forma di partecipazione al mercato che limitasse la sua sovranità interna ed esterna, ma anche la Svizzera ha messo in discussione l’attuale intensa cooperazione economica con l’UE ponendo fine unilateralmente ai negoziati dell’accordo sul quadro istituzionale. Dopo otto anni di negoziati, il Consiglio federale svizzero si è rifiutato di firmare il trattato finale che avrebbe dovuto fornire una cornice giuridico istituzionale alla complessa relazione economica UE/Svizzera. Il presente lavoro si propone analizzare il modello dello Spazio economico europeo e le questioni giuridiche connesse alla partecipazione di uno Stato terzo al mercato interno per comprendere le ragioni che ne impediscono un’estensione ai due maggiori partner commerciali dell’Unione. L’analisi della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia e della Corte EFTA porta a concludere che il livello di integrazione raggiunto all’interno dell’Unione europea impedisca una partecipazione esterna al mercato interno senza le limitazioni di sovranità proprie dell’adesione

    Two-hour postload glycemia is associated to an increased risk of NAFLD in healthy subjects with family history of type 2 diabetes: a case control study

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which can be complicated by cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [1]. NAFLD affects over 30 % of the general population and is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity and metabolic syndrome. NAFLD prevalence in T2DM patients is about 70 % using ultrasonography (US). NAFLD and T2DM share insulinresistance, which in the liver increases gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, resulting in hyperglycemia. The pancreatic beta islet cells adapt to hyperglycemia by increasing insulin secretion. Hyperinsulinemia upregulates several lipogenic transcription factors, promoting hepatic lipid synthesis. The association between NAFLD and T2DM seems to be the result of a “common soil”. Several studies showed that NAFLD predicts T2DM and vice versa, and that each condition may act as a progression factor for the other. There is evidence of a high risk of NASH and its progression to hepatocellular carcinoma in T2DM patients [6]. Conversely, recent studies showed that NAFLD not only predicts diabetes, but also contributes to poor glycemic control and chronic complications [8]. Despite its clear link with T2DM, the association of NAFLD with family history of diabetes has been poorly investigated. A recent cross-sectional study in nondiabetic individuals with NAFLD demonstrated that family history of diabetes increased the risk of NASH and fibrosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of NAFLD in healthy first degree relatives of T2DM patients (T2DM-rel) and in healthy subjects without family history of T2DM and to assess the risk factors associated with NAFLD development
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